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Topics - jenni_squirrel

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Jackson Heights in New Orleans!
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:19:26 AM »
So I was in New Orleans over Labor Day weekend and stopped at a cool funky store called Road Kill with some friends.  I ended up buying a dress there and while chatting with the guy at the register found out that he had grown up in Jackson Heights!  On 80-something and Northern.  He went to PS 69 and everything.  He says that his mom is still living in the apartment he grew up in.  He's been in NOLA for 20 years now, so I assume she's been in the neighborhood for quite some time.  I didn't catch his name (went back to the store again, but he wasn't around), but I thought that was pretty cool.  :)

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