Author Topic: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue  (Read 5958 times)

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #60 on: November 06, 2021, 12:45:02 PM »

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #61 on: November 07, 2021, 09:20:57 AM »
Most of the on the ave residents are less than thrilled at the 12hr a day, seven days a week closures.

Interesting then that the anti-Open Street candidate for City Council in the district came in third with less than 300 votes. You'd think if there was such strong opposition to OS more people would have voted against the guy who endorses a Linear Park on 34th Avenue and for the candidate that opposes OS, even if just as a protest vote.

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #62 on: November 07, 2021, 09:51:06 AM »
Most of the on the ave residents are less than thrilled at the 12hr a day, seven days a week closures.

Interesting then that the anti-Open Street candidate for City Council in the district came in third with less than 300 votes. You'd think if there was such strong opposition to OS more people would have voted against the guy who endorses a Linear Park on 34th Avenue and for the candidate that opposes OS, even if just as a protest vote.
You might be one of the few who knew this, so not surprising at all. Most people seem to vote their party line, and the Democrat was a shoe-in. And I don't think everyone complaining is completely opposed. I would like to see fewer hours during the winter and a better system that doesn't require moving barricades to get to my home.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #63 on: November 07, 2021, 09:57:31 AM »
Most of the on the ave residents are less than thrilled at the 12hr a day, seven days a week closures.

Interesting then that the anti-Open Street candidate for City Council in the district came in third with less than 300 votes. You'd think if there was such strong opposition to OS more people would have voted against the guy who endorses a Linear Park on 34th Avenue and for the candidate that opposes OS, even if just as a protest vote.
You might be one of the few who knew this, so not surprising at all. Most people seem to vote their party line, and the Democrat was a shoe-in. And I don't think everyone complaining is completely opposed. I would like to see fewer hours during the winter and a better system that doesn't require moving barricades to get to my home.

Confusing. Have folks looked at the DOT solution? It addresses all these complaints.

Or do folks simply love complaining as their hobby?... Instead of learning what's on the table concerning this issue...That would involve not complaining, I suppose and then they'd have to take up a new hobby. Like long walks along Open Streets, for instance...or knitting.

Offline ChickenringNYC

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #64 on: November 07, 2021, 10:31:43 AM »
Most of the on the ave residents are less than thrilled at the 12hr a day, seven days a week closures.

Interesting then that the anti-Open Street candidate for City Council in the district came in third with less than 300 votes. You'd think if there was such strong opposition to OS more people would have voted against the guy who endorses a Linear Park on 34th Avenue and for the candidate that opposes OS, even if just as a protest vote.

I'm not a single issue voter, and I'm not giving a vote to an obvious loser just because I'm not a fan of 34th Ave being closed for 12 hours a day.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #65 on: November 07, 2021, 10:37:12 AM »
ChickenringNYC...I am curious.

Have you looked at the DOT Proposal which addresses all these issues?

It's in the first post on this thread. And what this thread is about.

You seem to be stuck in some endless kind of pre-DOT Proposal loop...That's my observation.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #66 on: November 07, 2021, 10:44:02 AM »
Considering how much activity the anti-OSers engaged in within coops along 34th Avenue - posting flyers in lobbies, door drops, going door-to-door, etc. - you'd think they'd have generated more protest votes for the libertarian (or rather, the Democrat who ran as a Libertarian) who actively promoted his position of ending 34 Ave OS. 

I'm not a single issue voter, and I'm not giving a vote to an obvious loser just because I'm not a fan of 34th Ave being closed for 12 hours a day.

I'm not talking about you personally. As I stated, if there was such strong opposition, you'd think more people would have registered a protest vote. More people voted for the Republican than voted for only candidate who stated it was time to end 34 Ave. Os.  I think the take away of the election is that the community, including the residents of 34th Avenue, embraces the benefits of OS. We see people voting with their feet on the Avenue every day.

I agree with you about the barricades. We need a better solution.

Offline ChickenringNYC

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #67 on: November 07, 2021, 02:48:53 PM »
ChickenringNYC...I am curious.

Have you looked at the DOT Proposal which addresses all these issues?

It's in the first post on this thread. And what this thread is about.

You seem to be stuck in some endless kind of pre-DOT Proposal loop...That's my observation.

