Author Topic: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!  (Read 3308 times)

Offline MWinston

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BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« on: August 30, 2013, 05:25:29 PM »
Today, I was walking my dog a little past 4:30pm between Roosevelt Ave to 37th Ave on 79th Street. There was a male hispanic man in a baseball cap, hoodie (grayish black), blue jeans masterbating in front of a white suv for sale! Probably between the height of 5'3'' to 5'7''. I called 911 as well as speaking to two cops on the corner of Roosevelt Ave on street patrol. I'm disgusted and horrified because he had the nerves to do this in the daylight! Please, if you see this man again call the cops right away! I freaked out and kept walking and when I turned around he was gone. Less than a year ago, my boyfriend was walking our dog around 6:30am a man who fit the same type of description was masterbating again around that same area freaking pedestrian who had to walk pass this same block. Thank godness, my boyfriend scared this man away! It seems as if he was high on drugs. Please call the cops right away if you see him!

Offline divanatrix

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2013, 04:36:40 PM »
Why didn't you take a photo of him with your cellphone camera?

Offline Common Sense

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2013, 07:38:40 PM »
why don't you just walk your dog on another block until he's caught?

Offline petster

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2013, 08:59:49 PM »
Really. I just don't get everyones response to this incident. Your walking your dog and some psycho is jerking off in the middle of the street. Right. I'm gonna take out my camera and take a picture. Maybe do a video. I don't think that's what my first response would be. when something like this happens it is not easy to " plan out" a response. Oh. And let me plan where I should walk my dog. Stay off 73rd street? 74th street? Roosevelt and 83rd? How do you predict where these incidences occur.  Why should "I" feel  like I should be restricted  in my own neighborhood?!! . I feel as if the person which this happened to is being made out to be the "bad guy" You did the right thing by reporting this to members of this site. I will remain cautious when walking my dog and look out for persons  fitting this description. I hope other people give you support and not their criticisms. Thanks for reporting this.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2013, 11:02:49 PM »
Agreed.  Thank you for reporting this.  You should be able to walk on any block you want!  I can't even believe anyone would suggest otherwise.

Offline divanatrix

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2013, 11:25:31 PM »
Overreact much?  My suggestion wasn't meant to demonize the poster.  It's obviously helpful to document these issues when possible. 

Really. I just don't get everyones response to this incident. Your walking your dog and some psycho is jerking off in the middle of the street. Right. I'm gonna take out my camera and take a picture. Maybe do a video. I don't think that's what my first response would be. when something like this happens it is not easy to " plan out" a response. Oh. And let me plan where I should walk my dog. Stay off 73rd street? 74th street? Roosevelt and 83rd? How do you predict where these incidences occur.  Why should "I" feel  like I should be restricted  in my own neighborhood?!! . I feel as if the person which this happened to is being made out to be the "bad guy" You did the right thing by reporting this to members of this site. I will remain cautious when walking my dog and look out for persons  fitting this description. I hope other people give you support and not their criticisms. Thanks for reporting this.

Offline I live here too

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 10:03:54 AM »
You haven't been demonized, just told you're overreacting.

MWinston, I share your pain. What we need more of in JH is reaction, and less, just cross the street.

Offline divanatrix

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2013, 10:45:55 AM »
I Live Here Too, I think you're mixing up posters.  Your comment does not apply to what I said.

I am not the original poster, I was overreacted to by petster for the audacity to ask the original poster why she didn't take a pic of the creep  (God forbid we might be able to identify him easily and do something about it!!)  FWIW I think the suggestions to NOT walk  on that street are asinine. 

Offline petster

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2013, 11:25:58 AM »
That's not the way your post came across and if that was your intent you could have posted in a more sensitive manner.

Offline divanatrix

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2013, 12:35:08 PM »
Petster, perhaps you're being overly sensitive to what was a one-sentence response to the original post? 

Offline petster

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2013, 12:46:49 PM »
No need to be so defensive. I'm just saying that when these incidences do occur you never know what your reaction will be. What you "could of done" doesn't always intercept with how you feel. Clearly this kind of behavior is frightening and it's hard to say what you would do. That's all. No malice intended.

Offline Ed

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2013, 01:54:23 PM »
First, I don't hear anybody saying "deal with it, it's his planet, too". Secondly, the thing that has been most helpful to both NYPD and MTA cops when THEY'VE been trying to chase down gropers/flashers/creeps on the trains is having a picture of the offender.
Sure it's the last thing you think about, but it was not an unhelpful suggestion. And it WAS a suggestion made to help get the guy off the streets, not to imply that you did something stupid.

Offline jeanette

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2013, 02:37:23 PM »
First, I don't hear anybody saying "deal with it, it's his planet, too". Secondly, the thing that has been most helpful to both NYPD and MTA cops when THEY'VE been trying to chase down gropers/flashers/creeps on the trains is having a picture of the offender.
Sure it's the last thing you think about, but it was not an unhelpful suggestion. And it WAS a suggestion made to help get the guy off the streets, not to imply that you did something stupid.
No one said a picture would be a bad thing. You are obfuscating the issue. It's the tone/choice of words by divanatrix that is at the heart of our comments.

Offline divanatrix

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2013, 03:21:17 PM »
You are delusional.  Any tone you are reading into this is your issue not mine.  I suggest you find something else to occupy your time.

The quote was: "Why didn't you take a photo of him with your cellphone camera?"

No one said a picture would be a bad thing. You are obfuscating the issue. It's the tone/choice of words by divanatrix that is at the heart of our comments.

Offline gsmayes

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Re: BEWARE!! There's a CREEP on the loose!
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2013, 04:36:53 PM »
Taking the picture of someone in the middle of comitting a crime sounds like a good way to get the shit kicked out of you or worse. No thanks, I'll report it to police and give them a verbal description.