Author Topic: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing  (Read 10526 times)

Offline jo3boxer

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2020, 08:14:28 PM »
you walk on 34th ave that has everything from reckless children to susceptible old people, but the ones who ask you to wear a mask are unreasonable?

Gee, it's like you didn't read (or comprehend) anything I wrote previously, or what you even quoted. Tell you what, go to 34th Avenue at 8 am and tell me how crowded it is (it isn't).

And yeah, yelling at someone across the street when there's no one on the block to put a mask on is unreasonable. You know what the rule is. If you think everyone should be adhering to another rule (the one you made up in your head and not mandated by the state), you should probably just not go outside.

i just think it's funny you need a rule to be responsible. i read and comprehended everything you wrote and i still think you should be wearing a mask. if you walk in a place that is public and designated for people to congregate (albeit moving, for the most part) you should have a mask on. if you don't you should have it at the ready for when someone passes you by or vice versa.

did you not expect me to extrapolate from your statement that you also walk without a mask when you do pass by people? or should i just assume that during this entire lock down, you've only gone down one block and on that one block, you got yelled at by someone going the opposite direction of you.


Offline Matt

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2020, 10:17:49 PM »
If someone is following the rules, then they are being responsible.

Perhaps it's the rules that you should take issue with, not the individuals following them. Get on the phone with your elected officials and demand stricter rules if you don't think they are enough.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2020, 10:53:37 PM »
This is what Cuomo had to say about mask wearing and social distancing:

"If you're going to be in public and you cannot maintain social distancing, then have a mask and put the mask on when you are not in socially distanced places," The Governor said Wednesday. "You're walking down the street, you're walking down the street alone? Great. You're now at an intersection and there are people in the intersection and you're going to be in proximity to other people? Put the mask on."

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2020, 05:31:45 AM »
i just think it's funny you need a rule to be responsible. i read and comprehended everything you wrote and i still think you should be wearing a mask. if you walk in a place that is public and designated for people to congregate (albeit moving, for the most part) you should have a mask on. if you don't you should have it at the ready for when someone passes you by or vice versa.

so when you you write were genuinely interested in someone's POV, what you really meant was "I want to hear from you so I can extrapolate from your statements something not at all said, and then act obnoxiously towards you on the internet." Got it!

did you not expect me to extrapolate from your statement that you also walk without a mask when you do pass by people? or should i just assume that during this entire lock down, you've only gone down one block and on that one block, you got yelled at by someone going the opposite direction of you.

I expected you to read the statements and understand that when someone states there's plenty of times it's not hard to maintain a lot of distance between people on 34th Avenue and elsewhere, they mean it's not hard to do. I think you should also know 34th Avenue isn't the only street in Jackson Heights, so when people talk about walking on blocks, you might want to try and and wrap your head around the idea that there are many, many, many blocks in Jackson Heights (and surrouding areas) that aren't heavily trafficked -- like most of East Elmhurst. In the future, rather than extrapolate what *you want to extrapolate* from someone's statements, you could try asking a question.

I get it. You're one of those people to whom mask wearing has become a cargo cult. There's nothing irresponsible about going outdoors and removing your mask when there aren't other people around. If you think and feel differently, since you can't control anyone's actions but your own and the guidelines from the governor are that you must wear a face covering outside only when you can't maintain a safe distance from other, I would suggest you just not go outside until you convince NY State to adopt your standard.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2020, 07:21:53 AM »
Along the walk we see it all, mask wearers, chin protectors, elbow protectors, hand accessories

if you don't you should have it at the ready for when someone passes you by or vice versa.

Also, I'm confused. If someone has their mask (or other face covering) pulled below their chin, or in their hand, are they not at the ready for putting on? It appears to me you're assuming that someone who explains to you why they aren't wearing a face covering at all times while outdoors and specifically on 34th Avenue - which they aren't required to do - doesn't have a face covering at the ready to put on.

Is that correct? If so, you might want to revisit the assumptions you're making. Masks pulled down under the chin can easily be pulled up. Ditto for bandannas and scarves. Some masks have neck tethers. I've modified some washable masks with yarn or string to create a neck tether. It's really helpful so you can remove your mask when others aren't around (and allow it to dry out since respiration through a mask makes it damp, making it less effective, which is what you don't want when you go out for a walk in an area where it's easy to avoid proximity with others, and will also come to a place where you want to put it on, like 37th Avenue or a stop at store to run an errand).

Offline N00b

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2020, 10:18:07 AM »
If someone is following the rules, then they are being responsible.

lol at this 3rd grade level understanding of civic responsibility.

Offline jo3boxer

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2020, 04:41:21 PM »
Also, I'm confused. If someone has their mask (or other face covering) pulled below their chin, or in their hand, are they not at the ready for putting on? It appears to me you're assuming that someone who explains to you why they aren't wearing a face covering at all times while outdoors and specifically on 34th Avenue - which they aren't required to do - doesn't have a face covering at the ready to put on.

if it wasn't clear from my initial post, that is exactly what i'm trying to figure out. i agree. having it on your chin is 'at the ready'

however - i see these people huff and puff and zoom past people, getting closer to them then 6ft - and they don't make an effort.

the mask is a token for these people. its like people were told to wear a mask, but need the explicit hand holding that tells them they also have to wear it to cover their nose and mouth.

why are you being so dense? i walk on 34th and unless alternate realities exist, we are seeing the same shit (unless you're walking only at 8AM, in which case, i'm not sure why you're arguing with me)

and as i said, i am no longer walking along 34th. stop making the suggestion as if it was revelatory. But that isn't because I don't enjoy the walk and the people watching associated. i'm annoyed at the inconsiderates who have ruined it for me and my family.

also i looked up your cargo cult phrase and i fail to see the superstition involved in wearing a mask. it's a good phrase, glad to have learned it. not sure why you think it applies to an assembly point where people are breathing heavily, sweating and not even making an effort to keep 6 ft apart.

