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Topics - thedude

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / DREAM Act in NYS Legislature
« on: March 14, 2017, 11:16:16 AM »
So the dream is dead. There is no Dream Act in the Republican Senate budget. And not a peep from Senator Peralta. Nothing. Not a peep. I looked at his website and in 2015 he released this statement.

"Another year of false fear mongering propaganda lead by the majority perpetuating an intolerant ideology that the sky will fall if we allow these undocumented kids to receive money from the Tuition Assistance program.”

Now, he is in bed with that same majority, taking their perks and privileges. He also had this to say then:

"State Sen. Jose Peralta, the DREAM Act's lead sponsor, placed full blame on the Senate Republicans, accusing his colleagues on the other side of the aisle of pushing a “fear-mongering” and “racist” ideology by refusing to give undocumented students the opportunity to apply for the Tuition Assistance Program."’s-next-for-the-dream-act.html#.WMgHiBiZPBI

So back then the Republicans were racist. Now, the IDC is calling his own constituents racist for being angry that he joined with the same people he himself called racist. It is time to throw all these people out of office.

Neighborhood Chat / What's going on with "Raise the Age"
« on: March 14, 2017, 05:57:27 AM »

This is an interesting story and reflects why everyone feels so frustrated with State government.

Its an announcement that "Raise the Age" has been included in the budget, and everyone congratulating themselves for doing it. But all it says is that there is an agreement to discuss it. No details, no commitment, no nothing. Absolute thin air designed for a press release. Yet Senator Klein is patting himself on the back I am sure to be followed by our local Senator and others spending tax dollars to do the same thing.

Its the same old bait and switch. The IDC announces something is a priority then gets a reporter to write that it was a big accomplishment getting a half measure done, then the IDC points to that as the reason they accept money, perks and power to betray the Democratic caucus and Democratic issues. In this case, they didn't even get anything done and they are taking a victory lap. By the time its over, no one will even know what was in the bill.

No wonder people are taking to the street. And BTW, I guess we all are now supposed to forget about the Dream Act, the Women's Equality Act, GENDA, campaign finance reform, ethics reform, etc, etc, etc. Because of course we got a major victory of a promise to discuss something in the future. Maybe. Thankfully the voters aren't falling for this stuff anymore.

This is what happens when political deals take place, and legislation becomes watered down to nothing.

Republican lawmakers in the Senate and Assembly on Wednesday pushed for a repeal of provisions of the SAFE Act Second Amendment supporters believe are most onerous, but only outside of New York City.

“This really came out of last year’s minimum wage issue,” he said. “If there are different minimum wages, the economies are very different.”


New pay raise bill introduced

By Bill Mahoney
02/24/2017 05:20 AM EDT

ALBANY — State lawmakers have introduced 260 bills over the past week, including 101 that aren’t reintroductions of legislation active in past sessions.

In the Assembly, Assemblyman David Weprin introduced a pay raise bill identical to one proposed by Sen. Jose Peralta last month. The bill, beginning in 2019, would adjust lawmakers' current $79,500 salary for the inflation that’s occurred since this rate took effect at the beginning of 1999, likely resulting in wages somewhere between $115,000 and $120,000.

The bill’s sponsor's memo directly rebuts claims made by Gov. Andrew Cuomo before his appointees to a compensation commission blocked lawmakers from getting a raise last November. “Contrary to common belief, the majority of New York State legislators typically engage work on an annual, full-time basis,” it says. “As the discussion over whether to designate the New York State Legislature to be a ‘full-time’ legislature continues, it is true that most legislators already view their offices as being exactly that.”

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