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Topics - citygirlcountryheart

Pages: [1]
Restaurants & Food / Pio Pio
« on: June 23, 2010, 08:29:15 PM »
Hello party people-
Has anyone else noticed a significant downturn in the friendliness and getting-orders-correct-ness of the Pio on Northern?  Seems like every time I order nowadays, something's missing from my dinner, be it sauce or rice.  And the girl who answers the phone, who was once very pleasant, has gotten pretty rude.  I loves my Pio.  I wish they would deliver everything I order! :'(  Anyone else experience this?

So the boyfriend and I ordered a mini pizza and a salad from Thomas tonight.  When It arrived, the delivery guy said "$20."  $20?  For a mini and a salad?  "No," he replied.  "MEDIUM."  But we ordered a MINI.  TEN INCH.  "No.  Medium."  Well we're not going to pay for something we didn't order.  Should we call the restaurant?  "Ok."  So the boyfriend rang them up, explained the situation, the restaurant asked to speak with the delivery guy, got back on the phone with boyfriend, yadda yadda yadda.  The long and short of it was that the guy at the restaurant asked us to KEEP FOUR SLICES AND SEND THE REST BACK.  Which we did.  Because we were hungry.  But what are they doing with the rest of that pizza?  I can only imagine that they're going to sell it as slices.  Which is gross.  I mean call me a little hygiene-obsessive, but I wouldn't want to eat a slice of pizza that had already been in another customer's kitchen.  Ew.   :o

...And I mean maybe they were just going to eat it themselves?

...Or it was just the principle of the thing?

I think I'll be looking for a new pizza place now.  After I eat this one last slice.

Pets and Animals / Orange Tabby on 84th Street
« on: May 20, 2009, 08:05:36 PM »
Hi All
There was a very very friendly orange tabby (see below) seen today on 84th.  He seemed too friendly to be a stray, but wasn't fixed.  I couldn't take the little guy in as I have a cat of my own and don't want to expose her to anything, but if you or someone you know is missing a cat, check around that area...He seemed pretty attached to it!

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