Author Topic: Pigeon Problems  (Read 8298 times)


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Pigeon Problems
« on: July 10, 2008, 12:36:39 PM »
Changing topics to garbage not derived from people - what about the garbage that comes from above, courtesy of our feathered friends?  :laugh:   When I walk down 74th in the early morning to the subway, I have to dodge the dreaded pigeon zones- the particular trees that they use as their lofty restrooms.   I hate pigeons and I especially hate that they remain loyal to their locations, day after day, because people keep feeding them.   There is so much foot traffic down this block that I'm sure a number of people get "hit" each day.  Is there something that can be done about this?  I saw an old lady tossing out feed to these birds once down the entire block and I almost said something to her but decided not to at the last minute.   I regret it now each time I have to creak my neck up to watch out for birds among the trees.

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2008, 01:10:40 PM »
Changing topics to garbage not derived from people - what about the garbage that comes from above, courtesy of our feathered friends?  :laugh:   When I walk down 74th in the early morning to the subway, I have to dodge the dreaded pigeon zones- the particular trees that they use as their lofty restrooms.   I hate pigeons and I especially hate that they remain loyal to their locations, day after day, because people keep feeding them.   There is so much foot traffic down this block that I'm sure a number of people get "hit" each day.  Is there something that can be done about this?  I saw an old lady tossing out feed to these birds once down the entire block and I almost said something to her but decided not to at the last minute.   I regret it now each time I have to creak my neck up to watch out for birds among the trees.

Judibean, it's interesting that you bring this up.  I've seen many people littering the streets with bread crumbs, rice, seeds, etc. intended for the pigeons.  Needless to say, people who do this don't like being told that their actions may also be attracting all sorts of vermin because as much as the pigeons do eat the crumbs, there is always the remaining residue.  Top that off with the pigeons hovering around and creating a further mess with their droppings, and it can get quite ugly.

I recently read an entry from the New York Times City Room Blog addressing a situation where a DOE Fund employee came across a poster offering a reward to anyone that spots a pigeon poacher.  Apparently, the employee did come across a man that was tossing bird seed in the street and as the pigeons gathered to eat, he would capture them by tossing a net.  The story goes on to say that there's money to be made by poaching pigeons because they're taken over state lines and used for sport and food.  As much as I am affected by pigeons and the mess they create, it also bothers me to know that they may be used as someone's target practice.  Who has the right answer on how to solve this problem?

A Tip-Off, a Reward, an Arrest for Pigeon Poaching
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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 10:27:51 AM »
**I've copied this from the garbage thread and put it here.  I have to admit, I think this is a silly, non-topic but whatever:**

And while people have brought up birds...  does anyone know if people who throw food out all over private property every day for birds are breaking any laws?  There's a lady who pushes a shopping cart every morning around 34th Ave. in the upper 80s and she throws seed, peanuts etc. EVERY WHERE.  I've asked her not to come and do it at our building and she hasn't but she does it right across the street and on the sidewalk etc.  I know there are more important things in life to deal with but I do think it doesn't help when we're talking about cleaner streets.
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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2008, 09:24:40 AM »
Speaking of pigeons, where can one buy an owl?  Those fake ones that are supposed to keep the birds away?  I need one for my fire escape and A/C; the pigeons are just TOO comfy!

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2008, 11:20:08 AM »
I'm sure that most gardening stores would sell them, but if you can't get to one, Amazon has a few for sale.

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2008, 11:51:10 AM »
Speaking of pigeons, where can one buy an owl?  Those fake ones that are supposed to keep the birds away?  I need one for my fire escape and A/C; the pigeons are just TOO comfy!

I'm not sure where to buy them but I saw a real estate posting with pictures of an apartment in Roosevelt Terrace and there were two owls on the railing of the terrace so i think they might actually work.

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2008, 04:58:54 PM »
Changing topics to garbage not derived from people - what about the garbage that comes from above, courtesy of our feathered friends?  :laugh:   When I walk down 74th in the early morning to the subway, I have to dodge the dreaded pigeon zones- the particular trees that they use as their lofty restrooms.   I hate pigeons and I especially hate that they remain loyal to their locations, day after day, because people keep feeding them.   There is so much foot traffic down this block that I'm sure a number of people get "hit" each day.  Is there something that can be done about this?  I saw an old lady tossing out feed to these birds once down the entire block and I almost said something to her but decided not to at the last minute.   I regret it now each time I have to creak my neck up to watch out for birds among the trees.

Judibean first calls them "our feathered" friends, but then tells us how much she "hates pigeons."  Poor, poor people.  They get "hit" by pooping pigeons.  I'm a real NYC walker and I can tell you that this is a VERY rare occurrence.  You should consider wiping your head clean if such a mishap occurs.  And don't harass people who choose to feed pigeons; it's a far better thing to do than feeding their kids triple jumboburgers.  Smart move not saying anything to that pigeon feeder.  She  may've turned around and told you to mind your own goddamned business.  And I have a suggestion.  Next time you feel your blood boiling about pigeons, take a deep breath, and actually LOOK at them.  They are absolutely beautiful birds and there's a reason why they're raised and highly regarded by cultures all over the world.  Plus, they have performed innumerable services for mankind, including some remarkable saving of lives via messaging in the two world wars.  So PLEASE refrain from calling them, or thinking about them as "rats with feathers," or some other idiotic metaphor, and try to SEE them for what they are, a a remarkable and remarkably adaptable bird species.  Consider yourself lucky to live among them, and not just among members of your own species. 

