Author Topic: March for Public Schools this Saturday  (Read 4021 times)

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2017, 08:14:06 AM »
I don't see where I used curse words or CAPS to come off as rude.

You can't be so delusional as to think the only ways to be rude is to use all caps or use curse words.

See what I did there? That's a little rude (though not undeserved) but involves no curse words or all caps.

FYI, this nonsense is rude. You demonstrate over and over and over again on this board you are incapable of discussing politics without being rude and a disruptive ass to those who don't share your views 100%.

Are independent thinking Democrats an easier target than Republicans? Are they too far to drive to? No protests/marches at their offices? Ohhhh the 7 train doesn't make it to Long Island? How about the Brooklyn Republican, he too far? How about Felder?....

But I understand ... it's hard work traveling outside of the city....

So while you want to make local residents believe that Peralta has the power of the pen and in one stroke he can get the monies owed, the truth is he can't and neither can any other sole legislator, except for the Governor.

You said you understood. Yet, if you understood, then you know ....

The March on Saturday, is to appease those who feel the need to do something,...

Perhaps if I sound rude, it's because I'm dismayed with government and community reaction.

It's great you have some insight as to why you are being a bit rude. Perhaps in the future you can look at your posts and remove the rudeness that you are letting slip out because of your dismay over your neighbors not having the same reaction as you.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 08:28:51 AM by CaptainFlannel »

Offline toddg

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2017, 01:45:36 PM »
By today's standards, this sure looks like a substantive -- if somewhat heated -- debate about a topic of great importance to our community and the state.  I don't see much "rudeness"  beyond sarcasm, questioning of motives, and umbrage by participants on both sides.  Perhaps holding back on those rhetorical techniques would make your arguments more informative and persuasive.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2017, 04:21:33 PM »
I don't see much "rudeness"  beyond sarcasm, questioning of motives, and umbrage by participants on both sides.

All of those those things are rude. Rouge1on82 engages in them regularly whenever someone doesn't share his/her point of view.

Offline thedude

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2017, 04:50:46 PM »
Lots of videos from todays action against Senator Peralta located here. Includes bi-lingial protestor, local mother who really gets the point across:

Offline SD13

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2017, 03:26:00 PM »
Statement from State Senator Jose Peralta:

A few weeks ago, the mainline Democrats engaged in a outrageous public relations stunt designed to spread misinformation and confuse the people who care most about this issue. A hostile amendment is not a vote for Foundation Aid funding, it is a vote on whether or not an issue is relevant to a bill it is attached to — and the Senate Democrats deliberately selected one that had nothing to do with education. By the numbers this was a political game made to fail since the GOP holds a majority, but furthermore since Foundation Aid contains fiscal implications the Senate Democrats know it is a matter being handled in the New York State budget due April 1.

I have supported the Campaign for Fiscal Equity throughout my legislative career. It is offensive to the core for anyone to say I voted against CFE funding when no such vote occurred. We vote on a budget on April 1.

I support $1.4 billion for Foundation Aid with a phase-in in this year’s budget. I have always fought for building more schools to add more seats and  eliminate decades-old classroom trailers that are not conducive to a real learning environment for our children. I pushed hard to obtain a record-setting amount of bond money to help our local schools.

In the 13th Senate District my advocacy has led to new nine schools with 4,693 seats and four new schools with 2,871 seats that are in the pipeline to alleviate the severe overcrowding. For the mainline Democrats to pull this public relations stunt for the purpose of trying to deceive my constituents is very sad.

Offline Rogue1on82

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2017, 07:52:13 PM »
I don't see much "rudeness"  beyond sarcasm, questioning of motives, and umbrage by participants on both sides.

All of those those things are rude. Rouge1on82 engages in them regularly whenever someone doesn't share his/her point of view.

Disagreeing and questioning motives doesn't make a person rude.

It doesn't make sense why Democrats are playing political games and putting party before the people. I'm finding the game playing, misinformation and lies, as being rude. I don't see how this is helping New Yorkers or Public Schools.

Aren't you sick of the party politics? Isn't that what's rude?

Offline thedude

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2017, 08:45:19 PM »
Its great when Senator Jose Peralta posts a random comment, because it really helps to see how ridiculous his positions are when they are in black or white.

1) Senator, which one is it ? You tout that you helped deliver thousands of school seats in the last 13 years, yet you also said you abandoned the Democratic party because you couldn't get anything done and you needed to have a coalition with Republicans, so how did you pull that off being in the Democratic conference for the last 13 years.

2) Senator, which one is it ? You attack the Democrats for proposing a budget that fully funds NYC schools because the Senate Republicans wont vote for it, but you said by joining the Republicans you could get them to vote for things they didn't want to vote for.

3) Senator, which one is it ? You attack you're constituents who showed up to you're Town Hall and are now calling you out on education funding as being outsiders and agitators, but now you say its the Democratic conference thats actually behind all the criticism against you.

