Author Topic: ICE rumors  (Read 14723 times)

Offline M7X7

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #45 on: February 15, 2017, 08:40:54 AM »

Do you have any proof of this?

Here is a 2015 article from libertarian think tank the Cato Institute summarizing findings from 18 different studies on the subject, over several decades, from diverse sources and using a variety of methodologies. So yes, there is proof of that. Immigrants legal and illegal are quite a bit less likely to commit violent crime. When the president tells you illegals are a grave threat to your safety, he is unambiguously lying to you.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #46 on: February 15, 2017, 10:03:29 AM »
" People's lives being destroyed????"....  Frances, I'll tell Kate Stienle's family you said so. You choice of words "round them up" is quite startling to me and conjours up horsemen with lassos. If someone is a convicted felon or gang member, then they have no right staying here. In fact, they have no rights at all.  This is what is happening now. Unfortunately, the law should have been enforced much earlier. It would of spared families from "being destroyed"

And, I'll remind you that undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born citizens.
Do you have any proof of this?

For Pete's sake, would it have killed you to exert the effort to click on the link to the article? *The article linked to for you to inform yourself on the issue* includes links to the "proof" you just asked someone to give you. How much more spoon feeding do you need?

Offline lalochezia

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2017, 11:05:43 AM »
Yes, some parts of JH are quite dirty. I'm glad to be living in Bayside now. Not hateing, just my opinion.

sl has moved to bayside to be away from all this "dirt".....and yet continues to post on JHlife with their ignorant concern-trolling.

Why don't they take their opinions to BaysideLife?

Offline Jd143

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2017, 04:03:40 PM »
and there seems to be a comprehension problem. I asked how the person knew this neighborhood is overrun with undocumented people. Not how ICE will be proceed going forward. The person seems to have prior knowledge of her neighbors immigration status and I would like to know how thats is

As a Hispanic born in NYC and raised in Jackson heights......I know damn well what I'm talking about.  Thank you.

I love how other Hispanics jump on another one for not defending illegal Hispanics.

Offline sl

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2017, 04:31:48 PM »
Yes, some parts of JH are quite dirty. I'm glad to be living in Bayside now. Not hateing, just my opinion.

sl has moved to bayside to be away from all this "dirt".....and yet continues to post on JHlife with their ignorant concern-trolling.

Why don't they take their opinions to BaysideLife?

Only JH residents are allowed here?

Offline dssjh

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2017, 04:36:53 PM »

Offline dssjh

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2017, 04:37:48 PM »
when did it become illegal to be Hispanic?
and there seems to be a comprehension problem. I asked how the person knew this neighborhood is overrun with undocumented people. Not how ICE will be proceed going forward. The person seems to have prior knowledge of her neighbors immigration status and I would like to know how thats is

As a Hispanic born in NYC and raised in Jackson heights......I know damn well what I'm talking about.  Thank you.

I love how other Hispanics jump on another one for not defending illegal Hispanics.

Offline Alexnyc

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2017, 05:06:24 PM »
and there seems to be a comprehension problem. I asked how the person knew this neighborhood is overrun with undocumented people. Not how ICE will be proceed going forward. The person seems to have prior knowledge of her neighbors immigration status and I would like to know how thats is

As a Hispanic born in NYC and raised in Jackson heights......I know damn well what I'm talking about.  Thank you.

I love how other Hispanics jump on another one for not defending illegal Hispanics.

where does it say what ethnicity you are? where does it say what ethnicity I am?
The question that was raised was how do you know who is documented or not.

Offline Jd143

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2017, 11:53:48 PM »
and there seems to be a comprehension problem. I asked how the person knew this neighborhood is overrun with undocumented people. Not how ICE will be proceed going forward. The person seems to have prior knowledge of her neighbors immigration status and I would like to know how thats is

As a Hispanic born in NYC and raised in Jackson heights......I know damn well what I'm talking about.  Thank you.

I love how other Hispanics jump on another one for not defending illegal Hispanics.

where does it say what ethnicity you are? where does it say what ethnicity I am?
The question that was raised was how do you know who is documented or not.

It's not rocket science dude.  Get a clue.

Offline Alexnyc

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #54 on: February 16, 2017, 12:24:28 AM »
and there seems to be a comprehension problem. I asked how the person knew this neighborhood is overrun with undocumented people. Not how ICE will be proceed going forward. The person seems to have prior knowledge of her neighbors immigration status and I would like to know how thats is

As a Hispanic born in NYC and raised in Jackson heights......I know damn well what I'm talking about.  Thank you.

I love how other Hispanics jump on another one for not defending illegal Hispanics.

where does it say what ethnicity you are? where does it say what ethnicity I am?
The question that was raised was how do you know who is documented or not.

It's not rocket science dude.  Get a clue.
eloquent response dude.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2017, 08:16:35 AM »
and there seems to be a comprehension problem. I asked how the person knew this neighborhood is overrun with undocumented people. Not how ICE will be proceed going forward. The person seems to have prior knowledge of her neighbors immigration status and I would like to know how thats is

As a Hispanic born in NYC and raised in Jackson heights......I know damn well what I'm talking about.  Thank you.

I love how other Hispanics jump on another one for not defending illegal Hispanics.

where does it say what ethnicity you are? where does it say what ethnicity I am?
The question that was raised was how do you know who is documented or not.

It's not rocket science dude.  Get a clue.

So, what you are saying is "I won't tell you" or "I am prejudiced, but too ashamed or lazy to admit it in a public forum".

The burden of proof is on you JD143 to show that you can back your claim up - or everyone on this board will know you as a prejudiced blowhard.

How do YOU tell the difference merely by interacting with people, of their documentation status? Tell us!
All concerned citizens can then immediately report these people to ICE using your amazing techniques.

You would save the government so much money and time in "investigations",  "due process" and "rights".

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2017, 09:21:59 AM »
Why are you guys feeding the trolls? Don't give them the attention they so desperately want.

Offline Benoit

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2017, 09:54:08 AM »
That's why I stopped commenting.

Offline queenskid2

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #58 on: February 16, 2017, 10:49:16 AM »
This isn't about policy, it's about bigotry.  That's why we talk about the Mexican border instead of the Canadian, even though terrorists enter from the north, not the south.  It's why "illegals" in Corona are the subject of these discussions, as opposed to those in Woodside and Sunnyside.  This is about people who look different.  Sorry, but it's as simple as that.

Offline Jd143

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Re: ICE rumors
« Reply #59 on: February 16, 2017, 06:39:12 PM »
Why are you guys feeding the trolls? Don't give them the attention they so desperately want.

I find it funny how when someone doesn't agree with're immediately labeled a troll lol.

Suck it!