Author Topic: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)  (Read 6987 times)

Offline Really4rob

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Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« on: December 20, 2008, 09:44:09 PM »

In response to an unfortunate incident recently where a mother and child were stalked by a gentlemen, a thread of conversation began on the jhfamilies yahoo listserve group.  I had responded to the person about a walk service type idea that was done at my college, with on call "walkers" who would meet people who called in and escort them back to the dorms. As the conversation progressed, it seemed that several people (over 30 in my mailbox!) are interested in duplicating the idea.

We may even have a offer of a place to hold a planning meeting.  It has also been suggested that we attend the next meeting at the 115th (or, perhaps invite one of them to our meeting).

We've already gotten several great ideas on the yahoo group, and though I know there is a lot of overlap with membership there and here, I thought I'd bring this over here as well.  I won't repaste all the many mails there here, but I will include mine to give you an idea of what we are looking at.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 10:23:54 PM by toddg »
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2008, 09:56:34 PM »
From: "Rob Roszkowski" <>

As I read more of these, I rememeber at my college how we used to have Walk Service (walkie talkies assigned to groups that would, when a number was called, walked people from the library or train to the dorms.)  In the era of cell phones, this could something ... if everyone just volunteered three nights a year to be the "on call" walker, a hundred of us could provide safe nights for all.

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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk SERVICE!
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2008, 10:16:14 PM »
Eeek, the "Service" got cut off in my title ...

If one of the editor folk can, the topic should read Neighborhood Community Walk Service.  Thisway it just sounds like I want to take folks for a stroll.  :)
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2008, 10:02:53 PM »
Thanks to Amar for setting us up with a date and place.  Community Church has offered us a meeting place:

The Community Walk Service meeting will be held on Monday December 29th, from 7 pm - 9pm. The Community Church is located at 81-10 35th Avenue. The meeting will be in Room 7 (lower level).

Hope to see you there.
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2008, 04:05:05 PM »
Just a reminder:  this is tonight for those interested.  All ideas and people welcome.
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2008, 11:02:18 PM »
Thanks to Amar for arranging a meeting place for us.

While the turnout was a little lower than expected, those of us who did brave the night came up with a plan, and hope to see others get involved.  Anyone interested can email me at, or those personal message things here.

As of now, we are going to the 115th next month, and will be having a follow-up meeting (with self defensive and awareness tips and speakers and what not) near the end of January, when we hopefully launch.

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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2009, 11:30:03 AM »
Another round of thanks to Amar for again giving us the space on January 26th.  We hope for a fuller turnout this time, so if community safety is a concern for you, please try to attend.

At that point we hope to have a plan in place, following our visit to the precinct this month.

Also, yahoo users, the members have formed a group to deal directly with this (though we post on jhfamilies too, but the fear is having the messages lost amongst the Monserrate speculations and other hairy topics.), so if interested, please let me know.

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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2009, 08:02:48 PM »
Just an update:  our group is actually attending the 115th privately and seperate from the community meeting, as per discussions with the officers at the precinct.

We will still having the meeting on the 26th though, along with self defense tips from one of the members, and perhaps a representative from the precinct. 

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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2009, 05:56:40 AM »
Here is a copy of the flyer that Talia of JHfamiles ans SafeJH group prepared for the meeting next week.  Please try to attend, we need your support ...

Self-Defense Class and Community Safety Meeting

You are invited to attend a community meeting to discuss current safety concerns in Jackson Heights. A self-defense and safety awareness class will be offered by professional instructor Orlando Sanchez, free of charge.

In addition to boosting your “safety quotient,” this meeting will help you bolster your safety support network in the neighborhood. Topics discussed will include:
* Safety assertiveness and self-defense techniques
* A tentative volunteer-run night-walk service
* Police responsiveness and involvement, with the results of
  a relevant meeting with Detective Johnson at the 115th Precinct
* Any other neighborhood safety concerns you may have

WHEN:    MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 7:00-9:00pm

WHERE:    COMMUNITY CHURCH (81st St. and 35th Ave.), ROOM 7 (downstairs entrance)

For further information, please contact Rob Roszkowski at

Mark your calendars! We look forward to seeing you there!
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2009, 03:44:18 PM »
This has been a busy week ... our group has met with both the JHBG and the 115th Prencinct Community Affairs Office, so added to the agenda priorly posted will be results of both of those.

In fact, on a more personal note, several of our members with ongoing issues at the 115th were able to see progress made on cases ... its refreshing to see that things are starting to get done on so many levels.

