Author Topic: 2009 NYC Mayoral Election  (Read 23412 times)

Offline Aronan

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2009, 12:44:35 PM »
Aronan, I never said test scores should be the key to scholastic advancement.  What I said is that the weight given them is a reality we have to deal with.  A perfect 4.0 GPA can be derailed by a bad SAT score.  You can finish at the top of your class at Harvard Law, but unless you pass the standardized test we call the bar, you can't practice law.

And yes, I can't stand the fact Bloomberg gave money to Bush as well as other Republicans.  On the other hand, it's the democrats in our State Legislature who are blocking a vote on gay marriage something I think the Mayor supports.

Queenskid, I hear you on the reality of what is vs. what should be. I guess I lean more towards working for change rather than conforming to a system that is short selling our educational potential as a nation.

As far as Marriage Equality goes Bloomberg, like many other politicians, is publicly for it when it benefits his image and his campaign. Bloomberg has not been helpful for Marriage Equality in NYC, going so far as to sue to stop it, isn't that where his famous line comes from "I am for it, but I'm against it"?

As far as the state legislature goes, I agree to some extent that the Dems don't completely have their act together. However marriage equality and many other bills are only now making it to the floor because of Democratic control. The thought of a marriage bill wasn't even entertained when the Republicans controlled the state. So the fact that 1 vote might hold up marriage equality vs. several is a step in a much better direction. Although I do believe its more than one vote, and some Republican votes are required before there are enough votes to make Marriage Equality law in NYS. But, we're a heck of a lot closer than we ever have been with the Dems in power.
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Offline liam0925

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2009, 12:59:35 PM »
I have read conflicting reports on the "achievement gap" vis a vis mayoral control.  Are minority students--who make up the majority of our City's school system--faring better under the present mayoral control system or not?  Any thoughts/observations from our board's resident educators?

Offline liam0925

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2009, 09:36:00 AM »
Things that make you say hmmm:

Thanks to Queens Crap for the link.

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2009, 11:39:10 AM »
I almost spit out my coffee with that one Liam.  Thanks for posting! ;D
The Chuckster has spoken!

Offline liam0925

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2009, 03:14:46 PM »
I almost spit out my coffee with that one Liam.  Thanks for posting! ;D

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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2009, 07:10:30 PM »
See how much we Mets fans contribute to the world   :coolsmiley:

Definitely a cool link.  Thanks!
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Offline eddiestjohns

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2009, 11:09:19 PM »
See how much we Mets fans contribute to the world   :coolsmiley:

Liam, You are witty.

Offline Arlinda

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2009, 06:01:45 PM »
I am a life long Democrat who has lived in this City all my life.  Mayor Bloomberg is a genius who loves this City and he gives New York City millions and millions of dollars a year for the privilege of working for nothing.

He's been a very good Mayor as good as Giuliani.  His challengers have been anything but challenging.  To carp and whine about better choices for Mayor is ridiculous.  We have one of the finest financial minds in America and he works for us for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He gives us money!!!!!!!!!

And this is is a problem  ...    Our mayor will win again.  He's kept us safe from terror attacks and his great brilliant economic brain has kept this City on track.  We, the people of New York City, haven't had such good luck in this last decade but we've had good sound leadership.  No other City in the world could have endured what we have endured and remained the greatest City in the world.  We've had leadership that around the world is recognized as first rate.  No matter where in Europe, they always want to come here ... and they always know who the Mayor is.  

New Yorkers are by nature complainers but when it comes to Mayors, we've had some of the best and they haven't always been Democrats and I didn't vote for them when they weren't.  I erred.  I should have recognized leadership when it presented itself.  Instead I chose Party over the best interests of the City.  Never again.

Offline liam0925

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2009, 02:24:33 PM »
Where to begin?  I guess with a quick recap of some of your posts in which you wrote on 1/27 that President Obama isn't Black but biracial...race becoming an issue only when he was running for office, and called Michelle Obama a racist; and on 1/23 when you called Caroline Kennedy a two bit carpetbagger; and on 11/20 reminded us that RFK has no importance in NYS history while allowing that he may have had a minor importance in US history; and earlier referred to the whole Kennedy family as a killing machine. 

