Author Topic: 2009 NYC Mayoral Election  (Read 23412 times)

Offline Chuckster

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Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2009, 01:47:59 PM »
A headline from from today's Daily News:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg will run as Republican in bid for third term

The Mayor definitely brings a brand name to the City.  Where does that leave challengers?  By the way is Democrat Bill Thompson an official challenger?

The Chuckster has spoken!

Offline liam0925

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2009, 08:43:07 PM »
A headline from from today's Daily News:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg will run as Republican in bid for third term

The Mayor definitely brings a brand name to the City.  Where does that leave challengers?  By the way is Democrat Bill Thompson an official challenger?

Does an oligarchy need a mayor? Or is that title a prelude to Sire?   :tickedoff:

Offline Really4rob

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2009, 11:42:08 PM »
I am sitting on my hands not to comment on how I feel about this would-be Emperor and how he has messed up the Board ... excuse me, Department ... of Education in the past 8 years and how he handled the black out and just the hypocrisy of him running a 3rd term when he so strongly advocate the 2 term law when the option was discussed for his predecessor and I guess I'm not doing such a good job sitting on my hands ...
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Offline Aronan

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2009, 12:53:42 AM »
Perhaps more people are actually sitting on their hands. Hence why we have lurkers on the board and a Mayor installing himself as a 3rd term.
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Offline liam0925

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2009, 01:40:08 AM »
Today His Honor somehow convinced the Bronx Republican Party to back him in November giving him their line on Election Day.  Money makes the world go around but this blatant disregard for the voters wishes, as clearly enunciated in two separate referendums, is only possible because the majority of the City Council led by Chrissie Quinn did not stop it when they had the power to do so.  Here's the list of the Queens delegation which helped facilitate this seizure of power:

Leroy Comrie, Jr.
Melinda Katz
Diana Reyna
James Sanders, Jr.
Helen Sears
Peter Vallone, Jr.
Thomas White, Jr.
(Anthony Como voted no but also voted no on referendum amendment.)

Remember what they did when they ask for your vote.

If we sit on our hands this election cycle things will only get worse.
Hopefully, this will be an ongoing discussion on this site and in our community.   :tickedoff:

Offline Queenskid

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2009, 01:12:44 PM »
I guess I'm in the minority here, but as a lifelong democrat I'm glad he's running.  After what I've seen of Democratic rule in Albany, why would I want to turn over the city to the same bunch who are running the state into the ground.  They didn't have the guts to stand up to the special interests and as a result gave us a budget that increased spending in the middle of a financial crisis and used gimmicks to close an ever-widening deficit.  They have done nothing while our transit fares are set to go up, they are letting one bigot stand in the way of a vote on gay marriage and have basically mismanaged state government.  I just read that we spend more on Medicaid than California and Florida combined!  I'm kind of fed up with my local party right now.

With respect to education, anyone want to go back to the days before Mayoral control?  Was it working back then?  Test scores are up, the Mayor is trying to increase charter schools--which parents line up around the block for--and our City Council is asking questions from cue cards supplied by the UFT.  Even the union president was embarrassed by that last one. 

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2009, 02:10:16 PM »
I may be wrong, but the only thing that has improve (apparently) are some test scores.  I have heard of schools opening and closing every few months.  Charter schools, private schools and catholic schools closing.  Are the schools doing better or are the principals doing what they have to keep their schools open?  King Bloomberg's administration was unable to stop the MTA increases, failed to help regulate the mortgage industries or at least set a checks and balance mechanism to avoid much of what has happened around the States.  What has he being able to do that we have benefited from.  Under his administration we have been able to.. :-\  put the schools under his control? 

Under Bloomberg's administration we have raised tolls, bridges, mass transit, taxes and now terminate hundreds of city Jobs.  He has been able to mush our brains and highjack our opinions with multi million ads on how well he is doing and what he will do for the city.  It's natural to look up to or at least respect the level of wealth the man has...I'm one of them that would love to have 1% of his bank accounts.  :o.   He is not a republican, he is not a democrat...He is a liberal Independent and there's nothing wrong with that.   But he is also a blatant Hypocrite, manipulative, flip flopper and I don't know why the average New Yorker doesn't see that.  The problem arises from a bunch of cowardly party leaders afraid lord Bloomberg crushes them with his wallet.  :D
Time is running out!

Offline liam0925

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2009, 02:26:52 PM »
Maybe Mikey will be the antidote for the board's lethargy!

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2009, 02:46:24 PM »
Time is running out!

Offline Really4rob

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2009, 04:02:43 PM »

With respect to education, anyone want to go back to the days before Mayoral control?  Was it working back then?  Test scores are up, the Mayor is trying to increase charter schools--which parents line up around the block for--and our City Council is asking questions from cue cards supplied by the UFT.  Even the union president was embarrassed by that last one. 

Well, not to get into it but ...

With respect to education, anyone want to go back to the days before Mayoral control?  

Ummm ... yes!  In the past eight years, the biggest budget wasters have been:
a) the three different purchased then abandoned reading curricula used, of which only Wilson's Fundations curriculum remains (as it is phonic based).
b) the millions of dollars spent changing the term "Board of Education" to "Department of Education" just to match every other city agnecy.  Only renaming the RFK from Triborough cost more for a pointless reason
c)  QUALITY REVIEW.  How do we know schools are doing "better'?  The DOE hired independent consultants from Britain to observe every school for three day review periods.  These observers are flown in for their "expertise," put up at fancy hotels, and driven around the city for a month or more, even treated to Broadway shows on your tax dime.  In thesame year that schools are taking program closing cuts.  Where did Quality Review come from?  The chancellor instaklled via mayoral control.

