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Messages - thedude

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As NYS budget deadlines approach, the passing of the Dream Act is completely off the table and dead. So is the future of 38,000 kids, who at no fault of their own, had their future flushed down the toilet, in a back room deal, traded away for a bunch of meaningless titles and perks, by a bunch of hack politicians. Disgusting.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« on: March 27, 2017, 09:17:09 AM »
We all owe a thank you to all the wonderful parents and kids who made their voices heard this weekend coming out to call for fully funded schools in jackson heights. Watch the NY1 story, really interesting story:

Neighborhood Chat / Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« on: March 27, 2017, 09:14:42 AM »
Beherenow: Just scroll up you're screen, this is not an attack ?

"A few weeks ago, the mainline Democrats engaged in a outrageous public relations stunt designed to spread misinformation and confuse the people who care most about this issue."

Neighborhood Chat / Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« on: March 26, 2017, 08:45:19 PM »
Its great when Senator Jose Peralta posts a random comment, because it really helps to see how ridiculous his positions are when they are in black or white.

1) Senator, which one is it ? You tout that you helped deliver thousands of school seats in the last 13 years, yet you also said you abandoned the Democratic party because you couldn't get anything done and you needed to have a coalition with Republicans, so how did you pull that off being in the Democratic conference for the last 13 years.

2) Senator, which one is it ? You attack the Democrats for proposing a budget that fully funds NYC schools because the Senate Republicans wont vote for it, but you said by joining the Republicans you could get them to vote for things they didn't want to vote for.

3) Senator, which one is it ? You attack you're constituents who showed up to you're Town Hall and are now calling you out on education funding as being outsiders and agitators, but now you say its the Democratic conference thats actually behind all the criticism against you.

4) Senator, which one is it ? You now say that there is no working Democratic majority so you joined the Republicans to make things happen for you're constituents, but the proposed budget has less funding for NYC schools than LI and upstate school, there is no Dream Act, no GENDA, no campaign finance reform, no rent protections, and no clarity on Raise the Age.

Senator, which one is it ? Now we all know which on it is. You're a Republican.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« on: March 25, 2017, 04:50:46 PM »
Lots of videos from todays action against Senator Peralta located here. Includes bi-lingial protestor, local mother who really gets the point across:


A grassroots group is working on a longshot bid to kick state Sen. Jose Peralta out of the Queens Democratic Party, saying his membership in a group of renegade Dems called the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) is thwarting progressive goals.

Activists in Peralta’s district, centered in Jackson Heights, have been furious since he joined the IDC, which is allied to majority Republicans in the state Senate. They say the alliance is empowering Republicans to assist President Trump’s agenda on the state level, a charge they refute.

“We want everyone to see what’s happening,” said Jackson Heights resident Susan Kang, 36, who signed a March 1 letter urging the Democratic Organization of Queens County to eject the lawmaker.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: March for Public Schools this Saturday
« on: March 23, 2017, 05:29:34 PM »
To know what is at stake, read this news story and watch the video. Just today a protest was led in another IDC members district and the video shows real parents, not press releases, talking about how the IDC cut deals with Republicans to underfund schools.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: What's going on with "Raise the Age"
« on: March 23, 2017, 12:22:01 PM »
BehrenNow: Nothing has changed. This is exactly the same thing that Republican John Flanagan said 3 months ago. He is open to doing something on Raise the Age. And they will do "something", which wont be much. This is no victory for the IDC. Its a made up press strategy which some of us called out months ago.

If the reporter was doing his job, he would be reporting on the Albany disappearing act. Which is how did Jose Peralta and the IDC make the following disappear: Dream Act, Women's Equality Act,  Campaign Finance Reform, Single Payer Healthcare, full funding of NYC schools ?

Oh yeah, next year. They will win the big half measure of Raise the Age and then we can all once again wait for next year. While they dine on perks, power and privileges granted to them by the Republicans. No one is falling for this routine again.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Good news for the School Community
« on: March 21, 2017, 07:33:51 PM »
Its nice to see Jose Peralta pointing to their own press releases as "evidence." Here are some more independent sources:

The most terrifying thing is the IDC has assisted the Republicans in moving money out of public schools and into charter schools.

