Author Topic: Limoncello Italian Restaurant  (Read 10052 times)

Offline Shelby2

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Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« on: February 16, 2008, 06:50:44 PM »
Just noticed the grand opening signs on this new Italian restaurant on the corner of 82nd St. and Baxter, facing the tiny triangular park.

They have free delivery and a lunch special from Mon-Sat. from 11-3pm for $11.  This includes a soup or salad and a main dish such as veal parmigiana, lasagna or broiled salmon, plus a side vegetable or pasta. 

Prices for the main dishes at dinner are about $12 for a pasta, $15 - $24 range for beef such as T-bone steak or filet mignon, and seafood dishes for $17 - $24 such as filet of sole, mussels, or lobster tail.

They have desserts such as tiramisu and ricotta cheese cake.

Let us know if anyone tries it!

Limoncello Italian Restaurant
40-39b 82nd St., Elmhurst

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 07:13:25 PM »
So many restaurants, so few days in the week.  I'm up for the challenge though.   :buck2: 
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Offline sgnmath1234

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2008, 09:34:02 PM »
My wife and I went there today Feb 17 at about 3 PM.

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2008, 09:40:36 PM »
My wife and I went there today Feb 17 at about 3 PM.
DON'T DO THAT. Don't tease us like that! Tell us what you ate, how it was . . . and please include the service and the ambiance.

Offline sgnmath1234

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2008, 10:42:15 PM »
Well. You really should go there yourself to experience the, uh.the uh.......Well quite frankly I'm not sure what I experienced!
The decor is yellow walls horribly painted by some one who probably likes to paint. It was not that impressive. I guess the yellow was to simulate a lemon(?) ergo the joint's name?
I ordered a simple appetizer of Tortellini in brodo, which I love. Only $3.95. It was not that bad. Quite good, honestly. My wife ordered grilled shrimp with veggies. It cost $18. (Sounsd like Parkside or Piccola Venezia prices). It was very good. So good.. We did notice that in addition to the 2 of us, there was only 1 other party there. A couple. Total of about 10 tables. I thought.hmmmmm they better get volume to survive. Anyway, the very cordial waiter and host were a pleasure. I ordered
lasagne. Now how can someone mess that up? The dish came in a very hort plate and was really good. We had 2 diet cokes ( Thin sipping straw in an attractive stemmed glass. No cans thank God) I had Tiramisu and a tea. Total after tax and tip $56.00

That's not cheap considering we could get similar prices for a restaurant with decor, (Curtains, flowers, etc) The problem is that it is not unique as far as Italian restaurant food is concerned. But the appearance is so cheap in a neighborhood where peeple look inside with the thought "An Italian restaurant?? What's this?) The menu is in English only . The Italian dishes are really Italian by NY Standards, with no Colombian or Ecuadorian dishes on the side for those who prefeto  eat their native own food. The staff is obviously bilingual, but I got a sense that the folks in the restaurant (another couple came in for a total of 6 people in about an hour's time-not good) weren't really sure what they were eating.

My wife and I mised the Monday-Sat 11.00 lunch special ( Appetizer, main course,-including sides of vegetable and potato and soft drink) That's a fantastic deal.

I have doubts about this place since the food is OK but the location is bad and the "Experience" was not good. The view out the window reminded me of a deserted town in Iraq. It was depressing. But then again, Ithaca Ave and 8nd Street isn't quite bermuda. It is very ugly.I want to hear Sinatra and be in a palace. At least there should have been more people. BTW: One of the lunch specials includes Broiled salmon, trout or Tilapia. Again the food is a condensed version of NYC Typical Italian American Dishes.

It's a pleasure to have this hole in the ground. It belongs on 37 Ave near the Starbucks.(But I'm sure the rent  would be prohibitive) It's a cafe size restaurant. But again the decor has all the appeal of a check cashing place. But the staff is very nice (As they have to be) Please try it out and support a neighborhood place. Visa MC and AMex. No Discover card. There is no alcohol. (No vino at an Italian restaurant??? That sucks)

Oh! I forgot to tell you. Tables with attractive silverware and table cloths and rather simple pieces of Italian bread in a basket. Now that I think of it again,this place belongs on 30th Ave or Broadway in Astoria ONLY if they get their decor together. You don't go on a first date looking like a bum and then tellthe girl "I'll shave very soon and fix the hole in my pants tomorrow' He'll be history in a second.This restaurant had only 1 time to make a first impression. I give it a very generous C+

PS : Totally unrelated: Don't expect the 84th /83rd street Thomas' Pizza to be around in about 2 years. the lease expires then (As per Pedro the manager) and you know the rent will probably doube. No one can afford $4 slices.

