Author Topic: DOT Loading Zones  (Read 2310 times)

Offline StevenGrey

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DOT Loading Zones
« on: December 26, 2020, 03:31:15 PM »
Has everyone seen these pop up all over the neighborhood? DOT has taken it upon themselves to place "loading zones" on many of our residential side streets, essentially removing two parking spaces on each side of a block between the hours of 7AM and 7PM weekdays. While there's been plenty of talk about the 34th Avenue "Open Street," there was no consultation with the community or local residents about this to my knowledge.

There is absolutely NO need for loading zones on a residential block where the fire hydrants essential serve that purpose. Where loading zones ARE needed is along commercial avenues where delivery trucks often create obstruction hazards, but my guess is that DOT doesn't want to lose the metered parking revenue along 37th Avenue or Northern Blvd.

Offline JHALUM

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2020, 05:28:03 PM »
I don't like the idea of loading zones on side streets either.  I wonder if it is because  the outdoor dining setups on 37th avenue have  limited the ability to unload there.

Offline dssjh

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2020, 08:17:10 PM »
I don't like the idea of loading zones on side streets either.  I wonder if it is because  the outdoor dining setups on 37th avenue have  limited the ability to unload there.

i think it might have more to do with the massive increase in package delivery and the massive increase in complaints about delivery trucks double and triple parking on side streets.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2020, 10:46:53 PM »
I don't like the idea of loading zones on side streets either.  I wonder if it is because  the outdoor dining setups on 37th avenue have  limited the ability to unload there.

i think it might have more to do with the massive increase in package delivery and the massive increase in complaints about delivery trucks double and triple parking on side streets.

That's what I think, too.

Offline pipman

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2020, 12:27:22 PM »
Loading zones are a good idea if they do not take too many parking spots away.  With increased package delivery, the double parking for vehicles is out of control.  Apparently, delivery vehicles can be ticketed when parking by a bus stop or hydrant.  I think double parking is allowed for limited time and delivery to immediate area, but there is a Fedex truck that often double parks for an hour in front of by building on 35th Avenue.  Needless to say, this causes a lot of traffic issues and honking.  Maybe they can shorten the length of the bus stop area and have a place where the small delivery vehicles can park--anything is better than double parking disrupting the increased traffic on 35th, 37th, and Northern.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2020, 10:35:28 AM »
This is what the signs look like. There's a blue sign that's closer to eye level, and the dates/times when the parking is restricted is above on the white/red signs.

These pics were taken on 81st between 35th and 37th Aves on the west side of the street. There are actually two sets of loading zones on that block/side; each can accommodate about 3 cars. It looks like people are not seeing or maybe ignoring the signs, because there were cars parked in every loading zone spot. I did notice a parking ticket on one windshield, which may have been for parking in a loading zone.

Offline Grabey

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2020, 12:42:36 PM »
Wow - taking away SIX parking spot on one block overnight with no community input is ridiculous. I get the need for the loading zones but this is overkill. The real problem is the corner of 73rd and 37th where there is ALWAYS double parking on the avenue and huge trucks blocking the way.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2020, 01:06:12 PM »
Wow - taking away SIX parking spot on one block overnight with no community input is ridiculous. I get the need for the loading zones but this is overkill. The real problem is the corner of 73rd and 37th where there is ALWAYS double parking on the avenue and huge trucks blocking the way.

Maybe it was only two spots, or more like 2.5, but the way these cars were parked in this loading zone, it seems that all three could have gotten tickets.

It's the blue/grey and white SUV's and the smaller dark car in the back. All seem to have at least some portion of their cars parked between the loading zone signs.

Offline dssjh

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2020, 02:00:44 PM »
frankly, i think they should just tow people who park in spaces like this. scofflaws routinely just take tickets and toss them at the curb -- i see them at the bus stop in front of our building all the time. if these can take hold, and we can cut down on double parking (and the honking that goes with it), great news.

