Author Topic: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing  (Read 10541 times)

Offline jo3boxer

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Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« on: June 16, 2020, 07:47:28 AM »
I think we'll stop, but we've been using 34th Ave religiously every morning to get a walk in before starting our day.

Along the walk we see it all, mask wearers, chin protectors, elbow protectors, hand accessories

I'm wondering if anyone here who choses to walk along the 34th Ave 'path' decides it's important enough to bring outside, put on their head, but not wear across their mouth and nose.

And if you are one of those people, why would you do so along a path you're guaranteed to be close to people on, especially when you're panting like a dog on a run or zooming past on a bike?

I figure since this is the internet your identity is relatively protected, and im genuinely interested in your POV.


Offline KGDHP

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2020, 08:18:46 AM »
I think we'll stop, but we've been using 34th Ave religiously every morning to get a walk in before starting our day.

Along the walk we see it all, mask wearers, chin protectors, elbow protectors, hand accessories

I'm wondering if anyone here who choses to walk along the 34th Ave 'path' decides it's important enough to bring outside, put on their head, but not wear across their mouth and nose.

And if you are one of those people, why would you do so along a path you're guaranteed to be close to people on, especially when you're panting like a dog on a run or zooming past on a bike?

I figure since this is the internet your identity is relatively protected, and im genuinely interested in your POV.


So the mask wearing guideline reads as such:

A New York State mandate requires everyone to wear a face covering when outside their home if unable to maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others.

In the times that I typically use 34th avenue, I have no difficulty maintaining 6 feet of distance from people. I don't use it at peak hours...I go early in the morning and enjoy the fresh air.

Offline KGDHP

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2020, 08:29:17 AM »
I just wanted to add an addendum, before the mob comes at me accusing me of being a bad person, that I always wear a mask on 37th Ave, for example...maybe a rare exception would be if I'm strolling in the late evening and there literally is no one outside and I pull it down. And I always wear mask (and gloves) in stores.

I'm not foolish or irresponsible. But I do feel like 34th Ave is wide enough so I can responsibly avoid most people. If I'm running, for example, at a peak time...I will go up into east Elmhurst, where I'm guaranteed to see no one!

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2020, 06:05:21 PM »
In the times that I typically use 34th avenue, I have no difficulty maintaining 6 feet of distance from people.

Me too. Large chunks of the day it's not difficult to keep more than 6 ft between yourself and others on 34th Avenue. When it's rainy or threatening rain out, it's even easier. I use a bandana or masks with a neck tether, so it's easy to put on when needed.

Offline hum@njukebox1

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2020, 09:04:54 PM »
I feel I can maintain 6' of social distancing when riding a bike.  If I'm out and about on 37th and in and out of stores, I've got a mask on. 

Offline hfm

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2020, 11:00:08 PM »
The times I've been on 34th it was impossible to maintain distance, and it's not like 6 feet is a silver bullet. Sure it reduces your risk. But if you're wandering around with people that aren't wearing one or wearing it in a manner that renders it useless, it's just too much risk IMO.

Was everyone like NOT here for March and April being a living hell on first responders and hospital staff?

Offline hum@njukebox1

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2020, 06:23:32 AM »
As I understand it, the 6' of social distancing refers to people occupying the same space for at least a short period of time.......not when passing by for a few seconds.

I think this is where the confusion lies. 

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2020, 08:50:44 AM »
As I understand it, the 6' of social distancing refers to people occupying the same space for at least a short period of time.......not when passing by for a few seconds.

I think this is where the confusion lies.

I think the information and recommendations have been all over the place, depending on the date the info comes out, and depending on which expert you're listening to.

Recently in a Times article, it does say something along the lines of what you stated: Experts say that a person walking, jogging or cycling too close for a few seconds is not a big worry. But they recommend joggers wear a mask or some other form of face covering if they’re going to come close to other people. If someone sets up a picnic blanket within your six-foot perimeter and plans to stay a while, that’s a bigger concern. Try to avoid a confrontation. That only increases your risk of exposure. Such conflicts could spike as more people head outside.

It also says:
“The risk is lower outdoors, but it’s not zero,” said Shan Soe-Lin, a lecturer at the Yale Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. “And I think the risk is higher if you have two people who are stationary next to each other for a long time, like on a beach blanket, rather than people who are walking and passing each other.”

