Author Topic: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue  (Read 5968 times)

Offline JHResident

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #135 on: November 21, 2021, 12:28:23 PM »
Obey the traffic laws! That goes for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, e-bike riders, everyone.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #136 on: November 21, 2021, 12:35:42 PM »
To learn that some people see the world by only how fast they can ride their bike...(outside of the Tour de France)...
Completely regardless of anything else...

That such people exist... yet again another excellent lesson to be thankful for... via this forum.

Online ChickenringNYC

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #137 on: November 21, 2021, 03:06:00 PM »
5 mph on a bicycle is unnecessary and absurdly slow. No one is following that rule because it doesn't match up with reality.
Even the cars that use 34th in a slow and respectful manner are not going 5 mph.

At least someone agrees with me around here.

Offline jh413

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #138 on: November 21, 2021, 07:29:47 PM »
why don't they just close off the north side of 34th avenue instead of both ways?  just allow one way flow of traffic while still maintaining open streets on the other half of the block.  i like open streets but making it permanent is a bit much imho.  make it from 8-6 - there' no reason it should extend to 8pm every night.  there's a huge park right there to hang.

Offline itsit

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #139 on: November 21, 2021, 08:10:03 PM »
 Open Streets is a runaway project gone amok and seriously needs trimming. And planning. The hours are too long and even many people who loved it initially are getting weary of the issues. People who live on the Ave include many, many detractors, who are not vocal online, but definitely are not happy with this change of circumstances and want the street back as the only street with decent vehicular traffic flow and a formerly excellent bike lane. In a recent report by Transportation Alternatives, the numbers indicated less than 10% of the city residents are active cyclists. So that's 90% that are not. And the sidewalks in JH are not so great and could use a serious upgrade. Open the discussions to town halls, local votes(specific) and much more information on who runs, who funds and who to call about 34th ave issues.

 Let's take a good hard look at this project and make sure all parties are at the table whose lives are being affected.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2021, 08:24:29 PM by itsit »

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #140 on: November 21, 2021, 10:02:50 PM »
Tour de France on 34th, not ok. Scooters/practically motorcycles zipping along at 25 mph, not ok.
That doesn't mean that a regular bicycle has to ride at 5mph to operate safely. There's plenty of room on the street, and a regular bicycle at 15 mph can stop quickly.
Even the tots on trikes go faster than 5 mph.
Sure 5mph is the rule, but when the rule doesn't line up with reality, no one will follow it. Even the responsible riders are not going 5mph, it's just not necessary to operate safely.
That said, the scooter/ebike riders are often reckless and a safety hazard.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #141 on: November 22, 2021, 10:33:50 AM »
there's a huge park right there to hang.

lol, Travers is huge since when? I'm glad its there, and I'm glad it was upgraded a few years ago, but the fact remains our district is amongst the districts with the least amount of green space per capita.

Offline lmaniace

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #142 on: November 22, 2021, 05:25:52 PM »
We rank either 49 or 50th out of 51 City Council Districts for available park space in NYC. The district that ranks dead last is located across Fifth Avenue from Central Park. The OS is needed to provide desperately needed open space for our community. And btw, it is for pedestrians, not just bicyclists, as someone above suggested.
Don't think anyone can conclude that most people who live on 34th Avenue are for OR against the OS. Most of the people I know who live there are in support, but we all operate in our own circles.
My experience, though is that people who are against something are generally more vocal than supporters and the fact that the anti-34th Avenue march a month or so ago only attracted about 35 people seems to indicate to me that there is NOT a lot of opposition.
Not everyone might agree with me, though.

Offline itsit

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #143 on: November 23, 2021, 05:59:40 AM »
 The silent majority is the opposition on 34th Ave. Mostly working class people who feel that the excessive street closure impacts them more than others. If you live two blocks away, you might feel that open streets is a delightful use of space. But if you asked most of the residents actually living on or right next to the street, it's like a party that has gone on way too long. Good while it was in full swing, but now it's time to get back to reality, back to the here and now...
  Many of those residents are middle class working people, not heavily wired or available for in person protests. But believe me, they have a voice and are using various channels available. It's not lost on some people that we replaced a packed weekend soccer game with two tennis courts in Travers Park. Or that we have revamped the kiddie playground multiple times whilst we have slim to no senior facilities in the neighborhood. Or that the asphalt at Travers hosted cricket, soccer, girls softball, rollerblading and a host of misc. things which is now an expensive to maintain green mound used far fewer days of the year. I could go on but there are people who live here who think the ENTIRE community should be factored into the 34th Ave decision, not just those most vocal and most networked.

Offline M7X7

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #144 on: November 23, 2021, 08:33:36 AM »
The silent majority is the opposition on 34th Ave.

How do you know that? The only polling I can find is about Open Streets in general, and voters support expanding the program by about 2 to 1. (63% in support) Even a majority of car owners are in favor. Maybe anecdotally the people you talk to are mostly against, but for me it's the opposite, so that just shows you how much anecdotes are worth.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #145 on: November 23, 2021, 08:45:37 AM »
The silent majority is the opposition on 34th Ave.

How do you know that? The only polling I can find is about Open Streets in general, and voters support expanding the program by about 2 to 1. (63% in support) Even a majority of car owners are in favor. Maybe anecdotally the people you talk to are mostly against, but for me it's the opposite, so that just shows you how much anecdotes are worth.

You are right, and another big lesson via this forum is that folks fabricate the story that suits their POV.

The forum becomes a creative writing exercise for them.

That poster, for example, definitely does not speak for the "silent majority".

But that poster often pretends they do.

(I think Trump used that tactic often)

Offline M7X7

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #146 on: November 23, 2021, 11:04:32 AM »
Was able to locate the actual polling data here:

Every borough, every age group, every income level, and every race/ethnicity had a strong majority in favor of expanding Open Streets. So did car owners and bike owners. The only group with a majority opposed was registered Republicans.

Granted the caveat is that this is about the program in general, not 34th Ave specifically. And the poll is from almost a year ago. However, pending any evidence to the contrary, it seems like a pretty good gauge of sentiment. I would be surprised if Jackson Heights was much less supportive of OS than the rest of the city.

Offline JHResident

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #147 on: December 06, 2021, 05:54:03 PM »
Thank you for the bike racK.
Went by the bike rack today. No bicycles were parked there. The block is cordoned off for PS 398, so no one using it during the day. Seeing as there is already a wrought iron fence that could be used to secure a bike,  across 69th Street, I wonder if anyone will ever use it.  I can't see anyone biking to Bowlerama and the students at PS 398 are probably too young to ride on their own, so I wonder what the thought process was? Still, it's next to the school and doesn't interfere with anything other than maybe one parking spot, so mostly harmless.

Offline Olivesta

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #148 on: December 06, 2021, 06:41:20 PM »
That’s strange… when I walked past a couple of days ago I noticed how many people were using it so you must have caught it on a lull, but rest assured people do use it!

Offline itsit

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #149 on: December 07, 2021, 05:20:44 PM »
That’s strange… when I walked past a couple of days ago I noticed how many people were using it so you must have caught it on a lull, but rest assured people do use it!
   Would you kindly take a photo even if you see one bike on that rack covered with bird crap in the overpass? This is the one we are talking about. I've never seen a single bike ever and am by there often. Only the same black plastic bags...and tons of bird droppings.