Offline Really4rob

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2020, 03:32:34 PM »
I support the signs, as the trucks blocks buses, school buses, ambulances, etc is ridiculous.  These were needed more than the waste of 34th avenue, actually.
Think before you speak.  Speak your mind.  Mind your business.  Business before pleasure.
Any questions?

Offline Grabey

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2020, 11:33:12 PM »
Shelby, I’m wondering if those cars were already parked there when the signs went up. I know on my block I parked on Sunday night and on Monday morning the signs were up! No notice or anything and people got ticketed later that day.

I agree that we need some of these - who knows if they’ll actually enforce it. Are they only for commercial vehicles? Can I use this when unloading from my own car? So many questions about this.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2020, 06:34:53 PM »
Shelby, I’m wondering if those cars were already parked there when the signs went up. I know on my block I parked on Sunday night and on Monday morning the signs were up! No notice or anything and people got ticketed later that day.

I agree that we need some of these - who knows if they’ll actually enforce it. Are they only for commercial vehicles? Can I use this when unloading from my own car? So many questions about this.

I thought of that as well, after I read elsewhere that the signs had gone up and ticketing started with no warning. I support the loading zones, but not with no notice, no outreach and ticketing before anyone even sees the signs.

And yes, you can use them for unloading your own car.

NYC DOT’s Neighborhood Loading Zone (NLZ) program aims to reduce double parking on narrow residential streets by providing space at the curb for activities such as:

Package deliveries by commercial vehicles
Taxi and car service pick-up and drop-off
Active loading and unloading of personal vehicles

Offline BEB

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2021, 11:25:52 AM »
I posted about these zones on this website back in September of this year in the discussion about 34th Ave closure. Since then, the plan has expanded and new streets have been added.

Jackson Heights – Phase 1 (pdf)
74th St (37th Ave to 31st Ave)

Jackson Heights – Phase 2 (pdf)
75th St (34th Ave to 37th Ave)
76th St (34th Ave to 37th Ave)
80th St (34th Ave to 37th Ave)
81st St (Roosevelt Ave to 34th Ave)

More detail here

Have a look at that list. Notice how Jackson Heights will have the most of these zones than anywhere else in the 5 boroughs? Obviously there's a long standing issue that needs to be addressed with this. Too many narrow side streets with double parked cars slowing traffic flows and creating so much honking. Like many have said, it has everything to do with increased package delivery. And that means it needs to be in residential areas, not just commercial.

Maybe this should be in a new thread but why doesn't the DOT move to implement permitted parking zones in various neighborhoods in the city? I lived in Chicago and these were commonplace. I specifically lived near Wrigley field and this kept street parking for residents and pushed those from outlying areas to take mass transit or pony up cash to park in a lot on game days.

Offline doesitreallymatter

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2021, 06:24:01 PM »
If you support open streets (34th Ave) then you should also support a MAJOR overhaul with on street parking. NYC is giving away this space for free for NO reason so the average person can move their car once or twice a week for street cleaning. RIDICULOUS WASTE OF SPACE!

Every residential block should have designated parking for commercial vehicles during daytime hours (8AM-6PM). If you support small businesses you should support this idea. Many small businesses do not have store fronts, they are service based small contractors who need to drive to job sites to do their work. Parking is IMPOSSIBLE for contractors and small businesses who must drive to deliver their goods and services.

Everyone supporting open streets loves to say how little green space Jackson Heights has. Please show me 1 single commercial parking spot in this neighborhood, there are ZERO!!!! Think about that for one moment.

Every block should also have designated loading areas, although the signage needs to be done better. This makes 100% sense, but only in combination with designated commercial parking spots.

Free parking on the street needs to be a thing of the past. Charge for on street parking permits. You cannot have bike lanes and close down roads if you aren't willing to make changes to free street parking. This ALL needs to part of the same conversation.

Offline jo3boxer

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Re: DOT Loading Zones
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2021, 01:50:03 PM »
sounds like your way or the highway there, buddy.