Author Topic: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets  (Read 14278 times)

Offline hfm

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #105 on: May 17, 2021, 06:22:51 PM »
Is there somewhere to go to read about the proposed detailed plan for this? I see this as a net negative for the entire neighborhood but I don't want to make any assumptions without seeing what the proposed plan is for how this is supposed to actually be operationalized.

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #106 on: May 17, 2021, 10:23:21 PM »
well the signs were up for nearly two decades.

the law still exists.

what incentive is there to enforce?

i agree with you. i think that every violator should be punished, and cars impounded if need be. but can we make it happen?

The practical but unlikely solution is to mandate that car horns are just as loud inside the car as they are outside. For the majority of people, that would curtail honking except for when absolutely necessary.

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #107 on: June 02, 2021, 09:12:52 PM »
I love living on the open street and the only noise I hear is from car radios in the cross streets. It's used constantly. I have video of 28 people using it within a minute's worth of time around 5pm and I'm happy to share it with pro-open street forces. Now I'll be sure to take more video at different times just to document it for the linear park forces.

People are selfish and resistant to change. While access for disabled people and emergency vehicles should be taken into account, cars shouldn't take precedence over people. (And I'm a car owner.)

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #108 on: June 03, 2021, 07:47:59 AM »
Is there somewhere to go to read about the proposed detailed plan for this?

Keep an eye on the CB3 calendar. The Dept of Transportation was supposed to present their plan for 34th Ave Open Street a week or so ago, but the meeting was canceled.

The Compromise group leaders have been misrepresenting a proposal from an advocacy group (TransAlt) to reduce street parking city-wide as a plan to eliminate all parking on 34th Avenue. So, that tells you something.

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #109 on: June 03, 2021, 11:36:45 AM »
 According to the DOT people, they consider one of their most successful change of use in streets is the area around Broadway and 23rd Street near Madison Park in Manhattan. And it has been TWEAKED MANY TIMES which they say is necessary to have a well functioning traffic pattern for walking, cycling, wheelchairs, buses, Ubers, Amazon and loads of personal vehicles.

  Why can't the same conversation happen here? I fear the all or nothing group that Open Streets must stay open 7 days, 12 hrs and for all 26 blocks are not being reasonable regarding the needs and desires of all parties in this community. No one wants to have this level of meanness going on here in Jackson Heights and a compromise conversation is desperately needed!!!!

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #110 on: June 04, 2021, 11:04:32 AM »
Why can't the same conversation happen here? I fear the all or nothing group that Open Streets must stay open 7 days, 12 hrs and for all 26 blocks are not being reasonable regarding the needs and desires of all parties in this community. No one wants to have this level of meanness going on here in Jackson Heights and a compromise conversation is desperately needed!!!!

The conversation is happening here. There have been many, many opportunities for people to share their concerns and hopes for the space with DoT. There have been visioning sessions, in-person meetings with residents along 34th Avenue, community board meetings, etc. DoT has said they are planning multi-lingual meetings as well. The groups that want to keep it 12 hours a day/7 days a week, as well as the groups calling for permanent design changes to the space that could potentially eliminate the need for barricades, are all advocating for their position. The group that is calling for a reduction in length and hours is hardly unheard. There is a conversation happening right now.

The redesign DoT is presenting isn't going to be the final design. Like you say, other spaces have had continual tweaks, and I don't know why anyone would assume 34th Ave OS would not also have continual tweaks until it reaches its final form, whatever and whenever that is.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #111 on: June 04, 2021, 12:37:55 PM »
Why can't the same conversation happen here? I fear the all or nothing group that Open Streets must stay open 7 days, 12 hrs and for all 26 blocks are not being reasonable regarding the needs and desires of all parties in this community. No one wants to have this level of meanness going on here in Jackson Heights and a compromise conversation is desperately needed!!!!

The conversation is happening here. There have been many, many opportunities for people to share their concerns and hopes for the space with DoT. There have been visioning sessions, in-person meetings with residents along 34th Avenue, community board meetings, etc. DoT has said they are planning multi-lingual meetings as well. The groups that want to keep it 12 hours a day/7 days a week, as well as the groups calling for permanent design changes to the space that could potentially eliminate the need for barricades, are all advocating for their position. The group that is calling for a reduction in length and hours is hardly unheard. There is a conversation happening right now.

The redesign DoT is presenting isn't going to be the final design. Like you say, other spaces have had continual tweaks, and I don't know why anyone would assume 34th Ave OS would not also have continual tweaks until it reaches its final form, whatever and whenever that is.

Yes, I agree. The conversation is happening here and in other places.

