Author Topic: Senator Peralta and the IDC  (Read 31380 times)

Offline theplanesland

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Senator Peralta and the IDC
« on: January 26, 2017, 08:36:44 AM »
[Moderator's Note: Thread renamed for factual accuracy.  Original thread name, "Peralta joins the Republican Party," remains a widely held interpretation of his action.]

Our state Senator, Jose Peralta, has just joined a group of former Democrats who caucus and vote as part of the Republican Party in the Senate.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 11:41:14 PM by toddg »

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 10:02:41 AM »
I read the article but I'm still confused by what this actually means. Can someone explain further?

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 10:09:23 AM »
They aren't former Democrats, but they are in a power sharing agreement as the "Independent Democratic Conference." What it means is that even though Democrats hold the majority in the state legislature, the Republicans control it. Practically for Peralta, my understanding is that also means he can now be a chairperson. This has been the case for about four years now.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 10:43:06 AM »
They aren't former Democrats, but they are in a power sharing agreement as the "Independent Democratic Conference." What it means is that even though Democrats hold the majority in the state legislature, the Republicans control it. Practically for Peralta, my understanding is that also means he can now be a chairperson. This has been the case for about four years now.

They are a group of renegade Democrats who have decided to join up with the Republicans to give the Republicans additional power in the Senate.

Offline wlirfan

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2017, 11:28:49 AM »
Just a short clip below from Wikipedia on our former State Senator when he essentially created this new "group" of fake Democrats.  Make no mistake - this "group" is what prevented gay marriage from becoming law years earlier than it did, preventing my marriage from being recognized in this State.  This is a personal power grab by our State Senator who, instead of siding with Democrats -- especially during this year -- has decided that he will instead side with Republicans in exchange for some additional personal power. 

I hope he gets primaried.  I hope he loses the primary. 

Begin quote:

Monserrate then ran unopposed and on November 4, 2008, was elected the New York State Senator for the 13th district.  Monserrate was endorsed in 2008 by the Empire State Pride Agenda, an advocacy group that supports same-sex marriage.
. . .
On June 8, 2009, Monserrate and Pedro Espada (D-Bronx) formed a coalition with the Senate Republicans.[21] The resulting 32-30 majority appointed Senator Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) as Majority Leader and installed Espada as Temporary President of the Senate, replacing Senator Malcolm Smith (D-Queens).[22] A week later, the Senate Democrats appointed Senator John Sampson as their leader.[23] Monserrate responded that day by rejoining the Democratic caucus, leaving the Senate tied.[24][25] With the office of Lieutenant Governor vacant due to Eliot Spitzer's resignation, the tie could not be resolved, and the resulting legislative deadlock continued until July 9, when Espada switched back to the Democrats.[26]

On December 2, 2009, Monserrate voted against legislation allowing same-sex marriage, which failed to pass the Senate.[27]
. . .

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2017, 12:30:19 PM »
Why can't IDC kiss republican ass when it serves them and then caucus with the  "real" democrats when it doesn't? Have the IDC people signed an agreement to follow some sort of republican whip?

To an outsider it seems like the IDC is horse-trading with republicans and democrats to achieve their goals.

Offline SD13

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Sen. Peralta has not joined the Republicans
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2017, 02:30:52 PM »
Let me be clear. I have not joined the Republicans, I joined my fellow Democrats in the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC). I decided to join the IDC to deliver a progressive agenda for the City, because without the IDC, the State Senate would not have passed legislation that increased the minimum wage, established paid family leave and provided free UPK.

To bring these and other progressive results to New York City, at times the IDC forms a coalition with the Republicans to allow some Republicans that can’t vote for an increase in property taxes upstate or Long Island not to vote, and in turn, the IDC gets the ability to add or push off legislation that they don’t agree with that may hurt New York City and their constituents. For communities struggling upstate, tax relief provides much-needed savings for homeowners. For a State Senator from outside New York City, a property tax cap is as essential as family paid leave is to me. This coalition makes Republicans more receptive to measures that are traditionally Democratic, and it allows us to move forward our values and initiatives.

Unfortunately, because the mainline Democrats are in the minority they don’t have a say on what’s on the agenda. Under the Trump Administration, we either sit on our hands and shift the blame to why it couldn’t be done or we step up and try to make effective change, and turn my voice into action and results. Although this was safe to do under Obama, now it is not the time to sit on the sidelines.   