Most definitely. It'a slight improvement but as noted from some other folks, I don't trust the traffic diverters to do what they're intended to and I worry it will just mean the barricades will still come out and be even harder to get around because they will fully block the diverted portion of the street. And I'm not into how the bike lane has to chicane. I foresee people driving around the dividers or knocking over the plastic poles if that's what they install.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #68 on: November 07, 2021, 04:06:24 PM »
ChickenringNYC...I am curious.

Have you looked at the DOT Proposal which addresses all these issues?

It's in the first post on this thread. And what this thread is about.

You seem to be stuck in some endless kind of pre-DOT Proposal loop...That's my observation.

Most definitely. It'a slight improvement but as noted from some other folks, I don't trust the traffic diverters to do what they're intended to and I worry it will just mean the barricades will still come out and be even harder to get around because they will fully block the diverted portion of the street. And I'm not into how the bike lane has to chicane. I foresee people driving around the dividers or knocking over the plastic poles if that's what they install.

Take a look around Union Square. They are creating more pro pedestrian streets around Union Sq. The idea is the same as they propose for 34th Av. And it looks good and seems to work fine there.

Offline itsit

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #69 on: November 07, 2021, 08:23:52 PM »
 The difference between anyplace in Manhattan and the outer boroughs is easy transit options for all ages and mobility. Many people here in JH are in need of some kind of transit- car service, delivery of goods, school buses, company vehicles, etc- to live their lives. The 12hr -NO WAIT 13 HR!!- closures are not conducive to those on 34th Ave, and now the immediately surrounding residences to having a quality of life that they did prior to Open Streets. Sounds like the legal challenges are, in some cases, requesting payouts similar to those with the school construction sites to nearby residents affected.
 Even today, on a Sunday, there were times in the 13 hours with little to no usage. Also the chaos that is motorcycles/e-bikes/speeding cyclists in the free for all on 34th Ave, is losing appeal to many of those who were formerly fans of OS. And while we are at it, bring back the bike lane, say many! Restore sanity with a designated bike lane, the kind we used to have for decades prior.
 Does Transportation Alternatives support losing our beloved 34th bike lane? If the "whites on bikes" who are said to be pushing OS in other communities aware of this loss? Let's see what the winter brings with usage and this spring DOT construction if it happens. Nothing can be worse than Diversity Plaza when it comes to local planning here. Or maybe we can hit a new

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #70 on: November 07, 2021, 08:58:35 PM »
Have you read the proposal?
The link by the OP isn't a link to the proposal. It's a link to an article about the proposal. The actual proposal is within a .pdf file you can download from

It's 43 pages so take some time to ensure you understand everything within the proposal.
My concerns were the reduction of time (which as far as I can tell has been increased to 24 hours) and the need to move the barricades. The only way it seems to me that this will be addressed is if parking is prohibited along 34th Avenue.  This will most likely force car owners to engage in a non-stop search for parking or to fork over several hundred a month in the off chance they can actually find a parking space to rent. It says nothing about the current traffic mess on Northern Blvd, 35th and 37th Avenues and even 32nd Avenue during rush hours. It also doesn't mention whether the reduction in accidents and injuries were simply moved to other streets. I hope I'm reading this incorrectly.

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #71 on: November 07, 2021, 09:11:30 PM »
Sorry, it looks like maybe half the parking is retained. The diagrams show parking spaces up into the chicane on each block. I would expect much of this to be changed once the residents find out their parking spots are mostly going away. I also wonder how they're going to handle double parked cars and delivery vehicles paring in front of the diverters, similarly to how they park in the intersections currently.

Offline dssjh

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #72 on: November 07, 2021, 09:22:09 PM »
"their parking spots"??

how does one get a dedicated parking spot in NYC for free?

"Sounds like the legal challenges are, in some cases, requesting payouts similar to those with the school construction sites to nearby residents affected."

do we have any proof of this, other than "a cousin of a friend who is currently subletting his apartment in the Saybrook says...."

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #73 on: November 07, 2021, 09:56:28 PM »
I think the DOT PROPOSAL is a great solution/compromise.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Official DOT plans for 34th Avenue
« Reply #74 on: November 08, 2021, 10:42:33 AM »
Nothing can be worse than Diversity Plaza when it comes to local planning here. Or maybe we can hit a new

Please get your data right, Itsit. You were obviously not in the neighborhood then. But the Diversity Plaza area was far, far worse before it was redeveloped. There were the exact same issues PLUS it was a car clogged nightmare scenario as well.

The DOT proposal is an excellent compromise for 34th Ave. Congratulations to the DOT for their foresight. Thank you to them.