Author Topic: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets  (Read 14255 times)

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2021, 03:12:10 PM »
People pay millions to live by the Highline. People pay alot to live in mews in London. People pay to live by a park.

None of those people have given up direct car access to their homes. They don't have to move barricades to drive home, and nobody is yelling at them for driving on their street. No problems with deliveries. They also don't have the same noise pollution issues that 34th is causing.

It amazes me that we are almost 1 year into this and there still hasn't been a poll to see what the residents of 34th actually want. Unless they moved during the pandemic, none of them chose to live on an open street.

For the fans of open streets the ideal seems to be to live near 34th but not on 34th itself

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2021, 05:02:51 PM »
i've seen people park,then walk a short distance to their homes.i've seen Uber drop people off on 34th, seen deliveries, seen emergency vehicles use the street. the only thing people can't do is drive for longer distances. are you suggesting that cars cannot exist on 34th avenue? if so, please explain the ones that are parked there right this minute.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2021, 06:20:26 PM »
People pay millions to live by the Highline. People pay alot to live in mews in London. People pay to live by a park.

None of those people have given up direct car access to their homes. They don't have to move barricades to drive home, and nobody is yelling at them for driving on their street. No problems with deliveries. They also don't have the same noise pollution issues that 34th is causing.

It amazes me that we are almost 1 year into this and there still hasn't been a poll to see what the residents of 34th actually want. Unless they moved during the pandemic, none of them chose to live on an open street.

For the fans of open streets the ideal seems to be to live near 34th but not on 34th itself

Cars can still enter 34th Ave. No one has lost access. These comments are incorrect and clearly agenda'ed. If folks have gripes against the Open Street perhaps discussing the real situation... And not pretending it is worse than what exists...may be a starting point.

Everyone has walked along the Open 34th Ave countless times in the past year. So I am unsure who folks think they're fooling when they do not correctly describe the true situation. No-one is fooled.

It makes the counter arguments look irrational. And does nothing for the counter Open Street cause.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2021, 06:28:26 PM by abcdefghijk »

Offline hum@njukebox1

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2021, 06:53:53 PM »
I have not owned a car in over 30 years, but certainly understanding the upset over the open street is not difficult.  Having to get out of your car to move the barricade and then to move it back has got to be one big pain in the butt.  Not to mention having to do it in the rain, with an injury, dodging pedestrians, bikes, scooters, strollers all the while.  Further, the complaints with regard to noise seem founded and it seems the additional traffic on surrounding streets has brought congestion and an absurd amount of honking at times.   

I love the open street, but in all is absurd.  There's a nice wide sidewalk. 

Offline pipman

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2021, 11:27:02 PM »
Keep dreaming if you think this will be anything like the High Line. Look at the mess that is Diversity Plaza, hardly kept up like the outdoor seating plazas in Manhattan.  Another project supported by Danny Dromm. Last time I walked on 34th Avenue, there seemed to be an increase in vendors--not sure who is regulating that.  One was blaring music.  There is still a lot of thought that needs to go into what will become of the Open Street on 34th Avenue.

Offline hum@njukebox1

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2021, 11:35:27 PM »
The Highline is highly overrated.  It was great the first few times I visited, but the last time I was there (before the pandemic) it was basically a single file line of people from beginning to end.  What begun as a beautiful idea morphed into a disastrous tourist trap. 

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2021, 12:57:14 PM »
To each his own.

I think the HIGHLINE is absolutely, positively wonderful.

And it gives me joy each time I visit. Which is often.

I can see that joy is certainly missing in many folks lives.

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2021, 02:25:02 PM »
It was literally wall to wall people from beginning to end.  Everyone shuffling along........pretending to have an enjoyable experience.    Perhaps it was an absurdly crowded day?  I haven't been back.  I much prefer the waterside parks overlooking the East River in Long Island City or overlooking the Hudson in Manhattan.  And of course, Central Park. 

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2021, 05:25:55 PM »
It was literally wall to wall people from beginning to end.  Everyone shuffling along........pretending to have an enjoyable experience.    Perhaps it was an absurdly crowded day?  I haven't been back.  I much prefer the waterside parks overlooking the East River in Long Island City or overlooking the Hudson in Manhattan.  And of course, Central Park.

Those other parks are also amazing.

