Author Topic: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue  (Read 16228 times)

Offline francis

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2015, 12:03:52 PM »
Will for sure let my voice be heard in opposition to this project. Was wondering if there is anyone from the community board or anyone else ...besides the developers, who is for this project?

Offline earbears

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2015, 12:23:46 PM »
I am not in favor of this proposal because it not only violates the rationale behind our being landmarked, but it will threaten the seven other one-story block fronts in the Historic District.  It could ignite more and denser development in an already densely-built community.
If you cannot attend the meeting, you can inform the Community Board of your opinion (and ask that they share it with the board members) by:
1.       Visiting them at 82-11 37th Avenue - 6th Floor
2.       Calling them at 718 458 2707
3.       Emailing them at

Offline Cyril108

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2015, 11:08:10 AM »
I agree that it is very important that we vigorously communicate our opposition to this proposed violation of landmark status.  I sent an email to the community board and encourage others to do the same.  Thanks Daniel for organizing this effort.   

Offline bryncellen

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2015, 11:57:30 AM »
84-11, while part of a landmarked area, is not in itself architecturally distinguished.  A reasonably good design, i.e. one which is consistent with context of other buildings in area, could be an improvement over what’s there now.   

A central concern with proposal seems to be that a larger building will block light and increase shadows.   But further down 37th Avenue  there are six story buildings on either side of the street, and I don’t find that to be particularly dark or oppressive. 

The other concern seems to be increased population density. But Jackson Heights has been a very dense urban neighborhood for many decades  -- and rightly so given its proximity to transportation and Manhattan.  Don’t see that some population increase, within reason, would be harmful and it could be a benefit. 

(Understand that the original Jackson Heights model, going back nearly a hundred years ago, was much less dense but that was from a different era and ultimately proved to be unsustainable.)   

I strongly support maintaining architectural integrity of the neighborhood but I don't see this as a real threat and again, depending on design, could be an improvement.

Offline toddg

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2015, 06:25:44 PM »
I strongly support maintaining architectural integrity of the neighborhood but I don't see this as a real threat and again, depending on design, could be an improvement.

I agree.  Good design and quality materials are key.  All parts of the city are experiencing growth, and we will not be exempt, especially where properties can be developed as of right.  Our challenge is to watchdog the process to ensure that the development enhances our landmark district and (if possible) offers community benefits.

Offline earbears

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« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2015, 06:31:01 PM »
Community Board 3 Meeting
Thursday, April 16th @ 7:45pm
I.S. 227 -  The Louis Armstrong School Cafeteria
(32-02  Junction Blvd.)
Public Hearing:   

Landmarks Committee - Application for 35-64  85th Street (aka 84-11  37th Ave)An application for a certificate of appropriateness for the conversion of a one story to a five story building located in the Jackson Heights Historic Committee.

Public Participation Session:

Speakers MUST register with the District Manager by calling 718-458-2707 not later than 5:00pm on April 15th
(Time limit = 3 minutes)

[b]If you cannot attend the meeting, you can inform the Community Board of your opinion (and ask that they share it with the board members)by:[/b]
1. Visiting them at 82-11 37th Ave - 6th Floor
2. Calling them at 718 458 2707
3. Emailing them at:


Offline theplanesland

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2015, 07:23:43 PM »
I strongly support maintaining architectural integrity of the neighborhood but I don't see this as a real threat and again, depending on design, could be an improvement.

I agree.  Good design and quality materials are key.  All parts of the city are experiencing growth, and we will not be exempt, especially where properties can be developed as of right.  Our challenge is to watchdog the process to ensure that the development enhances our landmark district and (if possible) offers community benefits.

I agree with the above. Jackson Heights, with its excellent transit access, can help absorb some of the growth in our very successful city, as long as the community helps shepherd it into well-designed buildings and businesses that enhance rather than detract from the community.

Offline erospolitico

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« Reply #37 on: April 13, 2015, 07:33:42 PM »
Please be aware that there is not need to register to speak, the building issue will be discussed in the Public Hearing section of the meeting, not during Public Participation.

Time Limits may be different

Offline earbears

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« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2015, 01:00:33 PM »
Not arguing just not taking chances.

So, please contact the District Manager and say you want to speak tonight. What is the worst that can happen? You will be told you don't need to contact the Manager. It would be far worse if - in this case only - they changed the rules. Then your voice would not be heard.