Was it working back then?

Debatable, since the criteria for what constitutes a failing/ working school has ben altered so radically, the semantics do make its eem like things have improved.  Ask teachers within the system though ... more education and less paper pushing occured in the mid 1990s than today.  (Admitedly up from the early 90s, when we had three chancellors in as many years).

Test scores are up, the Mayor is trying to increase charter schools--which parents line up around the block for--and our City Council is asking questions from cue cards supplied by the UFT.

Because the City Council is so clueless about education, they need to be told what questions to ask.  That's how Bloomberg gets away with this stuff in the first place.

OK, I really got sit on my hands now ...
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Offline Queenskid

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2009, 09:21:24 AM »
Considering we live in a society where test scores are the key to scholastic advancement, that's no small thing (and yes, I think scores are overemphasized, but that's the reality we have to deal with).

Also, it is more than just test scores.  Since the Mayor took control of the schools, graduation rates are up by more than 11%.  Prior to mayoral control the graduation rates were stagnant for a decade.  Moreover, the graduation rates of Blacks and Hispanics are improving at a higher rate than White or Asian students and, thus, the gap between them is closing.  Meanwhile the dropout rate has declined and the number of Regents Diplomas has steadily risen.

I also cannot see any logical reason why the UFT and our City Council representatives oppose the expansion of charter schools.  This just seems to be a knee-jerk reaction by the union and the politicians they throw money at.  It is NOT in the best interests of our children.  It's ironic that President Obama wants to increase the number of charter schools while our democrat controlled City Council and State Legislature are resisting any such move. 

In the end I guess we have to respectfully agree to disagree, but this type of dialogue is healthy and important.

Offline Really4rob

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2009, 09:36:10 AM »
In the end I guess we have to respectfully agree to disagree, but this type of dialogue is healthy and important.

Sounds fair.  To wit though, on the issue of charter schools, you and I do agree, but the source of that in my opioon really isn't mayoral related ...

Also, a huge issue I left off was the placement of special education kids, which as a father of a special needs child, and a teacher of 18 years in special ed (where, I must say, I am considered somewhat an expert, often filmed as a model classroom for the district, so I feel qualified in stating an opinion) I must say the changes I've seen in the past 8 years (increasing class sizes by double, paperwork for paperwork's sake, the city adopting a 20 year old assessment scale that doesn't accurately gauge the needs of the students it's utilized for, etc.) have been abymssal and short sighted. 

I left this off though, because its not so much Mayoral control as the chancellor himself, as special education is not his strong point.  In other words, *some* things wrong with the DOE aren't mayoral control as much as which chancellor the mayor picked.

In any case, as you say, we can bed this, but good dialogue indeed. 
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Offline Aronan

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2009, 11:09:07 AM »
Not to wake the argument up again, but...

I have to disagree that test scores are "key" scholastic advancement. Sadly, as a country we rely too heavily on test scores that ultimately only tell us that our children know how to take tests. And perhaps that allows young people to get ahead in school, but there's no standardized testing system in the real world. If I had any money I'd bet you that the overwhelming majority of congressional representatives, and Wall St. CEO's couldn't pass the 8th grade regents in any subject. SO why are we preparing our children to be really good at something that has no bearing on their actual future ?  I've encountered many bright and articulate young people in the schools that I work at, but ask them to write a sentence and it's problematic. Try and engage in a discussion about US History with High School students and if it's not in the form of multiple choice answers very few can apply their learning to their lives. Of course, the push towards over testing our children came along with Bush's No Child Left Behind Act which linked school funds to standardized test scores. By and large, NCLB is  failure and has done more to hurt this country's students than help them. 

By the way, Bloomie was a HUGE donor to both G.W's election campaigns there's reason enough to not like the man.

Back to education, if I understand correctly since mayrol control, none of the key positions at the Department of Education are staffed by educators. I get running things like a business, and sure perhaps an MBA is valuable somewhere in the system, but how do you make decisions about NYC's educational system without any knowledge of education ? 
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2009, 11:23:43 AM » do you make decisions about NYC's educational system without any knowledge of education ? 

::Sitting on my hands, sitting on my hands, oh no, someone stop that stray pinky::

e f f e c t i v e    d e c i s i o n s?  y o u   d o n ' t

::sitting on my hands, bad pinky, bad pinky::   :coolsmiley:
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Offline Queenskid

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Re: Mike Bloomberg's run for a third term
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2009, 12:17:24 PM »
Aronan, I never said test scores should be the key to scholastic advancement.  What I said is that the weight given them is a reality we have to deal with.  A perfect 4.0 GPA can be derailed by a bad SAT score.  You can finish at the top of your class at Harvard Law, but unless you pass the standardized test we call the bar, you can't practice law.

Like it or not, our students need to do well on these tests.  My personal opinion is that these tests are an impediment to education.  But until we change the way our educational system evaluates students from k-graduate school test scores will be the key to advancement.

And yes, I can't stand the fact Bloomberg gave money to Bush as well as other Republicans.  On the other hand, it's the democrats in our State Legislature who are blocking a vote on gay marriage something I think the Mayor supports.