Author Topic: Sidewalks not cleared  (Read 8421 times)

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2016, 02:17:19 PM »
I've lodged a complaint with 311 for the property that used to house Gothic Cabinet Craft. The 83rd side hasn't been touched, and I'd Hazard a guess that the business next door shoveled out the space in front along 37th Avenue.

Offline Ed

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2016, 05:54:23 PM »
Sure, it's a pedestrian city. But we don't walk food in....96% of the food coming into NYC is delivered by truck and almost 100% of that is delivered to local outlets (groceries, bodegas, restaurants, etc.) by truck or van. So while it would be great to have crosswalks at intersections cleaned, I'm OK with city/state making sure there's food on the first. Here's a good read....remember, most grocery stores have less than 5 days inventory on hand.
How much food is shipped to New York

Offline hagsrus

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2016, 06:04:55 PM »
Well, kudos to whoever - 37th Ave between 75th and 89th was good, crosswalks cleared. Of course as the surrounding snow melts they'll accumulate puddles (already happening), but better than slush, and fingers crossed it won't get cold enough for them to ice up before the melting (or clearing) process is completed.

Haven't ventured to Roosevelt above 82nd yet, which last year was horrendous when it froze.

Offline petster

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2016, 07:33:18 PM »
I know this is a bit off topic from snow removal, but I noticed that right after the snow storm there was a noticeable increase in graffiti. I've noticed this is the past.  Most noticeable to me was on the corner of 82 and 37th where there is that black glass on the side of the vision place. Hope they remove it as well.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2016, 08:09:13 PM »
Sure, it's a pedestrian city. But we don't walk food in....96% of the food coming into NYC is delivered by truck and almost 100% of that is delivered to local outlets (groceries, bodegas, restaurants, etc.) by truck or van. So while it would be great to have crosswalks at intersections cleaned, I'm OK with city/state making sure there's food on the first. Here's a good read....remember, most grocery stores have less than 5 days inventory on hand.
How much food is shipped to New York
That's pretty much a false dichotomy. It's entirely possible to clear the streets AND clear the sidewalk cutouts and bus stops at the same time. Other cities do it. I don't discount that it would require more resources, but acting like they can only address one thing at a time and paying attention to sidewalk cutouts and bus stops when there's snowfall inevitably is going to lead to snow plows not clearing snow from the streets is quite silly.

Offline Ed

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2016, 01:34:42 PM »
Not a false dichotomy at all, "other cities" (like Toronto) have prioritized the expenditure for trucks that "vacuum" snow up and remove it entirely, rather than attaching plows to sanitation trucks and pushing it to the sides of the road. As it exists now, we have plows. Plows are not going to be able to clean sidewalks and crosswalk cutouts, so either people have to be hired or other equipment (like those little earthlifters) in great numbers. Personally, if there has to be an 82nd Street BID to make sure that it stays clean (among other things), I don't see how there's free money lying around that is going to pay for concurrent street and sidewalk cleanings (particularly since much is private property). If you have a cost analysis that shows something different, it would be great to see it.

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2016, 05:58:54 PM »
how do they do that? Is is like the VaPooRizer?

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2016, 07:09:03 PM »
Not a false dichotomy at all, "other cities" (like Toronto) have prioritized the expenditure for trucks that "vacuum" snow up and remove it entirely, rather than attaching plows to sanitation trucks and pushing it to the sides of the road. As it exists now, we have plows. Plows are not going to be able to clean sidewalks and crosswalk cutouts, so either people have to be hired or other equipment (like those little earthlifters) in great numbers. Personally, if there has to be an 82nd Street BID to make sure that it stays clean (among other things), I don't see how there's free money lying around that is going to pay for concurrent street and sidewalk cleanings (particularly since much is private property). If you have a cost analysis that shows something different, it would be great to see it.
All that was covered by "additional resources" no? Or did you miss that in your glee about thinking you could add a douchey request for a cost analysis at the end? It's absolutely a false dichotomy to suggest the only options are to clear the roads, or to clear the sidewalk cut outs and bus stops. As has been acknowledged previously, it's entirely possible to do both, but additional resources are necessary. Other cities do it. It's entirely fair to come to the conclusion that the expenditure on the additional resources - machinery, manpower, etc. - probably isn't warranted because of the difference in NYC climate to that of say Toronto on Montreal. It's not a fair suggestion that it's not possible to have both.

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Offline toddg

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2016, 09:49:14 PM »
For context, NYC's snow removal budget is about $9 per capita per year.  If the political will were there, it would seem a modest expansion of this budget to provide a greater quality of service could be within reach.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2016, 09:57:07 AM »
For context, NYC's snow removal budget is about $9 per capita per year.  If the political will were there, it would seem a modest expansion of this budget to provide a greater quality of service could be within reach.

Agreed. Somehow we never hear about cities with solid snow removal plans that include concerns for pedestrians facing a shortage of food because trucks couldn't get in to the city to deliver food. For all the talk of "Vision Zero," there's a chunk of the plan missing when pedestrians have to stand in the street to get on a bus because three days after a blizzard there's a three foot high wall of snow on the curb placed their by plows, and people are having to leap over, through or walk around (and in to oncoming traffic) puddles approaching the size of one of the Great Lakes.

Now, if the city comes to the conclusion that it costs too much money, fine. But that means Vision Zero is BS.