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2008, 10:48:55 PM »
Does anyone know how long this place has been open?  Maybe they just haven't been discovered yet, so it's good that we spread the word.  I'll see if I stop by sometime this week, or at best next weekend.  Perhaps you can also post on Chowhound?
The Chuckster has spoken!

Offline sgnmath1234

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2008, 10:55:02 PM »
I asked the "Owner"?? "Manager"?? He said 1 week.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2008, 11:12:01 PM »
Turns out there is a very short thread on chowhound from about a week ago and the impressions given are somewhat similar to sgnmath's

Offline sgnmath1234

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2008, 11:25:20 PM »
Wow! I checked out Chowhound. I'm not alone. I did forget to mention two heaters in the place. Can't wait for the summer to get that natural warmth without a/c (???) I did not notice any HVAC in the "dining" area. Recessed lighting but please God, we need a/c in the summer if it's still around.

 As far as the portable heaters, I just feel it's illegal. I hope they don't get cited. 

Offline ShinjukuBaby

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 05:01:22 PM »
Thanks for the post, sgnmath1234.

They left a menu under my door yesterday.  It did seem a little pricey for the neighborhood, but we'll probably give it a shot.  The negatives you cite may just be "growing pains" common to a newly opened restaurant.

If they don't serve alcohol, presumably you are allowed to bring beer or wine, right? ???  No wine with dinner would be a deal-breaker for my boyfriend.

Offline sgnmath1234

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 05:28:32 PM »

I'm no restaurant connoisseur, but bringing your own drinks to a restaurant is a tad bold for my taste. It's like talking on a cell phone to a friend while on a date, or excusing yourself from the table at a dinner invitation to order a pizza.

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Offline ShinjukuBaby

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 05:34:51 PM »
Really, sgn?

It's actually quite common.  The restaurant may charge "corkage" for your bottle, but as long as you're fine with that, there's no reason not to bring your own wine.  If they don't have a liquor license, I've never seen a restaurant have a problem with bringing beer either.

Offline sgnmath1234

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2008, 06:17:57 PM »
I doubt that they would charge you corkage. This restaurant is not that upscale. As a matter of fact, it's well, kind of dumpy, but they are trying. You have to go and check it out yourself. If you're expecting something comparable with a West Village quaint little restaurant, or a Lanza's on the LES,you'll be quite disappointed. I liked the food, but being a new ethnic restaurant in the middle of a neighborhood that is sooo. ethnically un-Italian, may be a problem The folks in the neighborhood expect Colombian, Ecuadorian, Mexican not as a Restaurant for fine dining, but as a place to just hang out. I'm used to going to an Italian Restaurant for fine dining. If I want to hang out and chew the fat whle eating Italian food, I'll go to a pizzeria. If this place had a pizzeria section, it would probably do well, snce Pizza is popular with all ethnic backgrounds.

I hope I'm wrong and this place flourishes. But talking about it, whether positive or negative is like talking about a movie that is so offensive or so vulgar. It's so extreme, people want to check it out because of curiousity. If you knew that a singer or other entertainer was just so bad wouldn't you want to hear him/her becaue it's the talk of the town? Not that this restaurant is that bad, but there are like a zillion comments about it in less than a week.

(I think we're all desperate for something othet than a chicken house!!)

Offline kate

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2008, 06:40:59 PM »
Actually, I saw a number of people sitting in there at lunchtime. Not filling the place, but, it wasn't empty. Not only that, there's a sign offering Paninis for 5.00. I think they got somewhat of a hint that the prices are high.

Offline sgnmath1234

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Re: Limoncello Italian Restaurant
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2008, 07:00:31 PM »
Good! I wish it well and hope my pessimism is a bunch of BS