Author Topic: I don't seen ANYBODY actually social-distancing on sidewalks and in stores  (Read 2785 times)

Offline theplanesland

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I have to agree with the OP. I've only been going out every few days (and yes, experts do recommend trying to get some fresh air and exercise rather than becoming a depressive lump) but too many people just don't seem to want to cooperate with staying as far away from each other as possible. People walk down the middle of the sidewalk and I flatten myself to a building, but about half the time they don't seem to care. 37th Avenue and Travers both just have slightly too many people, which I don't blame people for, there are just too many people here for the space.

It would really help to block off the streets and just let people walk in them. For instance the sidewalks on 37th are just too narrow for all of the outdoors lines + usual winos + social distancing - we need more room to spread out. The occasional driver can just go very slowly & carefully & make the first turn off the street from their relevant block, and not speed the way they've been doing.

Offline carrefour_ny

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That's really not been my experience but I suppose it can vary by time of day, part of the neighborhood etc. Masks will definitely help in circumstances where the social distance is smaller. But yeah, I'd love to see the streets closed so people can have more room to roam.

Offline Shelby2

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For instance the sidewalks on 37th are just too narrow for all of the outdoors lines + usual winos + social distancing - we need more room to spread out. The occasional driver can just go very slowly & carefully & make the first turn off the street from their relevant block, and not speed the way they've been doing.

I'm not sure where you're located, but if you're looking to get out for a walk for exercise, try heading north across Northern Blvd. Then walk down a street, such as 84th or whatever is near you, where the traffic is coming towards you. Then, when you see someone in the distance on your sidewalk, you can walk into the street til you pass. This way you can see the traffic coming, if there is any, and make sure it's safe to step into the street. When you walk all the way down to 25th ave, then walk over one block on 25th and come back up the next block (traffic still facing you).

Also I have found that there's not much pedestrian or car traffic north of Northern Blvd, at least compared to the heart of Jackson Heights.

Offline JHResident

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I find a lot of kids on the closed 78th Street area next to Travers Park ignoring mask and social distancing requirements. Especially the stunt bicyclists. If you're a vulnerable person I suggest avoiding that street.