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2008, 08:51:06 PM »
hoodsy, tell the truth: you're that wack pigeon lady aren't you? 

Listen Dr. Doolittle, pigeons may be pretty to look at and may very well have had their moment in history but now they are flying rats  and one did shit on my head this Saturday and no I don't believe that that is good luck... it's just pigeon shit.  Nothing lucky about that.

Something tells me you get along better with animals than people.  Poor thing.

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2008, 09:52:21 PM »
Pigeons and their shit are disease carriers.  Get a life hoodsy.  Feed the homeless.

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2008, 07:24:42 AM »
Buddy..I laughed so hard reading your post to hoodsy.

Even though currently I don't have anything on the railing on my terrace because of construction, I do put up the bird spikes that prevent the pigeons from perching on the railing.   The site below offers many solutions for pests.  Buddy..sorry I don't think there is one for pesty sidewalk bird feeders.  You might have to go to for that.

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2008, 09:20:29 AM »
Pigeon problems?
Palatable pests! lists 54 recipes.

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2008, 09:27:02 AM »
Now isn't that funny.  I have no problem eating chicken but pigeon pie..... nope.  But I don't like "gamey" food.  Never liked rabbit or venison either. 

Friends in Conn. have bird feeders and the most beautiful Cardinals and Blue jays feed off them.  Pigeons seems to be a city bird.  Wonder why?
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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2008, 09:44:17 AM »
I am definitely a bird lover (my grandparents used to breed budgies), and agree with both Bert and Hoodsie that pigeons are fascinating and even beautiful creatures.  But before Buddy scowls at me for making nice, let me hasten to add that I think the true promulgators of filth and disease in this case are the misguided individuals who feed them.  Except for a few hawks and speeding taxis, pigeons have no predators in the city.  Their population is limited only by their food supply.  People who feed pigeons are fostering their overpopulation.  It is an act of cruelty, not mercy.  And it should be criminalized.  I think people who spread seed in the city should be cited for littering, and property owners (like those on 75th and 76th Streets, where this is particularly rampant) should be cited if they don't clean up seed that is spilled on their sidewalks. 

London has been having a huge controversy about this issue:
Pigeons May Coo but They Aren't Cute, the Mayor Says
Hawks Do Their Worst, But Cost of Pigeon War is Problem for Mayor
Save the Trafalgar Square Pigeons

And watch out for those "rogue pigeon fanciers"!
Pigeon fanciers blamed for trap campaign to kill peregrine falcons

UPDATE: Even Bert agrees that pigeons don't like us to throw things on the ground.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 10:01:52 AM by toddg »

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2008, 10:45:13 AM »
Even though I don't want the pigeons on my terrace, I would not hurt them ( maybe ).   Years ago without my knowledge, one nested behind a large plant that I had.  When I discovered it, there were two eggs in the nest.  I couldn't bring myself to get rid of the eggs.  I let the mother sit on the eggs.  When the baby pigeons were born, the mother would bring them food.  I placed two aluminum foil pans by the nest.  One with water and one with bird seed.   The baby pigeons grew and would move around the terrace behind the plant.  If they moved too far away from the plant I would place them back in the nest.  I let them stay but with my rules!  LOL!!  Eventually they flew away and I felt sad that they had left.  I've had the Bird Spikes for three years now and never did I see a pigeon on the terrace again since usually a pigeon will fly onto the railing first before it flies into the terrace.  This year around March during storms I noticed one white pigeon resting atop one of my hanging basket at the back of the terrace.  I felt bad because of the weather and left it alone.  One day I noticed the white pigeon across the street perched on top of the Astoria bank with other pigeons.  The other pigeons seemed to be ignoring him and flying away from him.  I guess pigeons can be racists also !  LOL!.  The white pigeon continued to come to my terrace and I left him alone.  I knew it was a male because I would see him going to another pigeon and fluffing up his feathers to impress the female, but the females would fly away from him.  Then one day I realized that he hadn't come to the terrace and saw him one day with another pigeon gathering twigs for a nest.  I guess there is always a pigeon that will fall for the outcast.  I still see him around and I'm hoping he won't be one of the victims to the Seagulls.  The Seagulls when hungry will attack the pigeons and kill them for food.  I have witnessed this numerous times on the Astoria Bank's rooftop.  It's not a pretty site.

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Re: Pigeon Problems
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2008, 07:57:02 PM »
White pigeons. I had a strange encounter with one of the more colorful characters in the neighborhood. She told me that the white pigeons are bred especially for Santareia sacrifices. And every time you saw one, that meant there were devil worshippers around.

I'm only telling you what I heard. . . .

PS it is no fun to have a pigeon nest under/beside your air conditioner!