Author Topic: I don't seen ANYBODY actually social-distancing on sidewalks and in stores  (Read 2784 times)

Offline NYer1008

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Over the past few weeks, I have taken some walks, taken some bicycle rides and gone to the store occasionally. And I have yet to see a SINGLE person doing anything – stepping aside, pausing, moving over – to put 6ft between them and another person.

I have seen plenty of people just keep walking down the center of the sidewalk rather than walk close to the building line or the curb so they and another person could pass each other but still be “social distanced.”
I have seen people go right up to the corner when they have to wait for a green light to cross the street, even if there’s already a person standing there – or 2 or 5 or 8 other people.
I have seen people on lines inside and outside stores who were not even 2ft apart.
I have seen people go up to a grocery-store display or produce item or deli counter even if somebody else is there, rather than wait till the other person moves on.
I have seen people stand on a sidewalk where it would be impossible for anybody to pass them without being closer than 6ft, when they could stand a couple of feet over and it not be a problem.
And so on. These are just some examples.

Friends who live in the suburbs and other parts of the country have told me this is not the case where they are – that people are staying away from others when they’re out in public. When I’m out, I’m frequently crossing the street, walking on the street side of parked cars or standing at the head of an aisle until I can walk down it without being close to somebody. I haven't seen anybody else do this.

When you go out, do you just walk along or go through a store as you always have, regardless of who’s nearby or how many people are in an aisle or whatever? And if so, WHY?

If you see somebody coming from the other direction, can’t you step to the side to allow distance when you pass? When you exit a building, can’t you stand in the doorway for a few seconds until that person coming down the sidewalk is past the building? Instead of walking right up next to another shopper who wants to look at the same product as you, can’t you wait the few seconds it will probably take them to pick their item?

In all these cases, all you need to do to be properly social-distanced would be taking a couple of steps over or standing still for 5 or 10 seconds…in other words, not an inconvenience.

Please, explain to me why nobody I have seen (in the 80's, between Roosevelt & Northern Blvd) is actually social-distancing. I'm annoyed by this, yes, but it's concerning too.

Offline Eastway

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Personally, I haven’t seen that to be the case.
The vast majority of people on the streets are wearing masks. As I wait in line at the grocery store & Greenmarket stalls, fellow shoppers appear pretty sensitive to maintaining distance.
On the sidewalk I just step aside if someone seems about to get too close. But no one is flagrantly violating the new norm.
That’s my own experience in the 70’s & low 80’s between 37th & 34th.

Offline lalochezia

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Offline Cookie0121

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I think most people are trying their best to social distance. This is new to everyone, nobody is perfect. Try to to be companionate. I am proud of the people in our neighborhood.

Offline jh35

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

This not helpful.  It is time for you to use Telemed psychological services.

Offline lalochezia

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

This not helpful.  It is time for you to use Telemed psychological services.

I logged on to them but they kept on asking me questions about a tortoise in the desert! Jeez! "The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't".

Offline Neighbor8

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Sadly, I must agree with NYer1008. This has been my observation as well, for the most part... Perhaps people have a false sense of security with a mask & gloves on.  But distance is key.

Offline ClydeM

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My experience mimics that of NYer1008, and have actually gotten into arguments with people who were standing too close when I was waiting online somewhere. They just don't seem to get it.

The other thing that has been annoying me more than usual are the disgusting men (and it's always men) who spit on the sidewalk and blow snot rockets with reckless abandon. I had to go drop off some supplies to a friend who lives on 73rd street a few days ago because he broke his arm. There were small groups of men standing between 37th Ave and Diversity Plaza wearing masks but lifting them up to spit on the sidewalk. How does that make any sense at all, and why must they spit to begin with? I really don't get it.

Offline dssjh

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i've actually had decent luck with people paying attention to social distancing on the many many lines that now exist in the neighborhood. but as far as walking, there was an interesting piece on NY1 this morning that talked about how difficult that is. a sidewalk square is five feet across, and a typical sidewalk is two squares wide, making it almost impossible to create a six foot berth (especially if half the sidewalk is taken by a line to enter an establishment).

but spitting? it's the worst habit i can think of even in "normal" times. right now, it's bleepin' criminal -- and yeah, i've seen that mask-lift loogie thing, too. sickening.

Offline gemsiren

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I've seen some of the same things as NYer1008.

In fact, the last time I went into a grocery store was a few weeks ago, the new Mango Rico on 37th ave. It was empty except for me and a lady with the nerve to brush up against me!! This is why I now get groceries delivered.

Offline jh35

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From The Onion (a joke):

Walgreens Introduces New Dumbass-Only Shopping Hours For Dipshits Who Don’t Know How To Stay 6 Feet Away

Offline Liz

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I've noticed people treating their shopping like a social event taking out the whole family.  One adult can stay home with children.  REALLY.  Coming home from working in a HOSPITAL the other day I saw multiple couples with baby in stroller.  One idiot cut me off, and I was thinking hey buddy you just subjected your baby to a whole day's worth of hospital and subway germs.  Nice job.  We aren't kidding when we say we need your help with this by staying home unless absolutely necessary and that doesn't mean taking your entire family for a stroll on 37th.

Offline forshamegentrifier

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Literally created an account to say thanks for the LOL.
Hope everyone is staying safe.

Offline forshamegentrifier

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PS: I’ve seen people shaking hands, saying “how do you do?” They’re really saying “I love you.”

Louis Armstrong
Corona, NY

Offline hfm

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We haven't left the building in a while, but my wife saw the same thing at the green market last time she was there. People reaching in front of other giving zero f-bombs about distancing.

It's hard enough to do this just walking down sidewalks and trying to use the grocery store/pharmacy. I saw a story where Publix down south instituted ONE WAY traffic in the store aisles to try to stop people from going past each other as much as possible.

And a lot of parents use their strollers as weapons to say `where my kid and I are going is more important than where you are going`, why would we expect that to change? It's a certain mentaliy. I've been hit I don't know how many times in the back of the ankles by parents who still haven't learned how to drive a stroller or are just being passive aggressive. Those people have already showed you who they were before this pandemic, they're still those same people, keep believing what their actions told you about them previously.