Are folks getting confused?  Because they are not getting their own way? Because there are many voices in opposition to how they think?

Offline itsit

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #112 on: June 04, 2021, 01:48:51 PM »
See quotes below from todays New York Times, and yes it is clear people are having a conversation but they are hesitating about the word compromise. And yet, that is clearly what is needed here on 34th Avenue with the street closures. Just like with the vaccine rollout, we should be mindful of who runs up to the mic to speak and who is hesitant and has real questions but is fearful of backlash. Read below as clearly, the politicians are walking a tightrope on this issue. JH is not a transit desert but many people and businesses and school have vehicle based needs here and do not feel they are being  given the same platform to speak freely without some snark or name calling. If it was so clearly a win for everyone why aren't any of the mayoral candidates saying so??

“People talk about streets in the context of the future of the city and what the city will look like,” said George Arzt, a political consultant and former press secretary to Mayor Edward I. Koch. “They want more parks and bike lanes. They want a better quality of life.”

Still, the issue becomes “a real migraine for candidates,” Mr. Arzt added, because the next mayor will have to strike a balance between the push for a more livable city and the daily demands of businesses, emergency services and New Yorkers who depend on cars to get around, especially in transit deserts outside Manhattan.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #113 on: June 04, 2021, 02:27:57 PM »
See quotes below from todays New York Times, and yes it is clear people are having a conversation but they are hesitating about the word compromise.

I don't even understand this point. The compromise group isn't hesitating about using the nebulous word compromise, while they simultaneously call for reduced hours and reduced length of OS, and also have a petition that is essentially a laundry list of complaints with no real solutions offered.

And yet, that is clearly what is needed here on 34th Avenue with the street closures.

That's an opinion, and not "clearly what is needed" given the widespread support for 34 OS. People have different opinions, and that's okay. That's why I'm glad the gadflys who expressed their hatred for OS online for months finally organized themselves to start giving their feedback to DoT.

Are folks getting confused?  Because they are not getting their own way? Because there are many voices in opposition to how they think?

Mostly I think this is accurate. There seems to be an idea held by a few that all the different camps should come together to hash out a compromise, rather than advocate for their POV with the actual decision makers.

Offline earbears

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #114 on: June 06, 2021, 05:15:14 PM »
Alfonso wants the residents to be heard!

Offline carrefour_ny

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #115 on: June 06, 2021, 05:41:12 PM »
Well said, CaptainFlannel!

Offline petegart

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #116 on: August 07, 2021, 03:09:49 PM »
I saw the barricades on Northern Blvd today (Saturday Aug 7th 2021)
It looks like the Annual Ecuadorian Day Parade will take place on Sunday, and I believe this means that 34th Ave will be open for traffic. 
I am anxious to see how this works out.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #117 on: August 10, 2021, 03:17:39 PM »
^good thread to include this on. It looks like the Compromise Group (and now the OS Resisters), lobbied the 115 to shut down OS because of the parade. Except of course, the problem is that the OS Program was passed and signed in to law by the City Council and the mayor, so therefore the police department can't just modify OS whenever it wants (save for example a true emergency situation such as a chemical spill), and seems like they were reminded of that requiring an abrupt about face on their announced street closure (opening?) of 34 OS.

My understanding is DoT runs the program and determines when to shut down Open Streets (like for plowing), and it looks like they aren't inclined to do so for parades.

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #118 on: August 13, 2021, 10:43:04 AM »
 I seems plausible that somehow, someday, a true analysis of use vs. desire will come to fruition here with the DOT. Looking through cameras, aerial and on ground and seeing the actual traffic patterns will reveal what is plausible with the excessive 8am- 8pm closure during the pandemic and the impact to the whole neighborhood.
 On a separate note- is it time to revisit our crappy sidewalks in JH? Some are horrendous and no wonder walking in the street is preferred for that aspect. Could be fixed maybe with infrastructure bill??

Offline ChickenringNYC

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #119 on: August 19, 2021, 08:14:31 PM »
I have a hard time believing people who say they actually live on the open street and don't find it a noisy nuisance. I live two avenues away and I'm against it because, contrary to whomever says the open street is about favoring peds and bikes, open streets robs us of a bike lane. The bike lane on 34th Street is completely non-functional if it's blocked by people, vehicles, dirt bikes, kids on tricycles, yoga sessions, etc. As vendors roll in and people start setting up lawn chairs on the median, it's becoming less and less of an urban oasis and more like a neighborhood blight. Do it on the weekends! Rest of the time, give us back the bike lane and let people actually maneuver around. I would hate to have spent my life savings to buy a quiet apartment on 34th Ave only to face this. Just one NYers opinion.