Author Topic: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?  (Read 2203 times)

Offline itsit

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 The public forum by the DOT conducted last month said that they were holding a number of these meetings to determine what the thoughts and issues were on both sides. Was that a SHAM? Over 500 people signed on to that meeting with translators and the many commentators were told it was to gather information over several publicized events. People who had issues with traffic on Junction Blvd. received more compassion than those on 78th street, for example. It felt like just the beginning of a dialogue on many aspects. They sent out another community survey request just yesterday -

 Or is possible that Danny Dromm is speaking out of turn here? It's certainly odd that this would not have been publicized in a bigger way, if it were true. How could anyone believe they are truly interested in hearing both sides if a decision has, in fact, already been made? Maybe the "r" in the survey request is for redundant?

Offline carrefour_ny

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2021, 05:44:53 PM »
I understood that there is commitment to explore ways to make the arrangement permanent. That said, Danny's newsletter, like the latest DOT survey, emphasize that the details are being worked out, and that's where the community will have opportunity to offer feedback. Hence, the meeting in December, the survey, an upcoming meeting after the survey has closed, and other opportunities, mentioned in the DOT message. So, no, I don't agree it was a sham, and I do think these are valid opportunities to provide feedback.

Offline StevenGrey

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2021, 06:32:09 PM »
I was just sent an invitation today to respond to a survey regarding the proposed open street and it certainly seems like the DOT is not interested in hearing from anyone who has serious opposition to the changeover. Much like the loading zones that have suddenly been forced upon certain blocks in our neighborhood, the DOT seems to be acting with the full backing of the Mayor's office, and without having an overall master plan for finding a way for passenger cars, delivery trucks, bikes and pedestrians to share the roads safely and efficiently.

Offline itsjustme

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2021, 07:10:17 PM »
The DOT posted this link to the survey on Twitter:

This is the original Tweet:

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2021, 07:52:47 PM »
Or is possible that Danny Dromm is speaking out of turn here? It's certainly odd that this would not have been publicized in a bigger way, if it were true. How could anyone believe they are truly interested in hearing both sides if a decision has, in fact, already been made? Maybe the "r" in the survey request is for redundant?

I was surprised as well when I saw something in Dromm's newsletter about the change being permanent.  Then I Googled "Permanent 34th Ave Dromm" and found this article from October, which I guess I and a lot of people missed, perhaps due to most of our news feed being about Covid and the election. I, too, don't understand the after-the-fact surveying and community outreach they're doing now, when clearly the decision was made months ago without community input.

Open Street for 34th Ave. to be permanent

Offline passthekimchi

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2021, 09:14:54 PM »
I think it's been great for the neighborhood and thoroughly enjoy 34th being pedestrian. this sounds like great news

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2021, 09:29:26 PM »
I think it's been great for the neighborhood and thoroughly enjoy 34th being pedestrian. this sounds like great news

As you know I totally agree. And so does everyone I ever speak to concerning keeping 34th Ave open. They love it.

In my experience, it's only here on this forum that I have ever heard any opposition.

Offline JHHD

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2021, 09:30:43 PM »
Read the article. The headline is misleading.
It's not permanent, but the program has been extended indefinitely past the original Oct 31st end date.

Offline itsit

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2021, 11:19:23 AM »
 The dialogue was great, in my opinion, on the DOT zoom call last month. The first lay person speaking was very articulate about her support of the Open Streets conflicting with a real life need to be able to work online in her home while loud classes were happening on 34th ave outside her window. And there were others on both sides with legit issues which were not necessarily for or against the idea of Open Streets but questioning the strategy of the closures - if there is one - and how it changes after the pandemic.

 The concern here is not whether people are for or against or neutral but what is the status of the 34th Ave Open Streets situation right now. We have a local politician announcing to constituents in his newsletter the closure is permanent (and thanking Polly Trottenberg for her help) while at the same time, the DOT is saying they are still collecting information and the topic is still open for discussion, so NOT PERMANENT? These are contradictory points of view and someone is lying here and the question remains, who is not telling the truth, Danny Dromm or the DOT group?