If you cannot attend the meeting, you can inform the Community Board of your opinion (and ask that they share it with the board members) by:
1. Visiting them at 82-11 37th Ave - 6th Floor
2. Calling them at 718 458 2707
3. Emailing them at:

Offline rosie

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2015, 02:13:03 PM »
This is what I wrote in to the community board, and it articulates my response to the previous comments on this thread:

To the Members of Community Board 3,

As a citizen of Jackson Heights, I am writing to you to voice my concern regarding the proposal to add four stories to the property located at 84-11 37th Avenue. One of the many reasons I love my neighborhood is for its architectural character, and I appreciate the protections imparted by the neighborhood's designation as a Historic District. My concern regarding the property in question is not only the impact the addition would have on the building itself, but, more importantly, on the precedent it would set. If additional stories are allowed to be built on this one-story corner property, it opens the floodgates for development on other similar properties within the district. Jackson Heights was landmarked not only for its architectural style, but also for its planning, scale, and sense of place. A smattering of new, taller development would be counter to the very reason this neighborhood was recognized by the Landmarks Preservation Commission in the first place.

I urge you not to support this proposal, and ask that my comments be shared with all members of the board.

Thank you.

Offline bryncellen

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #40 on: April 14, 2015, 02:27:31 PM »
One story commercial buildings are best suited for suburban strip malls and similar roadside venues, where space is not at a premium and everyone drives.  In an urban area, it doesn’t seem to be the best use of the property.

Hard to think of any great cities where one story buildings are the norm. Even in low rise European cities of great beauty - Barcelona, Paris et al. -- buildings are typically at least 5 to 6 stories high, particularly on central commercial avenues.

Here in NYC, my understanding is that most of these one story structure were built as provisional tax payers and never meant to be part of the permanent city fabric.

At a minimum, I would hope that people fairly consider what the developer is proposing before rejecting this out of hand.  I completely agree that a five story mediocrity (like the 90s era condos nearby on 86th street) would not be good.  But it seems to me that the community has an opportunity to put significant pressure on the developer to do better than that. 

Have any plans been submitted? 

Offline petster

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2015, 03:44:48 PM »
I think that what makes our neighborhood special is not any one building ( although we do have beautiful structures and housing stock) but the way in which it was planned. This is why the area was landmarks. The orchestration of low density housing as it spreads from the core which is 82 street. Building at this proposed site violates the reason why the area was land marked. It's the reason I love walking away from the Roosevelt Avenue corridor and turn down one of the side streets.  Will we get more sanitation? More schools? More police? Better transit? We already have these problems. Building more will only add to an already saturated environment.  The infra structure is not handling the population which is here now. If housing is needed let them build it where they intend making a mall in flushing meadows.

Offline lmaniace

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« Reply #42 on: April 14, 2015, 06:08:06 PM »
I agree. It’s a good precaution to call up and reserve a time to speak. If you don't want to speak show up. If you can’t attend send an email to the Community Board. Second thought, why not send an email what every you do.

Offline ECG

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« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2015, 07:05:15 PM »
Where do we get the petitions to? Sorry about the dangling preposition

Offline knatchez

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Re: Proposed four-story addition to 84-11 37th Avenue
« Reply #44 on: April 15, 2015, 09:06:42 AM »
I too am in favor of this development—at least, in principle. Here's why: I, like a lot of other people on JH Life want to see new restaurants, a nice bar, maybe a cheese and meat shop, and better clothing stores. But none of that is going to come without new residents who want to invest in the community.

And lets also not lose sight of what we're talking about: The building slated for development is arguably the ugliest in a stretch of ugly ramshackle buildings. I know that if I were opening a restaurant or bar, it wouldn't be there.

If the Landmarks Committee can force the redesign to fit into the architectural style of the neighborhood, and if the community puts pressure on the owner to find the kind of commercial tenants we all say we want, then why shouldn't we be eager about this proposal? We all love the organic market sited in the faux federalist condo (now apartment building) down the street at 84th. You couldn't do something like that in the current space.

That's what I intend to write in my letter to the Landmarks Committee.

I made a similar argument in an earlier thread about this proposal and ended up pretty much shutting down the conversation. That was hardly my intention and hope it doesn't happen here. Link: