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Topics - Handyman-B

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / HELLO!!! :-)
« on: November 17, 2007, 06:50:59 PM »
Well hello all.

I grew up in Jackson Heights but make my home in Astoria now.  Found this forum through our own site and since I never did post in the "Hello" thread there, I'd make up for it by starting one here.    I'm a home improvement contractor (not a plug) and part time super in my building.   Miss the Sizzler and the Archer Store across from it, along with Record Room on 82nd St, and the Hobby Hut on 83rd.  Glad to see Jahn's is still holding on and played darts a few times over at Budds.

See, I don't know what to say.  Which is probably why I never posted on the "Hello" thread in Astoria.

Congrats to you all on your new forum.  Hope it is addictive as our own is. :-)   Have fun.

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