Offline itsit

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2021, 08:29:50 AM »
 So, we are not going to wait till the pandemic is under control or till the DOT survey is compiled? I guess not. Are we rushing to please a certain constituency? Apparently, we are the poster child for the Open Streets program which has failed in every other community. No other area in NYC thought this was a wise, well thought out solution to wanting more space in their community by all parties. Not one.

 Let's see what is going to happen with school buses, sanitation trucks, deliveries and various others that formerly were heavy users of 34th Ave. Maybe the Magic School Bus franchise has a solution and can whisk them all skyward to their destinations? Need something mystical here as the bike and vehicular traffic was intense before the pandemic and is not likely to be much less when we get back to "normalcy." Big questions here long term with city planning.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2021, 09:02:11 AM »
These are contradictory points of view and someone is lying here and the question remains, who is not telling the truth, Danny Dromm or the DOT group?

You know how we've been talking in this country about the need to not demonize and hate the people we disagree with? One great way to do that would be acknowledge other possibilities. It's entirely possible that instead of someone engaging in an active and willful deception (the definition of a lie), someone could just be mistaken.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2021, 09:54:06 PM »
Apparently, we are the poster child for the Open Streets program which has failed in every other community. No other area in NYC thought this was a wise, well thought out solution to wanting more space in their community by all parties. Not one.

Times Square was closed to traffic permanently. 14th St was closed to car traffic permanently. Around Union Square is being planned to close to traffic permanently. Etc. The results are great.

Offline M7X7

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2021, 03:37:19 PM »
Let's see what is going to happen with school buses, sanitation trucks, deliveries and various others that formerly were heavy users of 34th Ave. Maybe the Magic School Bus franchise has a solution and can whisk them all skyward to their destinations? Need something mystical here as the bike and vehicular traffic was intense before the pandemic and is not likely to be much less when we get back to "normalcy." Big questions here long term with city planning.

The current non-mystical solutions seem to be working fine, and the community response has been overwhelmingly positive. Come visit and see! While "normalcy" might change things, I don't see any reason for great pessimism. Traffic is approaching pre-pandemic levels currently (and things like deliveries, sanitation etc. are of course no less), and the sky has not yet fallen. Give it a chance.

Offline itsit

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2021, 10:59:05 AM »
Let's see what is going to happen with school buses, sanitation trucks, deliveries and various others that formerly were heavy users of 34th Ave. Maybe the Magic School Bus franchise has a solution and can whisk them all skyward to their destinations? Need something mystical here as the bike and vehicular traffic was intense before the pandemic and is not likely to be much less when we get back to "normalcy." Big questions here long term with city planning.

The current non-mystical solutions seem to be working fine, and the community response has been overwhelmingly positive. Come visit and see! While "normalcy" might change things, I don't see any reason for great pessimism. Traffic is approaching pre-pandemic levels currently (and things like deliveries, sanitation etc. are of course no less), and the sky has not yet fallen. Give it a chance.
My point exactly! Give it a chance to morph and change. Observe during the pandemic, watch while spring and summer and vaccines arrive, and see if post-pandemic life moves the needle. Traffic has picked up considerably and if schools get back to somewhat of a normal schedule, there may be a need to reevaluate, even from people who love the 34th Ave Open Streets, to see if there is equity for the whole neighborhood in terms of getting around, to work, school and MTA busses, deliveries and safety. Give it a chance please, I couldn't agree more.

 Also, areas like 14th Street and Times Square in Manhattan being closed are not comparable to a much more residential area like Jackson Heights, except if we were to close 74th St or 37th Ave. And we have to see long term, if business can thrive in those situations. Not sure.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Is 34th Ave Open Streets "Permanent" as Danny Dromm's newsletter says?
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2021, 02:05:44 PM »
  No other area in NYC thought this was a wise, well thought out solution to wanting more space in their community by all parties. Not one.


Itsit is completely incorrect here. Blatant misinformation.

PRESS RELEASE from the Mayor.

Open Streets, which has allowed many city blocks to entirely close off to traffic to allow dining in the street, will also be made permanent, de Blasio said...


Please be aware that all other OPEN STREETS are being considered for permanency. In other neighborhoods. Not just 34th Ave in Jackson Heights.