Author Topic: freelancers,writers, work from where???  (Read 3499 times)

Offline missmarty

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freelancers,writers, work from where???
« on: March 22, 2018, 11:41:05 AM »
Our work is as diverse as our ethnicity, and so many here are dynamic artists, writers, theater folks etc...where do you do your work in the neighborhood?
E77 seems to discourage it, but I for one benefit from writing and researching among other like minded folks.
The library and Cafe Bene are pretty good spots, and I've even enjoyed Staples on 93/Roosevelt.

A friend and I are talking about opening a co-working space here.
Would you be interested? The model encompasses day rates, membership and rental for meetings.
Please share your thoughts.
In the meantime, I'm off to E77, til I get that look, or fast reprimand.

Offline itsjustme

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2018, 12:54:36 PM »
I'm a freelance writer and currently I work from my living room. I used to have a membership at Paragraph ( and was really productive there for many years. But their rates kept rising and there were ongoing issues that were disruptive for me (heat not great in winter, A/C not great in summer, people glueing paper or painting their nails in the workspace). Also note, their space was a three-story walk-up, so not for anyone needing an accessible workspace.
The great things about Paragraph: secure members-only entry (so you could step away from you computer relatively confident that no one would run away with it), a dedicated quiet (no talking, no eating, no phones) space for writing, outlets at every work station, a bathroom and kitchenette, lockers for storing chargers, etc., regular networking events with agents & editors, and monthly member gatherings. Paragraph just opened a second location; unfortunately, it's in Brooklyn.
I've looked for replacement spaces in Manhattan (as there are none in Queens) and haven't found anything within my budget and within what I consider commutable distance. I also checked out WeWork and found it expensive and not particularly conducive to writing. Spacious has some interesting venues (mainly in Manhattan), but their hours end early for me and often don't include weekends. Also, restaurant spaces tend to be a crapshoot in terms of noise, seating options, and access to outlets.
All this to say, I'd definitely be interested in checking out a JH co-working space.  :D

Offline theplanesland

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2018, 01:05:19 PM »
I'm a freelance writer and currently I work from my living room. I used to have a membership at Paragraph ( and was really productive there for many years. But their rates kept rising and there were ongoing issues that were disruptive for me (heat not great in winter, A/C not great in summer, people glueing paper or painting their nails in the workspace). Also note, their space was a three-story walk-up, so not for anyone needing an accessible workspace.
The great things about Paragraph: secure members-only entry (so you could step away from you computer relatively confident that no one would run away with it), a dedicated quiet (no talking, no eating, no phones) space for writing, outlets at every work station, a bathroom and kitchenette, lockers for storing chargers, etc., regular networking events with agents & editors, and monthly member gatherings. Paragraph just opened a second location; unfortunately, it's in Brooklyn.
I've looked for replacement spaces in Manhattan (as there are none in Queens) and haven't found anything within my budget and within what I consider commutable distance. I also checked out WeWork and found it expensive and not particularly conducive to writing. Spacious has some interesting venues (mainly in Manhattan), but their hours end early for me and often don't include weekends. Also, restaurant spaces tend to be a crapshoot in terms of noise, seating options, and access to outlets.
All this to say, I'd definitely be interested in checking out a JH co-working space.  :D

I think a co-working space would be a great addition to the JH scene. Are the upper floors of the Bruson building rented out yet?

Offline missmarty

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2018, 01:16:56 PM »
Forest Hills has the Austin Space.

Offline ljr

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2018, 01:25:20 PM »
I am also on the hunt for a good place though I have a full-time job and only do the "cafe writing" after hours or on the weekends--my personal writing.

E77 has sensible limits--if you were them, would you want someone to buy one cup of coffee then occupy a table for 5 hours?-- but as far as I am aware, if you observe their rules (sit at the big table and only on weekdays or weekday evenings when they are not having events) they don't bother you, reprimand you, etc. They will do that if you sit at a small table and start to work. I have always been able to find a seat at the big table.

However, with weekends off limits at E77, I have tried other spots: Ricky's (felt weird there), El Rico Tinto (that was okay), and I was planning to try Fresh Spilt Milk. I've seen people with laptops in there recently. Personally, I don't like the feel of Caffe Bene. I always buy lunch or dinner, drinks, etc, because if they are busy I feel like it's not right to take up a table for a long time without spending more money than a cup of coffee.

It would be great to have a space, but I'd probably only do it if it were very affordable, or accessible for an hourly charge. Since I don't freelance full time, I would not want to pay a substantial rental fee. Paragraph sounds great but probably is too much money and too far to commute. So yes, I'd be interested if it were affordable. I need to be away from the distractions at home, the cats, the spouse, etc.

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2018, 03:30:44 PM »
Forest Hills has the Austin Space.
Thanks--I hadn't heard of that one! Was this the sort of format you were considering for a place in JH?

Offline missmarty

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2018, 07:12:07 PM »
Yes, but I want to come up with a different funding model. I like the cafe aspect of having drinks and snacks.

Offline NYC Peromyscus

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2018, 08:22:54 PM »
I work at e77 sometimes during the week, and have spent 3-4 hours at a time. I buy breakfast and a coffee, and then another drink after a few hours. They've never given me any trouble at that center table.

Coffeed is outside the neighborhood, but I also enjoy working at their original location on Northern Boulevard. It's very close to the 36th street station, and they really don't care how long you stay!

Offline the80s

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2018, 11:25:52 AM »
This thread is a great resource!

I too have had no trouble working at the big table at E77 on weekdays; seems reasonable to me they want to reserve the little tables for people more likely to be meeting someone for lunch, etc. I love working there.