Offline Liz

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2020, 08:14:35 AM »
Not surprised this has turned ugly although it was intended to be an open discussion initially from the way I read it.  Long before we were mandated to wear masks early in the recommendations, I was out one morning walking, no one else was out, I encountered a woman who was upset by my not wearing a mask even though we were about 12 feet apart.  I started wearing a mask all the time when I am out, because I don't want to be THAT person.  The one who makes anxious people more anxious.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2020, 08:21:16 AM »
if it wasn't clear from my initial post, that is exactly what i'm trying to figure out. i agree. having it on your chin is 'at the ready'...
however - i see these people huff and puff and zoom past people, getting closer to them then 6ft - and they don't make an effort....the mask is a token for these people. its like people were told to wear a mask, but need the explicit hand holding that tells them they also have to wear it to cover their nose and mouth

That wasn't what your initial post asked.

I'm wondering if anyone here who choses to walk along the 34th Ave 'path' decides it's important enough to bring outside, put on their head, but not wear across their mouth and nose....And if you are one of those people, why would you do so along a path you're guaranteed to be close to people on, especially when you're panting like a dog on a run or zooming past on a bike?

People, including myself, who don't always wear their mask on 34th Avenue explained to you why they do so, and then you began to talk past people and, I think, intentionally misunderstand people. I think you did this for express purpose of being obnoxious.

why are you being so dense? i walk on 34th and unless alternate realities exist, we are seeing the same shit (unless you're walking only at 8AM, in which case, i'm not sure why you're arguing with me)

I'm not being dense at all. I think you are intentionally misunderstanding. Remember, you don't have to agree with me about my choice of mask wearing to understand the reasoning. I don't need to convince you of the the rightness of my perspective in order for you to have gained insight in to why someone does what was your initial ask.

As I've previously explained, you absolutely can get on to 34th Avenue on various times of day and have no problem keeping your distance from others. Peak times less so, so I avoid 34th Avenue at that time and leave it for the families of kids learning to ride a bike,

Now, there are definitely people who get too close - including people wearing masks. I've had pairs of runners throughout the neighborhood come up from behind me, split to get around me and both stay within a foot or two of me. That annoys me (and I think it would be rude behavior outside of an epidemic), but I also think the risk of infection from such an encounter is so low as to be negligible -- if that was a common transmission route I think 100% of New Yorkers tested would have antibodies. I suspect those people have the same perception as I do.

My annoyance at that comes from the lack of consideration it shows to others who are fearful, not my fear of catching Covid-19.

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2020, 04:48:01 PM »
If someone is following the rules, then they are being responsible.

lol at this 3rd grade level understanding of civic responsibility.

This 100%.

Following the "rules" is not sufficient to be responsible. Sometimes following the "rules" is not even necessary to be responsible, if the rules are wrong or are being abused.

The death count for Jackson Heights is still increasing (now at least 237) and if there are actions we could take that reduce the chance of unnecessary suffering then we should be taking them. Like wearing masks all the time.

Offline passthekimchi

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2020, 05:05:52 PM »
Wear a mask properly, at all times, when outside. Full stop. Nothing to discuss or debate here. We have lost too many people in our community to this virus. The least you can do is properly wear a mask outside.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2020, 07:21:49 PM »
Wear a mask properly, at all times, when outside. Full stop. Nothing to discuss or debate here. We have lost too many people in our community to this virus. The least you can do is properly wear a mask outside.

I'm a pro-mask and pro science person. I relentlessly argue with mouthbreathing anti-science imbeciles everywhere, and the laxening of restrictions by the feds, states and groups will absolutely result in the needless death and suffering of tens of thousands more americans.

 I'm for erring on the side of caution, even if that means restriction of freedoms. I'm for strict rules because society has shown it isn't mature or self-controlled enough to protect public health with voluntary rules.......and the rights of people not to die or be sickened by a communicable disease  outweigh the rights of people to be inconvenienced, even severely.   

...... and YET what you say is madness.

When outside, wear a mask at all times?

If I'm by myself in the middle of a park with no-one in 100 yards? On an empty street at 6am? In my own garden? On A balcony? What benefit does this provide?

There has to be judgement here or we become the caricatures that imbeciles paint us as.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2020, 08:07:21 PM »
^^like I said, cargo cult.

Offline jo3boxer

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2020, 09:42:21 PM »
i think the phrase cargo cult is becoming your cargo cult.

no one said not to wear a mask when you're alone and away from others, and have control over that circumstance.

the bottom line is 34th street, unless you're out at 3PM, is an area designated for people to be out and walking.

you don't have control. you may think you do. you might think it's ok. i'm clearly not going to change your mind. I just don't understand why you think it's ok, considering it's been rammed down our throat that wearing the mask is not for our own safety but for the safety of others.

and it might not even be you who is a problem, but you clearly want it to be you. i have a problem with people like the family we encountered this morning, who were on the same side of 74th street as us, saw we were interested in getting away from them, and instead of feeling foolish for not wearing a mask, decided to try and talk to us. people are terrible, i don't know why you want to be one of them.

if this doesn't pertain to you, then stop responding to me. simple. we don't have to continue the back and forth. i assure you it's not just one person (you) on 34th ave that i'm having this issue with.

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2020, 10:43:02 PM »
It's simple. Stay home.
If you don't stay home, keep a safe distance away from anyone with whom you don't share living space.
If you have to come into close proximity with someone, cover your face.
Why is this so hard for people to follow?