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Messages - JHhomeowner

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Pets and Animals / Re: Adopting a Cat
« on: July 05, 2009, 07:30:28 PM »

This is to "Dotley" specifically- my husband and I moved to 73rd St near Northern Blvd this winter- we have taken the ASPCA's TNR class.  We have rescued one cat and are trying to trap and take care of the the other feral/ un neutered ones that come into our yard.  We would love to talk to other like minded JH people, to trade advice, pool resources, etc.



My husband and I moved into a house on 73rd St, near Northern Blvd, this winter.  We have rescued one cat so far- a wonderful healthy male cat, who we found a good home for.

We took the ASPCA's trap/neuter/return class and are now working on trapping/helping a new cat.

It is tricky to tell which outdoor cats are pets and which are ferals/strays in this neighborhood, BUT the ones we see in our yard have been males, about 10 months old, very obviously unneutered- of course most people wouldn't have an unneutered male cat that old as a pet because of spraying, smell, etc.  When we did catch the last cat our vet confirmed he had been on the street for a long time- undernourished, calloused paws, sparse coat, etc.

I am new to this thread but I would love to hear from anyone else in the area trying to help these strays. 

I think it's better to act on the side of caution- I would rather mistakenly "catch" a pet, and then release it promptly, than let the strays keep breeding- the un neutered ones are often hated by people, attacked by dogs, etc.

Is it obnoxious to say I think this isn't a great place to let your cats go outdoors anyway?  On my block the yards are tiny and Northern Blvd is so close by- + of course there are the ferals looking to mate and fight- we have 2 pet cats and I would never let them be outdoor cats here!


My husband and I moved to the neighborhood about 4 months ago.  We've been fostering a stray kitten that we rescued about a month ago.  This cat is adorable- a black/white tuxedo kitty, friendly, playful, healthy, well behaved- always uses the litter, doesn't hide, loves being picked up, brushed, etc.  In fact he's such a great little pet it's hard to believe he was a stray, but when we found him he was filthy, underweight, had calloused paws, etc.  (We have had him completely checked out by Dr. Tello and he is healthy now, he is getting neutered this week on our dime.  We did a lot of research to make sure he wasn't someone's lost pet and came up w/ zilch, poor thing was on the streets in the coldest months- Dec, Jan.)

We are crazy about this kitten but we have an older, larger cat who does not want to share the limelight.  If you or anyone you  know is interested in getting a great new kitty please email me and I will forward you a picture and any other info you might want.


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