Author Topic: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets  (Read 14251 times)

Offline ClydeM

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #90 on: May 16, 2021, 08:44:35 PM »
My god, you are all absolutely hilarious. I don't fully understand how the fate of 34th Ave has become such a hot button topic when there are so many other issues that need to be dealt with, but here we are. In the mean time, the stack of drunks outside of the former Burger King on 82nd has grown from five to ten (great welcome to the neighborhood). I would gladly sign the petition if it included a plan to deal with larger issues that will have a much greater impact on the neighborhood.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #91 on: May 16, 2021, 09:27:24 PM »
To forward their agendas, folks are pretending that the situation is much worse for cars than it truly is.

But that approach isn't going to be successful.

Lies never do work out.

A recent election showed us that.

I did not mean to be abusive. I apologize if it was taken as such.

I am trying to think about this issue from both sides...and attempting to understand why it's so polarized.

Is it the polarized times we live in?

Offline jh35

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #92 on: May 16, 2021, 09:30:08 PM »
To forward their agendas, folks are pretending that the situation is much worse for cars than it truly is.

But that approach isn't going to be successful.

Lies never do work out.

A recent election showed us that.

I did not mean to be abusive. I apologize if it was taken as such.

I am trying to think about this issue from both sides...and attempting to understand why it's so polarized.

Is it the polarized times we live in?

No, it is the car noise.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #93 on: May 16, 2021, 09:54:17 PM »
To forward their agendas, folks are pretending that the situation is much worse for cars than it truly is.

But that approach isn't going to be successful.

Lies never do work out.

A recent election showed us that.

I did not mean to be abusive. I apologize if it was taken as such.

I am trying to think about this issue from both sides...and attempting to understand why it's so polarized.

Is it the polarized times we live in?

No, it is the car noise.

The car noise on streets other than 34th Ave I am assuming. During the day to 8pm?

Offline jh35

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #94 on: May 16, 2021, 10:00:34 PM »
To forward their agendas, folks are pretending that the situation is much worse for cars than it truly is.

But that approach isn't going to be successful.

Lies never do work out.

A recent election showed us that.

I did not mean to be abusive. I apologize if it was taken as such.

I am trying to think about this issue from both sides...and attempting to understand why it's so polarized.

Is it the polarized times we live in?

No, it is the car noise.

The car noise on streets other than 34th Ave I am assuming. During the day to 8pm?

Yes on 35th avenue

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #95 on: May 17, 2021, 08:28:37 AM »
Is it the noise of the traffic you are complaining about? I am assuming so.

Electric cars make no noise.

I suppose, in the future, technology, as we transition to electric cars, is the way for that problem to be solved.

Offline jh35

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #96 on: May 17, 2021, 08:56:08 AM »
Is it the noise of the traffic you are complaining about? I am assuming so.

Electric cars make no noise.

I suppose, in the future, technology, as we transition to electric cars, is the way for that problem to be solved.

Yes, and I hope they remove the horns. 

Offline hum@njukebox1

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #97 on: May 17, 2021, 09:01:54 AM »
The honking is the problem.  I doubt many people are bothered by the sound of a car driving by their building.  Most cars are very quiet today.  When riding my bike, I cannot hear a car coming from behind until it is right on top of me.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #98 on: May 17, 2021, 09:25:25 AM »
Ok, well at least it's clear, finally.

As a New Yorker, I have never driven a car, so I have no idea about them.
Driving a car in New York always struck me as an endless headache. Road tolls, stuck in traffic, no parking, moving them on certain days and times, etc, etc.  All leading to road rage.

It's the honking.

Honking can be banned and honkers fined, I assume.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 09:32:39 AM by abcdefghijk »

Offline jh35

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #99 on: May 17, 2021, 09:52:49 AM »
Ok, well at least it's clear, finally.

As a New Yorker, I have never driven a car, so I have no idea about them.
Driving a car in New York always struck me as an endless headache. Road tolls, stuck in traffic, no parking, moving them on certain days and times, etc, etc.  All leading to road rage.

It's the honking.

Honking can be banned and honkers fined, I assume.

Honking is against the law.  This neighborhood used to have no honking signs which said you could get a fine.  They were removed to “unclutter” the streets.

Offline dssjh

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #100 on: May 17, 2021, 10:04:29 AM »
the fine was (and may still be) $350. i'd be willing to bet the NYPD hasn't issued a single ticket for honking anywhere in Queens in 2021. too bad, that would be a great source of income.

edit to add: we had one of those signs on the light pole right outside our living room window. the honking was constant, even when a police car was parked at the corner.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #101 on: May 17, 2021, 10:09:40 AM »
First honk a warning - with a sigh
Second honk a fine -  you noisy guy
Third honk?? a droning - from the sky

am available for slam poetry and law writin'

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #102 on: May 17, 2021, 11:50:09 AM »
Well, if a $350 fine is imposed on honkers for a week, I would say that problem will be quickly eliminated.

And other drivers afflicted with Road Rage will hear about it. And stop their honking.

The press would certainly pick up that story.

Offline dssjh

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #103 on: May 17, 2021, 04:30:09 PM »
well the signs were up for nearly two decades.

the law still exists.

what incentive is there to enforce?

i agree with you. i think that every violator should be punished, and cars impounded if need be. but can we make it happen?

Offline pipman

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #104 on: May 17, 2021, 06:08:37 PM »
Yes, addressing the many other issues in the neighborhood vs. only focusing on the Open Street would be great.  As someone mentioned, there are now about 10 homeless in front of Burger King on 82nd Street, doesn't seem any of our leaders think that is an issue.  When I last passed by they were drunk, aggressive and it seemed like piss on the Street.  The honking and noise on surrounding Streets has become worse since 34th Avenue has been closed--the worse noise du jour IMO is from loud (and illegal) dirt bikes zooming by at all hours.  Does our precinct patrol or do anything about this?  I read in other areas they confiscate these illegal vehicles--all the people hating cars don't seem to have an issue with this. 

Passed by the Open Street today around noon, a beautiful day and looked up and down the Street and saw few people.  I am not opposed to an Open Street, perhaps weekends make the most sense, as well as folks who think a commercial street, such as 37th Avenue would make sense to help restaurants.  Also wondering when we get back to parades in the neighborhood --will they now be on 34th Avenue, or do we end up closing both 37th and 34th--definitely would pack up then, as 35th Avenue would be a horror.  Hope we can get to a compromise that makes quality of life better for all constituents.