And now you write in praise of Bloomberg and Giuliani and refer to them as paragons of civic virtue.  Both of them, I agree, did much for the City and for that deserve praise.  But please do not forget that both have a political philosophy--'L'etat C'est Moi-- which weakened the democratic process.

As for Bloomberg keeping us safe from terrorists, ...Huh?

Why didn't Bloomberg's "brilliant economic brain" forsee the economic crisis and do something to prevent it, and if indeed he has the solution to said crisis, why we must we wait till after the election for him to deliver us from the present economic morass, why not now?

And then there is that little matter of term limits, when he spit in our face and told us he was indispensable.

Sorry Arlinda, I think you're dead wrong!  Again!

Offline Arlinda

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2009, 03:44:02 PM »
Michelle Obama said she did not date her husband when he first asked her out because of that "white thing."  When asked if she was concerned about her husband's safety if he was elected president, Mrs. Obama said she worried about her husband's life every time he went to the gas station.  That isn't worry.  That's paranoia.  In an interview she says over and over again "All my life I was told I had to be better than whites."  "That what we were told all of our lives."  Black people had to be better than white."  "I was sick to death of it."  She continues on "And we had to repay our student loans,.  Can you imagine we had to pay our student loans." 

According to Barry Barack Hussein Soetero Obama, his wife chose the church they attended in Chicago.  In an  interview she confirmed that she chose the church of Rev. Wright because it was uniquely an  "Afro-Centric Church."  I chose to use the various names Obama has given himself because the only record available and the only one not sealed because it is an Indonesian school record lists the president as Barry Soetoro citizen of Indonesia of Muslim faith.

Barack Obama called his grandmother a racist.  She worked into her old age to take care of him when his mother and his dead beat Kenyan farther abandoned him.  In a private conversation she said she was afraid of the black teenagers who hassled her at a bus stop. To an entire nation that ungratefull s.o.b. slandered his grandmother.  While he made millions of dollars and live in a mansion in Chicago, his grandmother died in squalor?  In any case the traitorous Mr. Obama Soetoro whose depiction of his wife beating deadbeat father in "Dreams From My Father" is nothing short of a visionary unsung saint whose principles he so admired that he wished to "inhale them to make them my own."  Whenever he saw his father he said his love grew stronger.  According to his sister, his friends and his Kenyan family Obama saw his father but once in his life.  In addition his father an alcoholic who ended his life in a DWI accident in which he killed himself and the innocent other driver, was so hateful and so threatening to the government of Kenya he was sent to jail for several years.  His own family said he belonged in jail.  His white grandmother who loved him and supported him by working into her old age was a racist.  His black father who beat his mother and abandoned him was a saint.

No one is naive enough to believe that Rev. Wright's Church is a Christian Church.  It is a Black Liberation Theology centric Church.  The God they believe in is black.  White people are oppressors and are referred to as "white blue-eyed devils."  The hate mongering of that church is not a one time occasional sermon.,  It is the crux of Black Liberation Politics which derives its vile hatreds from the Marxist politics of identity.

Criticizing the racial politics of identity does not make for racism.  Any criticism of Obama is racist, according to you.  That kind of response  is supposed silence the criticism.  Obama came from the most corrupt political machine in the country.  It was corrupt when I was young and it is corrupt now.  To criticize and wonder how he was able to even  enter politics and get himself elected to US Senate  without the proper documents is an obligation of the voter.  In a corrupt system all things are possible even getting elected without being a citizen. 

Obama posted a birth certificate on his website.  It was a forgery.  The numbered certificate was out of sequence for the year in which he was born and his racial identity was listed as African American, a term not used until a decade later.  He posted a forgery.    In addition $700,000 has been paid by his campaign to fight lawsuits to unseal his birth records.  Why?  Also, he is the only president in American history who birth place is unknown nthereby violating the demands of the Constitution.   California traditionally checked the qualifications of all nominees and candidates.  Alan Keyes sued the state of California to prevent their electoral representatives from casting their vote.  The ninth circuit dismissed the case.  He called it an outrage and a crime.  Is Dr. Keyes a racist?

