Author Topic: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says  (Read 2129 times)

Offline jh35

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2021, 12:11:06 AM »
same study claims Little Marco is the most effective legislator out there. comedy gold.

Offline KGDHP

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2021, 07:44:27 AM »
“ Another said that for AOC, 'legislation was never her focus. It was media and narrative.”

Truer words have never been spoken. It’s not really comedy gold...the problem with AOC is that she is can be obnoxious and doesn’t seem to work well with her colleagues. If she doesn’t get more savvy to the system, then she’ll never be effective. Sadly, career politicians know how to play this game. With experience, she will learn too.

I’m just going to go ahead and say that personally, I am not a fan of AOC at all. She is all theatrics and drama all the time. I feel to my core that she loves the media attention more than she actually cares about the job or this community. :(

Offline lalochezia

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2021, 08:53:59 AM »
Another said that for AOC, 'legislation was never her focus. It was media and narrative.'

So an anonymous, un-attributable quote from the right wing of the democratic party. Gotcha.

 I'm sure all of the people in this thread and in voting populace, can name the "effective" congressmen according to the metric that this study used - how many pieces of legislation they sponsored, how they got it passed, what the bills did, RIGHT?

Congressmembers don't just sponsor legislation. They have a bully pulpit, and most are blatherers for the status quo or corporate interests.


Look, someone has to drag this country, kicking and screaming towards justice for the poor and fucked over, and try and get the US govt to use its waning power for good.

Someone has to try and bend government away from spending TRILLIONS, yes, TRILLIONS, of YOUR dollars every year
on pointless wars, locking up black and brown people and subsidizing industries that are destroying the planet for you and your kids.

 Every single interview I've seen with AOC has spoken truth in language people can understand. She takes no lobbyist cash, regularly advocates for real issues and real systemic change, and by force of will moved the conversation and priorities in the democratic party towards justice with amazing skill.

She has advocated for striking workers in the Bronx (her district),
e.g. she lead the charged to repeal the faircloth amendment, which allows much needed public housing to be built

She introduced the just society set of bills,
 versions of which have a much greater chance of being passed now the dems are in control of house, senate(barely) and the whitehouse.

She co-sponsored 78 pieces of legislation, - 14 of which have been passed into law.

She's relentless in congressional investigation, asking real questions to the powerful, not just scoring cheap rah-rah-America points for the camera.

She advocated for her people in her districts: striking workers in the bronx, taxicab drivers who have been screwed over by predatory loans. She signal-boosted local COVID mutual aid networks and the Homework Helpers program (which she partially helped organize), she helped set up multilingual outreach teams for the census.

When ted cruz fucked off to cancun, she helped raise $5m for people who had been impacted by the storm.

She has also been a fierce advocate for the marginalized on -  yes - twitter, and the media.

I could go on.....

She ALSO is the subject of the concerted efforts of the right-wing disinfo machine to destroy her.

Because she's left wing, and brown and a woman she's relentlessly demonized by fox, newsmax etc. If you have the misfortune to watch fox, there are stories about her every day as the boogie-woman, and are mostly straight up lies. These stories are amplified all over social media have a cost.

She has multiple, ongoing investigations about credible death threats to her.

She's the MOST talented and real young politician I've seen in the last two decades.

I support her wholeheartedly.

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2021, 09:15:42 AM »
Well said. 

Offline Reverse_Seared

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2021, 10:38:03 AM »
I see AOC advocating for marginalized people nationwide and in isolated cases in her district. But given her influence, I’d like to see AOC bring more benefits to the local community.

Biden is passing a $2.3T infrastructure bill, and AOC is among the ~4 most famous Democratic voices. Ergo, bring home the bacon, please!

AOC should draft and advocate for a set of infrastructure projects that will improve her constituents (read: our)  lives. Maybe that’s a Triboro subway line, an LGA Airtrain alternative, or new park space. But there’s finally some serious money in play, and, love her or hate her, she’s got the attention and influence.

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2021, 10:53:29 AM »
 Much of what has been stated here is true - but on both sides. She is a terrific voice for the poor and historically underserved. She does have the pulpit now. But she has also not canvassed us in the very local sense as to what might improve our neighborhoods on the macro scale. And in Florida, it is estimated that the socialist label caused a 50 pt reversal/loss of voters amongst Latin voters in a once democratic stronghold. So there is work to do and some think she walks on water and others feel disappointment. BUT if AOC is listening, please do walking, zooming and questioning tour soon and ask where some of the Build Back Better funds are most needed.
  Personally, I think we could get the JH community center here that we so desperately need and deserve with these $$$.

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2021, 09:28:44 AM »
If you ever read The Daily Mail, you would know it's one of the low-rent tabloids that seem to thrive in Britain. Big on celebrity gossip and trashing Megan and Harry. Absolutely not a reliable source of information on American politicians.

