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Messages - citygirlcountryheart

Pages: [1] 2
Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: has Vantage gotten their act together?
« on: December 15, 2010, 10:41:39 AM »
I have a friend that just moved into a Vantage building and she's been way less than thrilled. 

I know you'd have to pay a fee, but I worked with a great real estate agent who I know works with management companies other than Vantage.  I'll post his info if you'd like! 

Restaurants & Food / Re: Kabab King closd by DOH
« on: September 16, 2010, 11:37:31 PM »
Not only are roaches not enough to get shut down, you can actually still get an A.  I looked up some restaurants on the DoH site and was totally shocked by what you can get away with and still have an A.  I can't get the site to load, but as of last week there were at least a few with severe violations but high letter grades.  Yipes!

Restaurants & Food / Re: Tortilleria Nixtamal in Corona
« on: September 16, 2010, 11:32:49 PM »
My review is up on Yelp as well!  I absolutely love Nixtamal.  The fish tacos are insane.   :smitten:
While you're in the neighborhood, get dessert at Timmy O's frozen custard (just around the corner from Nixtamal).  Boyfriend and I actually tried to convince him to open up a store in JH, but it's probably best for our waistlines if he stays in Corona...

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Another rite Aid...
« on: July 20, 2010, 03:42:43 PM »
The Rite Aids on 82nd and 37th are totally useless.  Has anyone been to the CVS on northern in the 70s? (Can't remember the exact location, I want to say 75-ish).  Who has the most competent pharmacists in the area?

Restaurants & Food / Re: Pio Pio
« on: June 30, 2010, 08:52:26 PM »
Thank you, Contessa! Can't wait to try out the recipe.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Pio Pio
« on: June 30, 2010, 06:25:24 PM »
Where can one purchase this mythical aji amarillo paste?

Restaurants & Food / Re: Pio Pio
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:50:44 PM »
Thank you, Chuck!!  I can officially bid Pio farewell. 

Restaurants & Food / Re: Espresso 77
« on: June 29, 2010, 01:15:50 AM »
I am very excited about local access to Timmy O's!  I just went for the first time this weekend after a delicious visit to Tortilleria Nixtamal.  Here's hoping it's not too pricey at Espresso 77!

Restaurants & Food / Pio Pio
« on: June 23, 2010, 08:29:15 PM »
Hello party people-
Has anyone else noticed a significant downturn in the friendliness and getting-orders-correct-ness of the Pio on Northern?  Seems like every time I order nowadays, something's missing from my dinner, be it sauce or rice.  And the girl who answers the phone, who was once very pleasant, has gotten pretty rude.  I loves my Pio.  I wish they would deliver everything I order! :'(  Anyone else experience this?

Louie's is officially our new go-to Italian.  And we haven't even tried the pizza yet!  The guys that work there are fantastic and always sound so excited when we call and ask for the specials!  (You MUST try the chicken provencial.  Drool.  Stomach Grumble.)  Thanks for pointing me toward Louie's  :smitten:

I have to admit, I've been having a great time telling the story.

Tried Louie's the other night...ordered fettuccine with creamy pesto and promptly went into a food coma.  :buck2:  Delicious!  AND supremely inexpensive with crazy fast delivery.  We'll be trying their pizza next.

My thoughts exactly, Griswold Contessa!  We order from them on a fairly regular basis.  They hadn't ever done something quite so reprehensible before, although they had a history of "forgetting" our credit card receipt and trying to get us to give them cash upon delivery.  We will DEFINITELY be trying Louie's as you suggested!

I think I was probably in denial about its grossness, but I really felt like I had to share that experience.  There's gross, and then there's USED FOOD.

Any tips on a more acceptable pizza place?

So the boyfriend and I ordered a mini pizza and a salad from Thomas tonight.  When It arrived, the delivery guy said "$20."  $20?  For a mini and a salad?  "No," he replied.  "MEDIUM."  But we ordered a MINI.  TEN INCH.  "No.  Medium."  Well we're not going to pay for something we didn't order.  Should we call the restaurant?  "Ok."  So the boyfriend rang them up, explained the situation, the restaurant asked to speak with the delivery guy, got back on the phone with boyfriend, yadda yadda yadda.  The long and short of it was that the guy at the restaurant asked us to KEEP FOUR SLICES AND SEND THE REST BACK.  Which we did.  Because we were hungry.  But what are they doing with the rest of that pizza?  I can only imagine that they're going to sell it as slices.  Which is gross.  I mean call me a little hygiene-obsessive, but I wouldn't want to eat a slice of pizza that had already been in another customer's kitchen.  Ew.   :o

...And I mean maybe they were just going to eat it themselves?

...Or it was just the principle of the thing?

I think I'll be looking for a new pizza place now.  After I eat this one last slice.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Mom & Pop v. Chain Store debate
« on: March 02, 2010, 12:52:21 PM »
I'm perfectly calm, Divanatrix.  Just confused about why the "great Starbucks debate" seems to rear its ugly head no matter what the topic.  I was only asking what it had to do with Le Gamin.

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