Tea Cup Cafe at 77th & Woodside is a good spot with wifi too. (Haven't been in a while but went there often when I lived closer.) It can be loud and a little crowded (it's quite small-- one row of seats), so not good if you need perfect silence, but I like that it's open late (often till 11pm).

Does anyone know how Oda in 969 Coffee feels about laptops? Am I wrong that they have wifi there?

A little further afield, I also like Coffeed; good wifi, tables, they leave you alone, rarely crowded. Communitea in LIC is a favorite working place for me; a beautiful, comfortable space with great food and drinks. (Sometimes can get overrun with little kids—but then so can E77. Does not really bother me!) Not remotely convenient but Bean Square in Bayside is large, solid wifi, lots of tables, feels almost office-y. And of course there are a number of good cafe options in Sunnyside and Astoria now (Tea Plus cafe a favorite for writing/working).

The JH library is good; the beautiful renovated Elmhurst branch is even better.

Also, I have not explored this for myself (seems an odd pairing), but Brooklyn Boulders in LIC has a coworking space:

And of course there are two WeWorks in Queens now. Great to learn about Austin Space, and really cool that people are thinking about a co-working space in Jackson Heights. I think it would really fill a need—so many creative people, freelancers, work-from-homers, writers, part-timers, etc here.

Not to go too off topic but another neighborhood need I've heard people talk about is artist studio space. The closest are way over in Astoria/LIC/Qboro Plaza (not counting one I know of in Woodside), and seems there might be spaces on Northern, in Corona, etc that could work.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 11:31:38 AM by the80s »

Offline ljr

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2018, 01:16:18 PM »
Thanks for all the ideas. Has anyone worked in the libraries in Manhattan? The main branch on 42nd and the Lincoln Center performing arts library were mentioned to me--there is also a private library on the upper east side not sure what membership costs there.

Just wondering what people's experience of the libraries has been. I believe the hours are not necessarily compatible with people who write evenings and weekends, for one thing. I am considering Paragraphs, actually, as they have a part-time membership just for people who have full time jobs and thus don't need the space weekdays. Not sure I will actually do this, but I'm thinking it might help, and given I work in Manhattan, it would not be too hard to go there after work and on one weekend day when I go into Manhattan anyway for another activity.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2018, 05:51:23 PM »
However, with weekends off limits at E77, I have tried other spots: Ricky's (felt weird there), El Rico Tinto (that was okay), and I was planning to try Fresh Spilt Milk. I've seen people with laptops in there recently. Personally, I don't like the feel of Caffe Bene. I always buy lunch or dinner, drinks, etc, because if they are busy I feel like it's not right to take up a table for a long time without spending more money than a cup of coffee.

What IS F'r'e''sh''' Sp'i''l't Mi'ilk like? Is it cozy?

Offline ljr

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2018, 06:16:54 PM »
Fresh Spilt Milk (I refuse to expend my few remaining brain cells to spell their official name correctly) has good food but a very minimalist aesthetic. By which I mean--they have so far put no thought into making it look nice and inviting. It has the look of a place that is really for takeout and delivery, but they do have tables--and, thankfully, a bathroom.

I have never seen all the tables occupied--usually maybe 2-3 tables are occupied. It's small. Another thing: the once or twice I had lunch there, the food was served in takeout containers, not real dishes and cups--making it seem even more like a place that is primarily for takeout. But it could be a perfectly good place to work with little competition for seating, a bathroom, coffee drinks, etc. No wine and beer, though, which I do like having at E77 on weekday evenings when I work there. And Fresh Spilt Milk closes pretty early, I think, as does El Rico Tinto.

Their chicken soup is really good--and I liked the salad and also the salmon sandwich.

Offline missmarty

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2018, 11:58:16 PM »
About a year ago, Terraza was testing the waters with Wifi, coffee and empanadas during the day. The terrazza space would be a great work space for me if they put in cafe tables. Now that they seem secure in the space again, I'll ask.

If Brooklyn Boulders can do a work space, maybe one of our shops might be interested in doubling down. Heck we have momo's in a cell phone store.

It looks like the Brazilian clothing place, Made in Brazil may be GOOB. (going out of business)

Offline daisy

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2018, 12:16:40 AM »
I've been coworking for years and have tried a few places. I am not a cafe person as having to keep an eye on your computer while using the bathroom is too stressful. Also, I like the quiet. The Bryant Park library and the one at Lincoln Center work well. I've also rented space at a spot in Astoria, but it went out of business shortly after WeWork invaded the area next door. I'm not rich, so WeWork's prices are out of my ballpark and the trendiness is annoying. I prefer smaller spaces with a communal feel. I mostly work from home or at The Productive in midtown Manhattan. Great location and space for creative professionals.

Offline ljr

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Re: freelancers,writers, work from where???
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2018, 08:31:20 AM »
Daisy--is leaving your laptop to use the bathroom somehow easier/safer in a library? I've never tried the libraries, so I'm really wondering. This thread is great because I have never heard of most of these co-working/writing spaces. I am in a WeWork in Manhattan for my full time job and also hate the trendiness, the frat house atmosphere, the piped in music in the bathrooms--so annoying to be blasted with rap music while in the stall! Not to mention dogs everywhere, running into your office, pooping under your desk--this seriously happened. I used to have a colleague who would bring her dog to work and other dogs would come to visit, and I'm sitting there trying to work while people are throwing toys and treats at the frolicking dogs. I realize some people would love this--not me. I do like to be able to eat/drink while working, though, so that's out at the library. I feel like it helps with the anxiety of writing.