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Messages - Jd143

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The implants from Manhattan are the cause of the high prices.

Yes and it's annoying!.  They act like wild animals.  I remember about two years ago they were ready to lite a joint right there in the early afternoon.  I told them to get the eff out.

Oh please.  Humans are the bigger problem.  Rapes, murders, robberies.  They are the true pests.

Pets and Animals / Re: Seeking Tips on Pigeon Eviction
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:10:44 AM »
I would definitely try the spikes.  I agree.  The owl statues don't work.  I once saw two pigeons making out right next to one.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: What does Jackson Heights need?
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:17:17 AM »
A movie theater that doesn't keep shutting down, an Irish pub, a place like novo with jazz music, a beer garden type of place, a recreation center for the kids, a pool, and definitely more green spaces.  I wonder when Travers park will start the construction.  Its gonna provide some nice greenery.

Pets and Animals / Re: Owl in Jackson Heights?
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:13:53 AM »
I saw an owl on 87th street and 35th ave once.  It wasn't white.  I noticed a bunch of crows making a commotion and other animals running for cover!  That's when I saw the huge owl on the tree.  It was around 8am.  7 crows were trying to intimidate it and make it leave.  Which is understandable.  I called out to it and it looked down at me.  After 10 minutes it flew away.  Its wing span was crazy!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Sidewalks not cleared
« on: January 25, 2016, 07:51:37 PM »
here come the serial complainers looking for something new to complain about.

Wow the sidewalks aren't completely clear the sunday morning after the 2nd largest snowfall in NYC history.

Who can we call! something must be done!

gimme a break...

I'm so glad you're in great shape and can navigate those crosswalks, Eddie. I guess you don't have children needing to get to school today or elderly parents who might have a doctor's appointment to get to. Or maybe you just don't give a damn about anybody but yourself. Congratulations on that.

I agree.  I saw and helped a lot of old people today.  I could see how nervous they were.   Im young and i was terrified myself.  I broke my ankle two years ago and i am traumatized.  My childs bus wasnt running today.  Had to climb up those mountains or go through ankle deep puddles on the corners just to get there.  I saw some superintendants and business owners were actually nice enough to clear them.  One old man was too terrified to move.  A bunch of people came with shovels and cleared the path for him.

Neighborhood Chat / No mail today?
« on: January 25, 2016, 06:03:49 PM »
Did anyone in the 82nd and 81st street area receive their mail today?

Pets and Animals / Re: Missing orange stray cat hit by car
« on: January 23, 2016, 07:42:52 AM »
Awww it was playing.  So cute.  There is a black cat missing too. 

Pets and Animals / Re: Missing orange stray cat hit by car
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:15:11 PM »
Update:  neighbor finally saw man who witnessed everything.  He said a nice man wrapped the kitty in a blanket and took him to vet hospital.  I hope he made it.  Gonna miss seeing him.

Pets and Animals / Re: Missing orange stray cat hit by car
« on: January 17, 2016, 12:11:36 AM »
Hes so cute.  When I would approach him he would gallop like a deer with his back legs.  The lady always has a week worth of food for him.  She's been slowly throwing it away.  When she told me I was so sad.  When I got home I cried like a baby.  She's been searching the courtyards at night crying.  Broke my heart.  She said hes dead but i told her to think positive.  So many people ran to help him.  Im hoping someone took him to a vet and hes recovering.

Pets and Animals / Re: Missing orange stray cat hit by car
« on: January 15, 2016, 07:15:46 AM »
He would make his way around the court yards.  It was most likely him.  He got hit by a car.  We still don't know if he was taken by someone or died and his body was removed ;(

The impact was hard ;(

Pets and Animals / Re: Still missing
« on: January 08, 2016, 07:38:05 AM »

My sister lives in your building.  Since the first day I saw the flyer I just knew something wasn't right.  I knew someone took him.  He can't just open the door and leave by himself.  Have u checked with people who own cats?  I know theres people on the 2nd floor on both sides who have cats.  I wish they had cameras on every floor.  I have two cats and id be in a rage if someone took one of them.

If only the super can go into every house and pretend he has to check something.  Maybe he could keep an eye out.

Pets and Animals / Re: Recommend an organization for adoption?
« on: January 07, 2016, 06:46:16 PM »
Animal control.

Poor creatures are being murdered daily for lack of space and adoptions.

Momma cats and babies are bought in at night and their executions are already planned for 600am.

Pets and Animals / Missing orange stray cat hit by car
« on: January 07, 2016, 04:09:16 PM »

This past weekend, my neighbor was told a stray cat she feeds was hit by a car.  She doesn't know what became of him but people did run to help.  He hasn't come to her window to eat.....which he has always done for the past 8 years. Please if anyone knows....please contact me.  This happened on 81st street, between 37th and 35th Ave.  He looks just like this.  Thank you ;(

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