The article is at and was published May 15.

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2020, 12:04:41 PM »
Given that Jackson Heights was one of the worst hit neighborhoods for coronavirus in the entire world, with at least 236 deaths here so far, trying to justify not wearing masks seems stupid

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2020, 01:13:20 PM »
Given that Jackson Heights was one of the worst hit neighborhoods for coronavirus in the entire world, with at least 236 deaths here so far, trying to justify not wearing masks seems stupid

I agree and I hope the quotes I put above didn't make it sound like I think people shouldn't wear masks outside in relatively crowded spaces like 34th Ave in the afternoons and evenings. I read something that said if 80% of Americans wore masks that infections would plummet.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2020, 01:34:20 PM »
trying to justify not wearing masks seems stupid

someone asked why folks who walk on 34th Avenue without their masks on do so. No one has said they can't wait to go to whereever the Republican Convention ends up this summer with a full house and no mask wearing. Those of us who do it explain when and why we do.

Mask wearing has become a cargo cult to some. Most people are reasonable, but I've been on blocks with no one on my side of the street for the entire block and someone across the street yelled at me to put my mask on. It's weird.

Offline jo3boxer

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2020, 03:40:20 PM »
I think we'll stop, but we've been using 34th Ave religiously every morning to get a walk in before starting our day.

Along the walk we see it all, mask wearers, chin protectors, elbow protectors, hand accessories

I'm wondering if anyone here who choses to walk along the 34th Ave 'path' decides it's important enough to bring outside, put on their head, but not wear across their mouth and nose.

And if you are one of those people, why would you do so along a path you're guaranteed to be close to people on, especially when you're panting like a dog on a run or zooming past on a bike?

I figure since this is the internet your identity is relatively protected, and im genuinely interested in your POV.


So the mask wearing guideline reads as such:

A New York State mandate requires everyone to wear a face covering when outside their home if unable to maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others.

In the times that I typically use 34th avenue, I have no difficulty maintaining 6 feet of distance from people. I don't use it at peak hours...I go early in the morning and enjoy the fresh air.

I'll give you benefit of the doubt  then. However what we encounter often are runners, cyclists and walkers who are wearing masks around their neck, but not on the face, and then not respecting (regardless of whether its for a millisecond or however long) the 6ft rule. Coming unnecessarily close because they can't be bothered.

Regardless, I don't know why one would come to an area where there are guaranteed to be people, and decide they don't need the mask. if you do so on a quiet street past northern blvd, it's easy enough to avoid you. otherwise? there are so many people it makes it quite difficult.

Offline jo3boxer

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2020, 03:42:25 PM »
Given that Jackson Heights was one of the worst hit neighborhoods for coronavirus in the entire world, with at least 236 deaths here so far, trying to justify not wearing masks seems stupid


it's like someone said if you stay 6 ft away from a bomb, you'll be safe. instead of erring on the side of caution you figure 5 ft is probably fine if 6 is.

if someone told me id be safe from a bomb at 6 ft, i'd stay 12.

and that goes back to not walking along 34th any longer. the bombs are too close.

Offline jo3boxer

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2020, 03:44:38 PM »
trying to justify not wearing masks seems stupid

someone asked why folks who walk on 34th Avenue without their masks on do so. No one has said they can't wait to go to whereever the Republican Convention ends up this summer with a full house and no mask wearing. Those of us who do it explain when and why we do.

Mask wearing has become a cargo cult to some. Most people are reasonable, but I've been on blocks with no one on my side of the street for the entire block and someone across the street yelled at me to put my mask on. It's weird.

you walk on 34th ave that has everything from reckless children to susceptible old people, but the ones who ask you to wear a mask are unreasonable? do you have control over those around you? why not walk elsewhere?

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2020, 04:59:09 PM »
you walk on 34th ave that has everything from reckless children to susceptible old people, but the ones who ask you to wear a mask are unreasonable?

Gee, it's like you didn't read (or comprehend) anything I wrote previously, or what you even quoted. Tell you what, go to 34th Avenue at 8 am and tell me how crowded it is (it isn't).

And yeah, yelling at someone across the street when there's no one on the block to put a mask on is unreasonable. You know what the rule is. If you think everyone should be adhering to another rule (the one you made up in your head and not mandated by the state), you should probably just not go outside.