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Topics - spartacus

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Absentee Ballot Postage
« on: October 06, 2020, 02:30:59 PM »
This past week I had the occasion to assist a family member with a NYC absentee ballot. We put the completed ballot inside the oath envelope, signed and dated the oath envelope and placed it inside the return envelope. So far so good. Then we noticed that postage is required. That’s fine. We are happy to pay the freight. But the question became how much postage? The envelope appeared like it might require extra postage. We put two stamps on it to be certain. But we remain puzzled by this. It wasn’t obvious in the ballot instructions what the postage would be. A quick look at the Board of Elections website didn’t help either. It just seems that for something as important as an absentee ballot it would be crystal clear what the postage was. My doomsday fear is hundreds of ballots being returned to sender for insufficient postage. So does anybody know, what exactly is the postage for a NYC absentee ballot?

Restaurants & Food / What is your favorite recipe?
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:12:31 PM »
What is your favorite recipe?

I should clarify a bit.  I don't mean a favorite dish or a favorite meal. Or something that you eat 3 or 4 times a month.  Nor do I mean picking the best recipe for, say for arguments sake, chocolate cake.  Not looking for I like chef A's recipe for chocolate cake more the chef B's.

What I'm getting at is a recipe that you are just pleased with.  A recipe that doesn't disappoint.  A recipe that is balanced and simple.  A recipe that you make for a Tuesday night but you also would gladly serve to company (and the company would love you for it).  A recipe you are always glad you made and know you will make again.

You get the idea.

For me, one of my favorites is Emeril Lagasse's take on Shrimp Fra Diavolo. You can make it in about 15 minutes.  It just never disappoints me and I'm always glad I made it.

Anybody else have a favorite or two?

Neighborhood Chat / E-Readers and the Queens Public Library
« on: April 03, 2011, 09:12:11 AM »
I am curious if anyone has checked out an e-book from the Queens Public Library.  I know the QPL provides this service and has a limited number of titles available as e-books.  Has anyone had any success doing this?  Any thoughts or comments about checking an e-book out from the QPL?   

Neighborhood Chat / Soda Tax
« on: April 17, 2010, 07:58:36 AM »
Over the last couple of weeks I've seen two different advertising spots advocating against the proposed Soda Tax.  The small print said the ads were paid for by the American Beverage Association.  No surprise in that.

I personally drink very, very little soda.  Wish I could say I'm nutritionally conscious, but really I just don't care for soda that much.  But the ads made me wonder, what people think about the idea of a Soda Tax?  Lots of considerations here.  That State is going broke and needs more revenue.  And health-wise, soda isn't the greatest thing.  So maybe a tax isn't such a bad idea.  Then again, it strikes me as a very regressive tax that would disproportionately impact low and moderate income people.

And how would this work exactly?  Would just carbonated drinks be taxed?  What about stuff like juice boxes, orange juice, Gatorade, powdered drink mixes, diet drinks as opposed to sugared, etc. etc.? 

A lot of ways to look at this.  Thoughts?

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