That said, there are legit views of many stripes on AOC. If she does not deliver for her core constituents, her career will not keep pace. I think she is too smart to let that happen. We'll see!

Offline jh35

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2021, 10:12:23 AM »
If you ever read The Daily Mail, you would know it's one of the low-rent tabloids that seem to thrive in Britain. Big on celebrity gossip and trashing Megan and Harry. Absolutely not a reliable source of information on American politicians.

That said, there are legit views of many stripes on AOC. If she does not deliver for her core constituents, her career will not keep pace. I think she is too smart to let that happen. We'll see!

In my opinion, she does not care about her local constituents. Remember the Target store and affordable housing on 82nd St. It was all set to go and then she came out against it and it was canceled.

Affordable housing is not affordable enough for her; obviously, in one of the most expensive cities in the world.

She has her hot button issues and she sticks with them. The people who voted for don’t matter.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2021, 10:26:22 AM »
My opinion is that Trump built her up in order to have a nemesis to shoot down.

Now that Trump has been muted, ironically, her power has also appeared to have waned.

Offline dssjh

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2021, 11:11:36 AM »
"She has her hot button issues and she sticks with them. The people who voted for don’t matter."

The people who voted for her did so because they agree with her on those hot button issues and they will continue to vote for her because she sticks with them.

Offline jh35

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2021, 01:22:08 PM »
My opinion is that Trump built her up in order to have a nemesis to shoot down.

Now that Trump has been muted, ironically, her power has also appeared to have waned.

Yes, I agree.

She also started her job with a total lack of experience, drew attention to herself in a job that works better if you keep your nose down (if your goal is to pass legislation), and antagonized people in both parties. Now she has her radical agenda, with the "in your face" titles (no subtlety there) with no hope of passage.

If she researched her job she could noticed other congressmen who started by being very vocal and never accomplished anything.

Offline dssjh

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2021, 08:24:26 PM »
In her first two years of elected service, Alexandria co-sponsored 78 pieces of legislation that passed the House of Representatives and 14 bills that were signed into law. Alexandria successfully shifted $5 million in funds to treatment for opioid addiction from the DEA, secured $10 million in funds to clean up toxic bombardment sites in Vieques, Puerto Rico, banned funds going to the transfer of lethal military equipment to Bolivia, and repealed the Faircloth Amendment in the House, which paves the way for the U.S. to build more public housing for the first time in decades.
As a result of committee hearings, Alexandria's lines of questioning have helped: pressure Big Pharma into bringing down the price of PrEP to prevent HIV transmission; expose TransDigm, a defense contractor, into returning $16.1 million in price-gouged profits to the public; pressure Facebook on fact-checking political advertising and expose Mark Zuckerberg’s dinner parties with radical right-wing figures; to get President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen to state on the record that President Trump was engaging in tax fraud and to name other potential witnesses; and overturned the unjust citizenship question on the Census.
At home in The Bronx and Queens, Alexandria and her congressional team helped over 1000 constituents with the VA, Social Security, immigration visas and other federal services, attended over 600 events in the district, and hosted 25 town halls. Alexandria was nominated for two Democracy Awards, the first time a Member of Congress was recognized in two categories, for Workplace Environment and Innovation & Modernization. She also called for the bailout for taxi cab drivers targeted in predatory lending schemes and tougher oversight of New York City taxi medallion lending.
When NY-14 became the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, Alexandria and Team AOC mobilized a full relief operation response that made 200,000 community check in calls, distributed 80,000 meals and 100,000 masks to teachers, small businesses, essential workers, and families in need, and raised $1.25 million for local organizations and charities doing COVID-19 relief. As the pandemic worsened, Alexandria introduced and passed the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Act, alongside Sen. Chuck Schumer, which will help families get up to $9K in funeral expenses who lost loved ones to the coronavirus. The campaign also hosted 8 training sessions to teach over 10,000 people how to unionize their workplaces, form mutual aid networks and childcare collectives, and more during the pandemic. In October, as COVID rates spiked again and NYC schools closed, Team AOC organized and launched a Homework Helpers program that has recruited over 11,000 tutors to offer 1-on-1 help for kids in remote learning. While the pandemic surged, Alexandria also led a multilingual outreach effort on the Census, which brought in over $58 million to NY-14.

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2021, 08:33:42 AM »
Fashions change quickly. Just as Orwell wrote in "1984".

Kamala Harris is the brand new bogeyman for the right. (Newsmax etc)

It's no longer AOC.

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2021, 07:36:41 PM »
Many thanks to lalochezia & Dssjh for listing some of the concrete accomplishments of AOC. 
She has the entire GOP quaking in their boots, and frankly I am happy she is there, even if she is simply a disrupter, but I believe she is much,much more than that.
I am finding that as I get older, I am becoming more and more lefty in my opinions. 
I want to wish her good health, and a long run as my representative.