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Messages - jenni_squirrel

Pages: [1] 2
Pets and Animals / Re: Missing orange stray cat hit by car
« on: January 23, 2016, 01:26:15 AM »
On the queens lost and found facebook page someone posted that an orange cat has been meowing loudly in that area. I couldn't find your original post on that site but please check it out. Finder also sent me a video. The cat was in the courtyard.

The loud orange cat must be a different one. It's still out, saw it a few hours ago playing in the courtyard between 75th and 76th. One of our neighbors is trying to catch it to do a TNR. She made a post recently. I also saw it playing with a pretty black cat that I'd never seen before.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Car vandalism - 75th and 34th
« on: October 25, 2014, 04:42:48 PM »
I've also seen a number of instances of window smashing going on one block south on 75th/35th.

Yesterday, my husband and I passed a car with a bashed in driver's side window on 75th and 35th.  He mentioned that there had been another car parked behind the one we saw, also with a broken window.  It didn't look like anyone had even stolen anything (the glass was shattered, but hadn't been pushed in).  Just random act of property damage.  Must've been the same person/people.  Awful.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Tourism agency tells NYers to visit JH
« on: October 25, 2014, 04:18:49 PM »
There's a small piece of it in the thumbnail, it has to exist! We must find it.

It kind of looked like our poster might've been steps leading up to the Roosevelt Ave. train station, no?  I hope that's not really it...

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Workshop on the future of Diversity Plaza
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:38:13 PM »
Hoping some of you who can make it will post some updates.  I won't be able to attend, but would love to hear how it went.  (So glad someone had the foresight to set up that survey!)

Restaurants & Food / Re: Season's Greetings from Espresso 77!
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:13:07 AM »
Ah yes, I passed by the Park Slope location a few weeks ago - it gave me a bit of a shock!

Restaurants & Food / UFC - New to me!
« on: September 18, 2014, 10:00:11 PM »
So I finally went by UFC today... I didn't realize from the casual mentions of the place that it's not just fried chicken, but Korean fried chicken. I can never get back those two years of lost Korean fried chicken opportunities, but I'm glad to finally know the truth! My life satisfaction has significantly improved.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:03:26 PM »
one hurdle  -- not an insurmountable one -- is the 7 train.
whenever i've been on a busy shopping strip under an elevated train, the shops seem slightly more downscale than shopping strips even a block or two away, the vibe grittier. frankly, streets under elevated train tracks just LOOK dirty, dirtier than they actually are, maybe because sunlight is largely blocked. i'm thinking of Brighton Beach Avenue. million dollar oceanfront condos are literally a couple of hundred yards away, but the street is funky, messy, kinda dirty. the same is true in a lot of the southern part of brooklyn and in the bronx.

YES!  I cannot think of any neighborhood where whatever street is under the elevated train is not gross.  Even 31st Street in Astoria, which is at least wider than Roosevelt, is pretty icky.  I used to live on Kings Hwy in Brooklyn and the area under the F train was similarly sketchy, but the area near the N, which was open to the air but below street level (like a little river) was much better.

Going back to the beer thing, though - I had no idea there was any place you could get a growler in the neighborhood!  So excited for this revelation!  Thank you, Jeff!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights in New Orleans!
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:47:38 PM »
I was staying at a timeshare that my friend's father owns (or rents, or whatever one does with a timeshare).  It was called La Belle Maison.  Run by Wyndham.  It was pretty good.  Had a fitness center and pool.  There was also a separate Wyndham that was in the French Quarter proper (ours was just outside... basically, you cross the street and you're in the Quarter). 

Some other friends stayed at the Marriott.  It was also centrally located and seemed nice - very big.  It had a lot of little stores in the lobby and either a bar, restaurant, or both.  Another friend stayed Hotel St. Helene, which was much smaller and adorable.  It was also directly in the French Quarter.  It looked pretty nice, too.  They held her bags for her after she checked out (as did the Wyndham where I stayed).  They also had a pool.

Honestly, there was no shortage of conveniently located hotels, so you'll probably be okay wherever you end up.  And I think it's fairly impossible not to have a good time in that city.  Just be sure to check the weather - we had a lot of monsoon-type rain while I was there and they don't have umbrella salespeople who appear out of thin air like they do here.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New TV Drama: "Jackson Heights"
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:07:10 PM »
We're famous!  8)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:04:01 PM »

What you're telling me is that I'm the "wrong kind of shopper." Anyone else feel that way too?

no, i'm quoting from Jenni_Squirrel's report on one of the public meetings about the BID -- quoting a supporter of the BID as to why it's attract "the right kind," meaning the ones that aren't supporting the businesses that are already there.

Just to clarify a tiny bit: the BID supporters have been very diplomatic in saying that they want to "attract shoppers."  The opponents have read between the lines and understood that to mean "the right kind of shoppers."  I don't think that interpretation was unfair considering the fact that there are always tons of people on Roosevelt.  But the supporters never used that particular phrase.

That said, I think everyone on both sides of this issue wants what's best for the community, everyone wants Roosevelt to be cleaner and safer.  It's just different visions of what that looks like and how to make it happen - mostly because they have different concerns.  Frankly, those of us who are middle class have the luxury of looking at gentrification from a much more abstract perspective than the lower income people who are going to be the first to go.  We can look at it and say, "Hey, do we want to turn into another Park Slope?" because we're probably still going to be able to live here even if it does turn into another Park Slope.

The opponents at the meeting I went to are all for a cleaner Roosevelt Avenue, but not at the expense of their homes and livelihoods.  If you think about it, every mom and pop store along Roosevelt represents at least one person's livelihood.  When it's your shop that's supporting your family, you might find the prospect of accelerated gentrification a little more threatening than those of us who are debating the pros and cons of an H&M in the neighborhood.  I think that's an important perspective to consider.

Neighborhood Chat / Jackson Heights in New Orleans!
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:19:26 AM »
So I was in New Orleans over Labor Day weekend and stopped at a cool funky store called Road Kill with some friends.  I ended up buying a dress there and while chatting with the guy at the register found out that he had grown up in Jackson Heights!  On 80-something and Northern.  He went to PS 69 and everything.  He says that his mom is still living in the apartment he grew up in.  He's been in NOLA for 20 years now, so I assume she's been in the neighborhood for quite some time.  I didn't catch his name (went back to the store again, but he wasn't around), but I thought that was pretty cool.  :)

What the community needs to get organized on is not to stop the residential development that we so desperately need

Nobody on this thread said that we should organize in order to prevent development.  What Todd suggested (and everyone else has agreed with) is that we should organize in order to make sure that the project is in done in a way that benefits the community.

Lizbeth, this may be too far north, but I just saw this beautiful two-story three bedroom on Trulia:

It's between 30th and 31st Avenues, but it's big and very pretty.

I'd also be interested in being involved in letters, meetings, etc.  I think this proposal, if done right, could be really wonderful for our neighborhood.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Soccer camp angers parents in JH
« on: August 03, 2014, 03:38:19 PM »
Oh dear... that's a little creepy... (both their plan and their website).

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