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Topics - DG3000

Pages: [1]
Restaurants & Food / Thanksgiving Dining Out
« on: November 17, 2011, 12:33:32 PM »
Does anyone have a suggestions for dining out for Thanksgiving Dinner? 



Neighborhood Chat / Squirrel on Steroids? Help?
« on: February 13, 2009, 08:45:03 AM »
OK, so I'm hoping someone can help or advise.  I've bought my apartment in JH about 7 years ago and LOVE this neighborhood!  But, I came home last night to find a small (2"-3") hole chewed through the screen in my bedroom window and the small towel I had left in front of the window chewed up as well.  I'm assuming it was a squirrel (but I guess it could have been something else).  Thankfully nothing else in my apartment was ajar - and believe me I looked everywhere!

I'm now afraid to keep my windows open even if the screens are in place (sans holes).  I feel like I have to get storm windows now (my apartment didn't come with them) - but are the squirrel-proof screens or anything else I can do?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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