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Topics - NicoleS

Pages: [1]
Real Estate & Home Improvement / 1930's Door handle fixed
« on: June 26, 2019, 06:07:53 PM »
I have an interior door handle that left to its own devices will trap me in my room for all eternity.  I love the antique handles but clearly need to have the latch mechanism fixed.  Currently I just have it all taped over so I don't get stuck.

I don't want to call any old locksmith who might butcher the door. Does anyone have a recommendation of someone who might be able to do this? It feels like a low-key handyman project or locksmith project (I don't know) but I just want to be sure I am using someone who knows what they are doing and can preserve the handles while fixing the internal issue.

Pets and Animals / Cat sitter
« on: May 29, 2019, 02:02:08 PM »
I moved to JH recently and had to give up my longtime catsitting service since I'm now out of range. Ideally I would like to find another service not just an individual. I liked having online payment services and a well-administered process.  Does anyone use a service in JH that they like? 

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