Author Topic: March for Public Schools this Saturday  (Read 4021 times)

Offline lindsey

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2017, 10:38:49 AM »
I'm sure Saturday's march raised the hackles of Peralta's supporters, but I'm very glad and thankful to everyone who participated. It's so important to show that constituents have clear expectations and that we intend to hold our electeds accountable for meeting them.
It sounds like the moment of truth is the budget vote on April 1. I abhor the tactics and agenda of state senate Republicans, but let's be real--the Democrats haven't exactly earned our unflinching trust and loyalty, either. As far as Senator Peralta is concerned, the budget vote is when we'll know if his move to the IDC could hold any benefit for the community.

Offline queenskid2

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2017, 11:14:07 AM »
While I hate to stand in the way of a good "Peralta/IDC" conversation, I do have some questions about school funding.  It's my understanding that NYC spends more money per pupil than any other large city.  Yet I have many friends who are teachers that tell me they have to pay for their own classroom supplies.  That may be a small thing, but is it an indication of a larger problem? 

I'm not trying to be provocative, I just want to know what my neighbors think.  I work in a bureaucracy that is larger than the NYC public school system.  Sometimes the problem is money, and sometimes the problem is people believe money solves all problems.  Are we throwing money at a system that is structurally flawed?  How well served is our community, with so many non-English speaking students, by a system that puts so much weight on standardized tests.  Does New York City need to rethink how we teach our students?  If the answer is we need more money, great.  But if we get the money do we walk away and expect that the current system will work?

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2017, 02:34:31 PM »
Democrats in Name Only - DINO's as you know they are called are worse than Republicans because they are duping their constituency and were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans.

This is an attack. Who taught you this kind of language was productive when talking to people you disagree with?

There is a statement of fact ".....were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans" (actually the fact is they are caucusing with republicans).

 This is incontestable. How would you refer to these people and actions?

In the grand scheme of politics, where people's lives are at stake, referring to elected pols as DINOs (not YOU as a DINO) is pretty mild.

It seems TO ME like this thread is devolving into Tone Policing

No, sorry, it is not a statement of fact. It's an opinion, and opinion expressed that demonstrates the person expressing believes the object of their opinion is worthy of contempt. You don't change people's minds by letting them know you think they are contempt worthy.

A frankly, these political threads could use some tone policing. Some folks come on here and talk to each other like obnoxious tools, and then wonder why they aren't able to change anyone's mind. I wonder why?

Offline lalochezia

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2017, 02:53:18 PM »
Democrats in Name Only - DINO's as you know they are called are worse than Republicans because they are duping their constituency and were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans.

This is an attack. Who taught you this kind of language was productive when talking to people you disagree with?

There is a statement of fact ".....were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans" (actually the fact is they are caucusing with republicans).

 This is incontestable. How would you refer to these people and actions?

In the grand scheme of politics, where people's lives are at stake, referring to elected pols as DINOs (not YOU as a DINO) is pretty mild.

It seems TO ME like this thread is devolving into Tone Policing

No, sorry, it is not a statement of fact. It's an opinion, and opinion expressed that demonstrates the person expressing believes the object of their opinion is worthy of contempt. You don't change people's minds by letting them know you think they are contempt worthy.

A frankly, these political threads could use some tone policing. Some folks come on here and talk to each other like obnoxious tools, and then wonder why they aren't able to change anyone's mind. I wonder why?

".....were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans"

How is this an opinion?

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2017, 07:12:58 AM »
^perhaps you should consider the *whole* statement, which was:

Democrats in Name Only - DINO's as you know they are called are worse than Republicans because they are duping their constituency and were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans.

Tell me how anyone with a single ounce of emotional intelligence would utter statement to someone who supports the IDC or a member of the IDC at Easter dinner and then be shocked that person was offended? Or the Republican at the table?

Also, FYI, working across the aisle is how stuff gets done in government. I'm not saying I'm thrilled with the IDC or approve of what they are doing. But acting like bi-partisanship is unacceptable (i.e. voting with the other party) has actively hurt our country.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 07:22:46 AM by CaptainFlannel »

Offline SamInNY

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2017, 10:22:48 AM »
Quote from: CaptainFlannel  [/quote
But acting like bi-partisanship is unacceptable (i.e. voting with the other party) has actively hurt our country.

I haven't seen any of the anti-IDC folks berating IDC members for the normal kind of bipartisanship that you define here.

Reading this thread makes me realize that most people don't understand the importance of who controls the leadership in a legislative body like the Senate. So even though it's been said already, it seems to bear repeating. The IDC blames Felder and Felder blames the IDC for all of them allowing the Republicans to retain leadership. Let's call all their bluffs.

The Senate leadership determines which bills get voted on.

IMO that is the issue people need to understand before deciding what to do with their  Senator. There is no point in putting pressure on your Senator to vote a certain way on a particular bill, if the bill that you really want is never put up for a vote.