For the first time in American history we have a president whose birthplace is unknown to the American electorate.   

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2009, 05:03:57 PM »
I think you have made your position very clear! :(

Offline Aronan

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2009, 02:10:53 AM »

He's been a very good Mayor as good as Giuliani.  His challengers have been anything but challenging.  To carp and whine about better choices for Mayor is ridiculous.  We have one of the finest financial minds in America and he works for us for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He gives us money!!!!!!!!!

So a good leader is one who gives people money?

Buying votes is not leadership it is the essence of corruption.
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Offline Arlinda

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2009, 03:23:38 PM »
So a good leader is one who gives people money?

Buying votes is not leadership it is the essence of corruption.

Philanthropy is the essence of corruption!!!!!???????  Donating money to worthy causes is evil, venal and tantamount to bribery.  For example, the Mayor was so impassioned about the health of the peiople of New York City he established an anti smoking program offering free nicotine patches, online and telephone support and real  group support along with a year end follow up  It costs him bout 11 million dollars every year to fund just this program. 

It's success is astounding.  The recidivism rate of non-smokers returning to smoking is less than half of smokers quiting on their own just using a patch.  The Mayor's approach is more holistic.  I know for a fact that it works.  I am one of his success stories along with two other members of my family and a number of friends.  For you, this is bribery and the Mayor should be jailed for keeping thousands of people alive and healthy.   I am suffering from good health and the mayor should pay with jail time.  As you said it is the essence of corruption.

There is a wing at NYU Hospital constructed with the Mayor's contributions. For this he ought to be drawn and quartered. in Times Square.  Last year he donated $165 million dollars to just the arts.  In addition he funds his own campaign.  This is corruption at its worst!!!???????  It is a sinister and evil thing to use ones own money instead of using special interest group monies such as ACORN or corporate group money like for instance General Motors and AIG that gave Obama's campaign millions and millions of dollars only tor receive billions and billions of  dollars by the Obama administration in  bailouts less that a year later.  This is a good thing ... for AIG and GM.  They gave millions and millions of dollars to Obama for President and in return Obama as president gave them bilions and billions of dollars.  That's quite a return for their initial investment.  Nice of Barry to loot the United Strates Treasury to satisfy the needs of his campaign donors at the expense of the American taxpayer.  And we all thought Haliburten was evil incarnate greed at the behest of GWB warlord.

You would define Obama and his really good friends ar AIG and GM as the Chosen One and his disciples.   Blessed are they that administered to the Chosen One for they shall inherit the United States Treasury.   

You may be the the only voice among 8 million other voices  in this city who has defined the Mayor's philanthropy and charitable giving as the essence of corruption.  [rest of paragraph deleted by moderator because it consisted of a  personal attack.  Please read the rules of the site and follow them. thanks.]
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 03:53:58 PM by Shelby2 »

Offline Queenskid

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2009, 11:20:34 PM »
This thread is veering way off course for me.  As to Bloomberg, the democratic process didn't end when term limits were amended.  He still has to run.  The voters will ultimately decide.  And while I don't usually like it when a candidate spends his or her own money on an election, right now I'm sick of developers, unions and every other special interest legally bribing politicians with campaign contributions.  It seems like the agenda for the city and state is set by people who hand envelopes of campaign cash to those who are supposed to serve us.  Tuesday is "lobby day" in Albany when high priced lobbyists walk the hallways calling the shots.  Many times our "representatives" will schedule fund raisers that night to coincide.  I went to one once where the elected official wasn't even there, he was somewhere else.  It's called a "stop and drop."  The lobbyists stop by, drop off the envelope of money, and go on our way.  No wonder nothing ever gets done.

Bloomberg may be accused of buying elections, but at least he's not for sale.  Right now I'll choose that lesser of two evils.

Offline liam0925

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2009, 12:50:28 AM »
Bloomberg may be accused of buying elections, but at least he's not for sale. 

No, but i think he thinks we are! :o