"Although the preliminary budget forecast of charter school enrollment is lower than projected by IBO, the Department of Education’s (DOE) budget for charter school tuition in 2018 represents a $138 million increase over the current year’s figure. This increase reflects not only enrollment growth,
but an anticipated increase in the state-approved per-pupil tuition rate for charter schools."

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Senator Peralta and the IDC
« on: March 20, 2017, 03:10:58 PM »
Another good Democrat elected to the Senate. Where is Jose Peralta ?

"Brian Benjamin, the Democratic candidate for the Senate seat vacated last month by Bill Perkins, pledged in a statement released Monday to join the mainline Democratic conference."

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Senator Peralta and the IDC
« on: March 19, 2017, 07:39:41 PM »

Another expose on the shady "Independence Party" and their deal with the Republican party. Their new ally is the "IDC." If you got one of Jose Peralta's recent fliers, these are the people who paid for it. I hope the authorities investigate this.

"As of last year, the Independence Party has entered into a relationship with the Independent Democratic Conference, the eight-member group of breakaway Democrats that has aligned with Senate Republicans. The Independence Party is allowing the IDC to use its status as a statewide political party to give it access to a campaign account that can take six-figure donations and spend unlimited sums for its members, something the IDC could not otherwise do under election law."


Low Even For Albany

Oh, to be in Albany: A member of the state Senate this week responded to substantive criticism about the role of the breakaway Independent Democratic Conference by launching into an ad hominem diatribe violating the chamber’s decorum.

The fracas began when Democrat Mike Gianaris questioned the IDC’s alliance with the GOP, which a Daily News headline labeled “Trump’s New York Democrats.”

IDC member Marisol Alcantara, taking perfectly theatrical umbrage, answered by condemning city public school grad Gianaris as a “white man with a degree from Harvard,” accusing him of “white privilege” and demanding to know “how many times my colleague has been called the N-word or a spic.”

The answer is zero. Which is exactly how much credibility the people of New York should give Alcantara’s vicious and juvenile response.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: DREAM Act in NYS Legislature
« on: March 16, 2017, 02:17:23 PM »
To be 100 percent clear because mis-information is being put out on this site:

The Democratic budget resolution was BANNED from being introduced and no Senators were allowed to vote on it.

This is unprecedented and against the Senate rules. Instead the Republicans introduced both their and the IDC bills up for a vote.

So we understand what happened here, the IDC was complicit in preventing the Democratic bill from being put up to a vote and were part and parcel of a sham process that allowed them to "vote" for a watered down version of the "Dream Act" which was in the IDC budget resolution.

That is Senator Jose Peralta's big "seat at the table." Disgusting.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: DREAM Act in NYS Legislature
« on: March 15, 2017, 10:43:42 PM »
Holy cow. I just noticed an earlier post by SD13. It does not even mention Jose Peralta. Its a press release that only mentions Jeff Klein. Wow, they have completely written off Jose Peralta. Now its only about saving Jeff Klein's reputation in the senate district.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: DREAM Act in NYS Legislature
« on: March 15, 2017, 10:20:07 PM »
Sorry, but thats just empty words.

The Democratic resolution wasn't even allowed to be voted on. The IDC said nothing. As for the IDC bill, it was a bad bill, why would they vote for it. Why didn't the IDC demand that the Democratic bill be allowed to be voted on ? Thats the bill they wanted to pass, right. So why didn't they use their relationship with the Republicans to let it be voted on ? Its all bunch of hocus pocus baloney. Everyone knows that now.

Anyway, Peralta is totally oblivious or I assume they told him they would hire him when he loses. He really thinks that this silly debate of IDC versus mainline Democrats will help him ? Democrats will be won back with these silly maneuvers ? Hilarious. How many people are out there defending him who aren't on the IDC payroll ? Zero. Not one.

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