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Messages - Thereisnosubstitute

Pages: [1]
Restaurants & Food / Re: Farine Baking Company
« on: March 09, 2019, 12:33:23 PM »
Went this morning. The croissant was certainly good, not going to supplant Cannell as the best in the area but very solid. The palmier I had  was better than Cannell’s. I hope they try their hand at the kouign amann, which cannell has but far too infrequently. It is an amazing French pastry.

The baguette, didn’t bother since I know what Balthazar’s baguettes taste like. Perhaps they should I’ll make their own when it’s fully open. Either way a freshly delivered Balthazar’s baguette would be welcome.

They also had what looked like amazing gelato. When they had a location on Long Island (port Washington) they offered “laboratorio del gelato”. Found a picture on their old yelp have never been.

Looking forward to trying their burger and other brunch options!

Welcome to the neighborhood.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Status of Swim Two Birds Restaurant
« on: March 09, 2019, 12:09:40 PM »
Was there at least an acknowledgment to the people (suckers) who donated to the go fund me, myself included? I may have missed it, if not I wouldn’t step foot in the place even if it did open. If I missed it I apologize otherswise for the 21 people that donated close to 3,000 what a joke...

Restaurants & Food / Re: Status of Swim Two Birds Restaurant
« on: July 15, 2018, 09:05:48 PM »
I tossed money into the go fund me, despite finding it very odd. I am hoping this restaurant comes to fruition but I can’t imagine how. Also hoping that if it does the food is better than “The Queensboro”. Popcorn with corn and watermelon (seriously?). Despite that the are very nice at The Queensboro, just the menu is trying a bit too hard.

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