Offline r

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2021, 06:57:21 PM »
People pay millions to live by the Highline. People pay alot to live in mews in London. People pay to live by a park.

None of those people have given up direct car access to their homes. They don't have to move barricades to drive home, and nobody is yelling at them for driving on their street. No problems with deliveries. They also don't have the same noise pollution issues that 34th is causing.

It amazes me that we are almost 1 year into this and there still hasn't been a poll to see what the residents of 34th actually want. Unless they moved during the pandemic, none of them chose to live on an open street.

For the fans of open streets the ideal seems to be to live near 34th but not on 34th itself

Cars can still enter 34th Ave. No one has lost access. These comments are incorrect and clearly agenda'ed. If folks have gripes against the Open Street perhaps discussing the real situation... And not pretending it is worse than what exists...may be a starting point.

Everyone has walked along the Open 34th Ave countless times in the past year. So I am unsure who folks think they're fooling when they do not correctly describe the true situation. No-one is fooled.

It makes the counter arguments look irrational. And does nothing for the counter Open Street cause.

Sorry, but saying that comments are incorrect does not magically make them incorrect. How are they incorrect?

It is a fact that people now have to move barricades in order to drive on the street.

It is a fact that drivers are yelled at for driving on the street.

It is a fact that people now have problems with deliveries.

It is a fact that noise pollution is causing issues for people who actually live on 34th - which used to be a quiet residential street.

It is a fact that the actual residents of 34th have never been asked what they want to do with their street.

Offline Chingwa

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2021, 09:04:08 PM »
Why is it called open streets if they have to put up barricades?  :o

This temporary experiment seemed like a good way to ameliorate stress in an extreme situation, but it is not good for the community at large as it creates undue choke and traffic problems elsewhere in the neighborhood.  When kids go back to school and people go back to work, it's ultimate reason for existence will be largely nullified.

People who hate cars seem to be the loudest voices in this conversation and I don't think such extreme views are widely shared.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2021, 01:02:49 PM »
Has it come to the situation where pro OPEN 34th Ave posts are now being removed?

Where is Carrefour's very PRO OPEN 34TH AVE post.

Carrefour LIVES on 34th Ave and repudiated the incorrect facts offered by someone else whose agenda is very anti Open 34th Ave.

Again, the bubble of folks that is Anti-34th Ave is in the minority.

Regardless of whether they shoot the messenger.

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2021, 02:10:34 PM »
Just because you begin an article with the word Compromise doesn't mean it is. It is more a clear manipulation of the media. 34th Avenue is underused, as an open street. But serves to make life for those of us who actually live on it much more difficult. How has this made the area safer? It seems to me that it has simply caused the rest of the streets in Jackson Heights to become overused, increasing the honking and generally made it more dangerous for pedestrians and drivers alike.

This is largely an immigrant community, if your car is not your livelyhood it is certainly a sign that you have "made it" here, cars
are not going away in Jackson Heights. I also don't think that the DOT should be engaging in city planning which they have proven to be unqualified to do. When you plan to address access for Acess-a Ride and garbage after the closure, you clearly are not qualified to plan.
Melissa Gordon
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Offline jh35

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2021, 02:11:19 PM »
Has it come to the situation where pro OPEN 34th Ave posts are now being removed?

Where is Carrefour's very PRO OPEN 34TH AVE post.

Carrefour LIVES on 34th Ave and repudiated the incorrect facts offered by someone else whose agenda is very anti Open 34th Ave.

Again, the bubble of folks that is Anti-34th Ave is in the minority.

Regardless of whether they shoot the messenger.

You have no idea how many people are against it.  Petitions online do not reflect the majority of what people think of it.  And anyway,  nothing gets decided here. 

Why are you so adamant about the whole thing?  Why is walking in the street so important to you? Did you trip on the sidewalk?

The neighborhood was a designed community when it was built.  There are only two through residential avenues.  You want to close 50% of the traffic lanes.  Like someone said,  it is absurd.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: Petition started for "compromise" on 34th Ave Open Streets
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2021, 02:47:29 PM »
Try as folks might, they cannot go against the tide of eco awareness.

The Open Streets are a sign of the future and what's to come.

Regardless whether folks are annoyed that I love the idea of open streets throughout New York...

I believe in the future of eco-awareness. And the Open Streets are an element of that.

Again, you can shoot the messenger. But the message remains unchanged.