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Messages - jamesdamian

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: Jackson Heights - Corona BID
« on: June 01, 2014, 11:53:46 AM »

Does anyone know where the 1500 addresses fall on the map? How they were selected?

I haven't started anything, yet! I have a bromeliad that I finally put on the fire escape, but it looks like the squirrels sampled it. I know a lot of the herbs will be successful if you get starters and transplant. The marigolds are good windbreakers. I think the best advice for the soil in the wind is to reduce exposed area by planting more - but maybe someone out there with window box success can chime in! I can ask some professional gardener friends if they have any tips.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New Gap outlet to open
« on: May 14, 2014, 09:54:37 PM »
I don't hear people asking for a blow-dry bar or an outpost of Per Se. 

And if you look at the prices of 1-2 bedroom apartments right now and how these are skyrocketing, it may compute soon.

Wait. I had to Google blow-dry bar. There are really places that only do blow outs??! SMH.

As far as the 2nd half of this, I agree. Sale and rent prices are on the rise and more and more people are being priced out of the hipper areas and considering JH and other destinations afar (a friend of mine just landed in Ridgewood!).

My partner and I just moved from Astoria (8 years!) to JH in February. We haven't missed much from the old hood and love being owners here and have found many favorite places already. As someone said above, transportation is great; things are easy to get to and Astoria is just a short train, bus, or Uber ride away!

We have a great electrician to recommend, if needed. Feel free to PM.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Bubble tea comes to 37th Ave
« on: May 09, 2014, 09:59:24 PM »
This should be interesting. I love bubble tea, but not the ones made from powders...which is most of the bubble tea in the area. Ten Ren is one of the few that doesn't use powder. Here's to hoping that Brothers is also not powder-based!

It's powder. I had a coconut milk tea, yesterday. It was really good. i haven't had enough bubble tea to know the difference between power and not. I'll have to find Ten Ren.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: What would you like to see open in JH?
« on: April 29, 2014, 01:01:20 PM »
I would love a good ramen joint! Doesn't require a lot of space, and who doesn't love real ramen.

I second a ramen place and add middle eastern food place! My BF and I recently moved from Ditmars/Astoria and I miss the convenience of having Hinomaru and awesome middle eastern food nearby (Duzan...<sigh>...). 

Restaurants & Food / Re: Great Brunch at Bocaito
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:59:05 PM »
I went for wine/dinner a week or so ago. So good!

Restaurants & Food / Re: Central Cafe?
« on: March 30, 2014, 08:10:08 PM »
So much money spent in remodeling.  And alas, so many design blunders.

The large copper framed windows outside are attractive... but the ones facing 79th Street look straight into the back of the messy counter with the cash register.  Instead of enticing shoppers into the store....we see the back of the cashier's legs and assorted unappealing paraphernalia stored under the counter.

Did no-one envision the outcome before spending thousands and thousands of dollars?

What's disappointing is that for the same amount money spent, it could've been a great store...instead of a mediocre one.  It's kinda like the shop owners don't "shop" get style ideas from stores who have done it right...

I suppose that's the difference between very successful merchants....and ones who just don't really get it.

They need to put up something so we can't see behind the cash wrap. Their mess is driving me nuts every time I walk by - does not make me want to go in.

This store is a huge disappointment.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: What is being built at 37th and 79th Street?
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:58:18 PM »
I peeked through the paper today and it's all deli "furniture". Lookin fancy, though.

Restaurants & Food / Re: New... where to eat?
« on: February 12, 2014, 01:40:06 PM »
Thanks, dssjh! Sorry for such a slow coming acknowledgement. I'll check out these places.

Chung Ki Wa on 74th just off broadway.....right by the train entrance and next to the gay spanish sports bar [if not only in JH, mostly in JH :) ] formerly known as the music for BBQ, done at table albeit not over charcoal. they have a better variety of banchan and some reasonable soju as well.
the vietnamese place right there [Thai Son] has excellent pho, but fair to middling everything else.

happy noshing!

My boyfriend and I went to Hae Woon Dae at Bway/76th over the weekend. I had kimchi jjigae, he had soon doo bu jjigae. Both really good. Atmosphere leaves a bit to be desired, but I'll deal for good Korean food. Any other worthy Korean recommendations. We are exploring JH and to plan to hit 'em all.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Joju Vietnamese sandwiches, Elmhurst
« on: December 08, 2013, 07:20:10 PM »
I love this place! I've been once and can't wait to go back.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Woodside restaurants
« on: November 21, 2012, 09:30:20 AM »
Shelby2, Suki Thai Shabu is REALLY good! I have a friend that lives close by and we've been there a handful of times. Enjoy!

Restaurants & Food / Re: New... where to eat?
« on: November 19, 2012, 06:49:21 PM »
My boyfriend and I went to Hae Woon Dae at Bway/76th over the weekend. I had kimchi jjigae, he had soon doo bu jjigae. Both really good. Atmosphere leaves a bit to be desired, but I'll deal for good Korean food. Any other worthy Korean recommendations. We are exploring JH and to plan to hit 'em all.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Gluten-Free Foods in JH? Restaurants?
« on: November 17, 2012, 05:17:16 PM »
Maybe this is the place dssjh was referring to in Astoria:

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