Author Topic: You Could Lose Your Car Registration for 5 Camera Violations Under New Bill  (Read 1855 times)

Offline Scott

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Assemblyman DenDekker is looking out for our safety. He is trying to stop speeding on our local streets. In recent months there have been several accidents and deaths due to speeding cars in the area. The following is an articles from this morning's DNA enewsletter.

Thanks Mike!

You Could Lose Your Car Registration for 5 Camera Violations Under New Bill
Drivers who get five or more camera violation tickets in a year could lose the registration to their car for up to six months under a new bill pushed in the assembly, part of a package that aims to increase pedestrian safety.

The bill, sponsored by Assemblyman Michael DenDekker, would increase penalties against drivers and car owners who run a red light or speed — upping the consequences from the current ticketing system, the assemblyman said.

The current system of sending a $50 ticket in the mail when a driver goes through a red light, speed or bus lane camera "doesn't stop the owner to continually break the law," he said.

Under the bill, the owner of the car would lose his or her registration for six months, regardless of who was driving when the tickets were issued.

Offline Paul11372

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Seems like a worthy piece of legislation and could make some headway on the ongoing issue.

b/t this and extended bike lanes things might get a bit easier for non car people in JH

Offline dssjh

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agreed on both counts. we need to do more to get bad drivers off the road.
Seems like a worthy piece of legislation and could make some headway on the ongoing issue.

b/t this and extended bike lanes things might get a bit easier for non car people in JH

Offline abu benuska

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We second that motion in all counts. Nice job for Peralta and DenDekker on the bill. Good to see bike lanes growing too, it helps to keep traffic at speed limits and it's gonna be good for moving people around.

Seems like a worthy piece of legislation and could make some headway on the ongoing issue.

b/t this and extended bike lanes things might get a bit easier for non car people in JH

Offline Scott

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DenDekker Sponsors Bill to Hold Unsafe Drivers Accountable
    Assemblyman DenDekker has introduced a bill that would the suspend the registration of a vehicle for six months if that vehicle recieves five traffic camera violations within one year.
    "We need to do everything we can to protect pedestirans, and holding unsafe drivers accountable is a huge part of that," said Assemblyman DenDekker. "This bill aims to penalize habitually reckless drivers, the ones who seem unconcerned with either the camera fine or the safety of the community, and hopefully prevent them from speeding or running red lights in the futre."
    Senator Jose Peralta also announced a bill that he has introduced to the Senate that would lift the time restrictions on speed cameras in school zones, as well as expand the presence of cameras to all school zones in the city.

Offline wlirfan

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I'll be a contrarian here.

Red light camera violations -- I'm with you.  Everyone needs to stop when the light says to stop.  If you want to avoid getting a ticket, the easy way to do it is to slow down at the yellow light. 

Speed tickets -- You lose me.  If you get a ticket for going 21 mph in a 20 mph zone, then the penalty of losing your registration is too high.  There has to be some correlation between the actual speed at which you are going and the number of tickets.  Getting 6 tickets for going 1 mph above the speed limit (a total of 6 mph) does not equal, and should not have the same penalty, as someone getting 6 tickets each for going 20 miles above the limit (40 mph in a 20 mph zone for a total of 120 mph).

The penalty here seems to be equal to the "three strikes" and mandatory sentencing criminal laws of a few decades ago.  They may sound great, but no one can tell me that someone convicted of possession pot three times should "be out" or get the same mandatory federal sentence as a drug dealer.

Offline Paul11372

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well said and good point. As you mentioned the speed should have some determining factor in the policy