4) Senator, which one is it ? You now say that there is no working Democratic majority so you joined the Republicans to make things happen for you're constituents, but the proposed budget has less funding for NYC schools than LI and upstate school, there is no Dream Act, no GENDA, no campaign finance reform, no rent protections, and no clarity on Raise the Age.

Senator, which one is it ? Now we all know which on it is. You're a Republican.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2017, 05:35:47 AM »
Disagreeing and questioning motives doesn't make a person rude.

Nonsense Rouge1on82. Please don't pretend you don't understand what you do when you engage with individuals on this board in this manner. Of course you do.

Are independent thinking Democrats an easier target than Republicans? Are they too far to drive to? No protests/marches at their offices? Ohhhh the 7 train doesn't make it to Long Island? How about the Brooklyn Republican, he too far? How about Felder?....

But I understand ... it's hard work traveling outside of the city....

So while you want to make local residents believe that Peralta has the power of the pen and in one stroke he can get the monies owed, the truth is he can't and neither can any other sole legislator, except for the Governor.

You said you understood. Yet, if you understood, then you know ....

The March on Saturday, is to appease those who feel the need to do something,...

Offline honor_mosher

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2017, 08:44:50 AM »
Democrats in Name Only - DINO's as you know they are called are worse than Republicans because they are duping their constituency and were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans.  If you are arguing that Dems should unify in order to resist than you should be pointing at those DINO's.

Offline Beherenow

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2017, 09:04:36 AM »

In an earlier thread, I earnestly requested that you stop making stuff up and be more careful,  and you promised that you would "stick to the facts."  But you just posted claims you either made up out of whole cloth or based on exaggerations of the truth. I think facts and nuances matter. So, even though my family thinks I am absolutely nuts to spend time on these responses, I'll point out a few of your alternative facts:

1) thedude: "You tout that you helped deliver thousands of school seats in the last 13 years, yet you also said you abandoned the Democratic party because you couldn't get anything done..." He never said he "couldn't get anything done."  He was proud of what he was able to deliver to his constituents.  He did spell out a lot of big agenda items that couldn't get off the ground, and mainstream Democratic tactics as well as the votes of conservative Democratic Senators failed to get them off the ground.
2) thedude: "You attack the Democrats for proposing a budget that fully funds NYC schools because the Senate Republicans wont vote for it."  Please provide evidence that he or the IDC attacked the Democrats for doing this.  I can't find any.  If you can't, then you've made it up. If you can, I apologize in advance.
3) thedude: "You attack you're constituents who showed up to you're Town Hall and are now calling you out on education funding as being outsiders and agitators, but now you say its the Democratic conference thats actually behind all the criticism against you."  Agree that it was a bad idea for the IDC and Peralta to say that about constituents who protested. But that does not contradict his assertion that the mainline Democrats used political shenanigans by misrepresenting a procedural vote. One had nothing to do with the other.
4) the dude: "the proposed budget has less funding for NYC schools than LI and upstate school, there is no Dream Act, no GENDA, no campaign finance reform, no rent protections, and no clarity on Raise the Age."  You seem to be discussing the Republican Senate budget. The IDC put forward a separate budget that included most of those policies and provisions. I'm not especially fond of Jeff Klein, but his press release spells those out:   

These budgets are essentially negotiating positions and votes on them do not change State laws  It's disappointing that the IDC couldn't get the Republicans to include at least a few of these items, but the proof of the pudding will come during negotiations with the Governor.  When that happens, despite all the fingerprinting engaged in by both sides, I presume Hastie (Democrat from the Assembly) and Klein will actually have the same positions on almost everything. Let's see what happens.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 09:17:21 AM by Beherenow »

Offline thedude

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2017, 09:14:42 AM »
Beherenow: Just scroll up you're screen, this is not an attack ?

"A few weeks ago, the mainline Democrats engaged in a outrageous public relations stunt designed to spread misinformation and confuse the people who care most about this issue."

Offline thedude

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2017, 09:17:09 AM »
We all owe a thank you to all the wonderful parents and kids who made their voices heard this weekend coming out to call for fully funded schools in jackson heights. Watch the NY1 story, really interesting story:

Offline Beherenow

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2017, 09:20:55 AM »

You're right. I got that one wrong. When you used the word "budget" I was thinking of the entire Democratic budget that they couldn't bring to the floor,

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2017, 09:28:36 AM »
Democrats in Name Only - DINO's as you know they are called are worse than Republicans because they are duping their constituency and were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans.

This is an attack. Who taught you this kind of language was productive when talking to people you disagree with?

Offline lalochezia

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Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2017, 10:26:53 AM »
Democrats in Name Only - DINO's as you know they are called are worse than Republicans because they are duping their constituency and were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans.

This is an attack. Who taught you this kind of language was productive when talking to people you disagree with?

There is a statement of fact ".....were elected as Democrats and then voting with Republicans" (actually the fact is they are caucusing with republicans).

 This is incontestable. How would you refer to these people and actions?

In the grand scheme of politics, where people's lives are at stake, referring to elected pols as DINOs (not YOU as a DINO) is pretty mild.

It seems TO ME like this thread is devolving into Tone Policing