I want you to be clear that I will never, never change my Democratic values, values I have been fighting all my life and values that I will never abandon. I will never, never advocate for anything that hurts my community, my district, my constituents. I will never, never accept anything that hurts immigrants and hard-working families.

I really want to hear your concerns as I always have, and if you want me to explain further, please reach out to my office. The number is 718-205-3881.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2017, 02:40:42 PM »
Let me be clear. I have not joined the Republicans, I joined my fellow Democrats in the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC). I decided to join the IDC to deliver a progressive agenda for the City, because without the IDC, the State Senate would not have passed legislation that increased the minimum wage, established paid family leave and provided free UPK.

To bring these and other progressive results to New York City, at times the IDC forms a coalition with the Republicans to allow some Republicans that can’t vote for an increase in property taxes upstate or Long Island not to vote, and in turn, the IDC gets the ability to add or push off legislation that they don’t agree with that may hurt New York City and their constituents. For communities struggling upstate, tax relief provides much-needed savings for homeowners. For a State Senator from outside New York City, a property tax cap is as essential as family paid leave is to me. This coalition makes Republicans more receptive to measures that are traditionally Democratic, and it allows us to move forward our values and initiatives.

Unfortunately, because the mainline Democrats are in the minority they don’t have a say on what’s on the agenda. Under the Trump Administration, we either sit on our hands and shift the blame to why it couldn’t be done or we step up and try to make effective change, and turn my voice into action and results. Although this was safe to do under Obama, now it is not the time to sit on the sidelines.   

I want you to be clear that I will never, never change my Democratic values, values I have been fighting all my life and values that I will never abandon. I will never, never advocate for anything that hurts my community, my district, my constituents. I will never, never accept anything that hurts immigrants and hard-working families.

I really want to hear your concerns as I always have, and if you want me to explain further, please reach out to my office. The number is 718-205-3881.

Senator Peralta, thanks for engaging in this conversation. However, it has never been necessary to caucus with the opposing party, and to give them the benefits that accrue from strong majorities, to agree to work with them issue by issue. Working together across the aisle issue by issue is how American government has run for centuries.

The IDC, instead, has decided to cement the Republican majority in terms of chairmanships and influence, further marginalizing other Democrats, fracturing the progressive forces in the state and making it so that Republicans, not Democrats, set the agenda in the Senate on every issue. I implore you to reconsider this decision, especially considering that the national Republican Party is currently in the process of trying to make life very difficult for the immigrant population you represent.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2017, 02:50:04 PM »
They aren't former Democrats, but they are in a power sharing agreement as the "Independent Democratic Conference." What it means is that even though Democrats hold the majority in the state legislature, the Republicans control it. Practically for Peralta, my understanding is that also means he can now be a chairperson. This has been the case for about four years now.

They are a group of renegade Democrats who have decided to join up with the Republicans to give the Republicans additional power in the Senate.

It doesn't make sense to think they did it with the motivation of giving the Republicans additional power in the Senate. It makes a whole lot more sense to think they did it to either 1.) form a coalition to move their agenda along in a way they think is better, or 2.) grab power, resources, chairs, etc. The result is it gives the Republicans additional power in the legislature, but it doesn't stand to reason that's the motivation.

Offline SamInNY

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2017, 07:17:53 PM »
Senator Peralta, many of your progressive constituents are not buying this argument.

As others have already pointed out, caucusing with the Republicans is a completely different thing from the kind of coalition building or trading you are describing in this response.

I am part of a lot conversations in the last few months about how to respond to the new era, and I can tell you that dealing with our local leadership is a huge part of those conversations.

The IDC in particular has been a big topic of conversation, with discussions about trying our best to get rid of those senators. I was completely shocked and upset by the news this morning. I would have called your office, but was unable to do so during business hours. I'll be calling soon!

I don't know if we are going to succeed -- and clearly you are calculating that you are too entrenched to be challenged in a primary, but we are going to do our best.

Offline thedude

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Re: Peralta joins the Republican Party
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2017, 10:38:32 PM »
Senator Peralta:

On the day, that Donald Trump unleashed his most racist and anti-immigrant agenda, you chose to announce that you are leaving the Democratic Senate (which has a numerical majority) to join a breakaway group that sits with and has empowered Republicans.

