Author Topic: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal  (Read 13261 times)

Offline snickers

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2010, 01:44:51 AM »
I'm pretty sure they honk at everyone.

The honking is at it's worst between 12:00am-5:00am when they are waiting to pick somebody
up at their door and you are sleeping. >:(

Offline madalyn

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2010, 09:16:04 AM »
Interesting that they are not allowed to pick people up in the street because at least half of the vehicles cruising around our neighborhood are car-service cars.  They routinely pick up people that hail them from the street and there appears to be no enforcement whatsoever of rules prohibiting this.

I always thought that if we had dedicated cab stands for them and truly prohibited them from cruising for fares, traffic would be reduced consderably around here.

Offline FoxyWiles

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #32 on: June 21, 2010, 01:46:53 AM »
Ahhhhh. They're just trying to make a living. There are more worthy things in life to worry about.

You can use this defense for any job. Smut peddlers, meth makers, mimes, those annoying people on Roosevelt who hand out useless fliers. Just sayin's all.

Offline madalyn

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #33 on: June 21, 2010, 06:58:02 AM »
How about deep-water oil drillers, coal miners, whale-killers..........


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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2010, 07:13:15 AM »
Hey FoxyWiles you left out insurance companies, politicans, lobbyist, media, oil companies, wall street........the list is endless.  Looking at the big picture those gypsy cabs pale in comparison.  Let's face it we're a society of intolerant whiners!   I'm just saying!
You can use this defense for any job. Smut peddlers, meth makers, mimes, those annoying people on Roosevelt who hand out useless fliers. Just sayin's all.

Offline jessicaramos

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #35 on: June 21, 2010, 11:09:42 AM »
Interesting that they are not allowed to pick people up in the street because at least half of the vehicles cruising around our neighborhood are car-service cars.  They routinely pick up people that hail them from the street and there appears to be no enforcement whatsoever of rules prohibiting this.

I always thought that if we had dedicated cab stands for them and truly prohibited them from cruising for fares, traffic would be reduced consderably around here.

I've heard many neighbors make this same suggestion in the past.  Where might we be able to place these stands?  I think we'd have to be very careful as to not sacrifice parking spots for JH residents.

Offline Lilybell

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #36 on: June 21, 2010, 11:13:30 AM »
you left out insurance companies, politicans, lobbyist, media, oil companies, wall street........the list is endless.  Looking at the big picture those gypsy cabs pale in comparison.  Let's face it we're a society of intolerant whiners!   I'm just saying!

But this is a site about neighborhood issues.  Just because someone posts about something that bugs them doesn't mean that they sit at home stewing about it all day. I don't like it when someone tells me what I should or should not worry about.  Everyone has pet peeves and triggers (mine is the noise from the ice cream trucks - do I think it's an earth-shattering problem?  No. Does it annoy me enough to mention it here?  yes).

Offline normelrod

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #37 on: June 21, 2010, 11:31:41 AM »
I'm with you on the ice cream trucks. They park outside my window for hours on end, which means I have to listen to the music for hours on end.

One of them plays "Rudolph, The Red-Nose Reindeer," for some inexplicable reason.

Offline snickers

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #38 on: June 21, 2010, 06:09:47 PM »
Oh those god damm ice cream trucks, they even drive around on a 50 degree day in the middle of winter. The most annoying one is the one that plays a circus tune and the recording says "HELLO"..
followed by whistles and honking. Even with the music off,the sound of the truck while it's idling
is loud enough. As a kid you look forward to seeing/hearing the ice cream truck but as you get older
it bugs the hell out of you.

Offline madalyn

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #39 on: June 21, 2010, 08:48:46 PM »
I've heard many neighbors make this same suggestion in the past.  Where might we be able to place these stands?  I think we'd have to be very careful as to not sacrifice parking spots for JH residents.

The stands would be on designated and marked corners on the avenues.  Most people say they want cleaner air, less traffic, less planet-warming fossil fuel burning, but when it comes to personally doing something like driving less, walking more, using public transit, interest soon wanes. 

Offline leoooog

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #40 on: June 21, 2010, 10:23:04 PM »
So, i think part of the reason their are no yellow cabs is that the illegal gypsy cabs are taking any buisness they might have away from them.

I think black markets tend to compensate for the deficiencies of legitimate markets (as opposed to black markets causing the deficiencies). In this case, there are rarely any legitimate cabs available in the neighborhood, so gypsy cabs step in to fill the void and satisfy the needs of whoever is taking advantage of their service. If yellow cabs were as easily available as these gypsy cabs, the number of gypsy cabs prowling the streets would probably be greatly diminished. I doubt many people would chose a shady gypsy cab over a somewhat less shady yellow cab.

Want to put an end to gypsy cab drivers illegally picking up customers? Make an adequate legal alternative.

Offline bryncellen

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2010, 02:34:42 PM »
Purely from my own experience, in ten plus years in Jackson Heights I can say that I’ve taken livery cabs on many occasions and have never had a memorably bad experience.  Some drivers are better than others, some more courteous than others but everyone is basically OK (I don’t think it’s fair to call them “shady”)

It seems pretty clear to me that, whatever the objections to livery cabs, there is a meaningful need for cab service in Jackson Heights – otherwise the livery cab drivers would not be here in the numbers they are.  In particular, people who cannot afford cars or who choose not to drive appreciate having this service available for occcasions when walking or public transport is not feasible --

Actually, although I might be biased as a non-driver myself, I think that one of the main reasons our streets are so congested is not livery cab drivers, but the fact that far too many people use private cars.  Cabs would also seem to be more environmentally friendly than cars given that most of us use cabs selectively whereas people who own cars tend to use them routinely...   

Offline madalyn

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2010, 03:01:57 PM »
Just for the record...I don't think the car service cars we have all over the neighborhood are "shady" either.  I have used them and never had a bad experience.  They are licensed and inspected by the TLC.

Offline MarcusW

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2010, 03:24:53 PM »
I would love to see some kind of dispatch service near the Roosevelt hub.

Bus transit and walking aren't always the necessary solution for many - and the people who need a cab after getting off the subway likely don't have a car parked nearby (or they wouldn't be looking for a cab).  If licensed taxis aren't willing to drive around here looking for fares (there are plenty of taxis that visit off-duty for groceries, restaurants, etc., but obviously they can't make enough money to pay for their shifts here) the livery cabs should be able to serve the taxi-transit needs of this area.

They already are doing so, but because there's no livery-taxi-stand(s) for them to do business legally, they just drive around and around, looking for fares that way. The TLC turns a blind eye on this practice, but doesn't allow for livery all of us just get additional traffic congestion around an already traffic-choked intersection.
- MW

Offline madalyn

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Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2010, 03:28:59 PM »
If you pay attention at any  time and on any day, you will see that the percentage of cruising car-servoce vehicles in our neighborhood is quite high.  I don't begrudge them trying to make a living I just think there must be a better way ecologically.