It seems that your tone deafness and utter disregard for our values makes you unqualified to represent our community. Especially in the era of Trump, but that just goes to show you're utter disregard of our communities values.

I have lived in Jackson Height for 45 years and supported you 3 times, but will never again support you. So I am being honest, and would like you're honest responses to my questions, since you are regularly posting a defense of your decision, and do not invite me to meet with you. Thank you.

1) I have seen the racist anti-immigrant campaigns run by the Republican senate. Millions have been sent on TV commercials scaring voters about the Dream Act, and "illegals" getting to vote. The Republicans Senate has sent millions running against "NYC values" and we all know what that means. How could you possibly be in a "coalition" with people who spend millions every election cycle to spread this anti-immigramt and LGBT hate in New York State ? Do you denounce their acts and if you do, how could you be joining them in a coalition ?

2) What exactly for our community did you extract to be part of this coalition ? I have read that people have accused you of getting extra pay (to be clear, you have categorically denied that) or some other compensation in terms of private employment (which you have not commented on.) So you are saying you received no extra compensation in the Senate, no extra discretionary government funding, no promises of outside employment, no commitment of campaign funds, NOTHING at all. Is that correct ?

3) Either way, if you are "losing" money as you have made clear in you're own statements, what did you extract for our community ? How about passing GENDA ?  How about passing the Women's Health Act which codifies Roe v. Wade in NY, because the Republican Senate has blocked it for years. In fact, they have spent millions of dollars campaigning against it. You are of course aware of that. So how are you in a coalition with the Republican Senate when they campaigned against choice and have a 100% anti-choice voting record ? My understanding, and correct me if I am wrong, but every single one of the 31 Republican Senators are anti-choice. So what exact legislation or grant did you negotiate for ?

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2017, 06:39:03 AM »
I hope we hear more today from Senator Peralta. Just saw this article on twitter and it draws a pretty dastardly picture. Basically says that Peralta is worse than anything Hiram Monseratte ever did.

Offline Chingwa

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2017, 02:06:48 PM »
The Democratic party is dead, many of them just haven't realized it yet.  They were dead long before this most recent election, that was just the tolling of the death bell.  Over the years as they became more and more in the pocket of corporate interests, they continually voted against their own (supposed) progressive agenda. Siding with money interests against the people who vote you into power is a sure way to die a slow sure death.

So, did Democrats view this recent election as a wake-up call??  Are they planning ways to reform the party in order to appeal to their voter's interests and shore-up a political mandate???  No, they're simply buttressing what they can against the opposition party, and actually doubling down with the agenda that has completely failed them.  It's disgusting.

What value does a political party have when the party spouts progressive ideals but works for the opposite?  Good riddance to this burned out husk.

If Peralta wants to work for real progressive ideas and policy he is NOT going to be able to successfully do that through this dead political party, and I think he knows it.  Perhaps it can be done through a bi-partisan coalition... and if so then who cares what form/ label/ name is attached to the politicans who achieve these results?  I for one am impressed a politician would make a risky political move in order to fight for progressive beliefs.  More power to him.  More democrats should join him.  We need a strong independant progressive party in this country and maybe actions like this are the first step toward realizing that.

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2017, 08:44:19 PM »
If Peralta wants to work for real progressive ideas and policy he is NOT going to be able to successfully do that through this dead political party, and I think he knows it.  Perhaps it can be done through a bi-partisan coalition... and if so then who cares what form/ label/ name is attached to the politicans who achieve these results?  I for one am impressed a politician would make a risky political move in order to fight for progressive beliefs.  More power to him.  More democrats should join him.  We need a strong independant progressive party in this country and maybe actions like this are the first step toward realizing that.

"Fighting for progressive beliefs?" This group caucuses with, and puts into chairmanships, a party that publicly derides and opposes progressives. This is capitulation, it's going on his knees begging to the Republicans to throw him some scraps while they put out press releases insulting everything he believes in. The tragedy is that if the Democrats could actually have some backbone, they'd be a majority - only Quisling moves like this prevent that from happening.

Offline Chingwa

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2017, 08:48:32 PM »
Quisling... I learned a new word today.