However, there is still more to do, more to discuss, and more to know ... so we hope to see you at the meeting (see the flyer in the above post) this Monday.  And to those of who who emailed me at yahoo, yes, coming late is better than not coming at all ... I understand the post-work rush (even though, yes, I get out at 3.)

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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2009, 06:45:27 AM »
Just a subtle reminder ...


Subtle enough?  :)
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Offline petegart

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2009, 12:52:29 PM »
Can you post an update as to how the meeting went? 

Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2009, 08:58:00 PM »
Can you post an update as to how the meeting went? 

Your wish is my command ... and since 3 people asked me on the street today (2 from playstreet, and 1 random eldery lady in the deli), I guess this was even more in demand than I thought ...

Read the next two posts ...
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2009, 08:59:57 PM »
From: "Rob Roszkowski" <>

(Yes I am just pasting the mail I sent out there, for those who may have read it at jhfamilies.  As said at the meeting last night, its good to belong both this board and jhfamilies ...)

First, let me thank Orlando, Talia, Richard and Rebecca for all the leg work that led up to our second meeting.  Though illness kept a few of the "core committee" away, their work was instrumental in getting our group together.  Thanks also to Amar for use the Community Church space.
Secondly, let me thank the 20 or so people who did show up to discuss security.  Although we don't seem to have enough a volunteer base at thsi time to implement the community walk service idea, if even discussing it led to a forum in which we can be safer and more aware it was worth it.
At some point in the future, we hope to have a third meeting, and maybe go further.  Also, to reschedule the JHBG and Right Rides speakers that had to cancel.  So please, if interested, reply to this and ask to be invited to the safejh group to be kept aprised.
The meeting itself was very free form (especially as we had a few cancellations) , but Orlando and I discussed the results of the safety meeting we had at the 115th precinct, as well just general safety awareness tips (among them, using buddies when walking if possible, staying on your phone to alert people you are coming home, and common sense things to do if confronted, like seeking a safe haven type store (Starbucks', La Boina Roja, etc.) that's open late)). 
We also discussed setting up formal Safe Haven stores, cab ride sharing ideas from the 74th Street terminal, and recent neighborhood activity.
We also encourage everyone to attend the next community meeting at the 115th (we plan to as well).
The best news was that St Marks is working with Orlando to give his self defense class FREE to any interested parties on Wednesday nights at St Marks.  (I believe it was 7:30 pm, but I'm sure Orlando will correct me if I'm in error).  We definitely encourage attendance to these as well.  But remember, the self defense is a last resort, your back to the wall type thing:  the best thing is to have your wits about you, stay on well lit paths like 37th Avenue, and be aware of your surroundings.  Don't be afraid to call attention to yourself by turning around, or (if God forbid attacked) by yelling out ... even if you feel silly, it may just save your life.
As someone with a family member who was attacked in the past year (in a crowded school yard no less), I can personally add that I am glad that community awareness on this issue is up.  Though it may not be as "hot button" as did-or-didn' t-Monserrate, or which-stroller- is-the-best, it is heartening that this topic of community safety merits attention.
If you would like more information on joining the safejh group, email Talia at talia.jimenez@

If you want more information about the self defense classes, email Orlando at sensei.orlando@

If you want a more in depth set of minutes from our visit to the 115th, email Rebecca at rjcheat@hotmail. com

In the next email (well, post), I will post a copy of the community walk service plan, though it is on hold until we can generate enough volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, email me at really4rob@yahoo. com, or Talia at the address above.


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Re: Neighborhood Community Walk Service (for safety)
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2009, 09:00:43 PM »
Community Walk Service Proposal

In response to a growing number of recent safety concerns in Jackson Heights, an idea was generated based on the walk service portion of the Residential Safety Program at SUNY @ Stony Brook developed in the late 1980s.
In that model, students who desire an escorted walk call a dispatch number. The dispatch in turn sends a radio equipped walk escort to pick up and escort the student(s) to their destination.
Streamlining this model, this idea can be carried over to the Jackson Heights community using cell phones and landlines. Two proposals/scenarios are possible:

1) Manned dispatch. This would require more volunteers, as someone would receive and relay calls from the people requesting escort to the walkers.
2) Automated dispatch. An earmarked phone (paid by grant, or a line donated by a business that does not use phones at night) that is daily forwarded to the cell phones of people doing the walking.

These different scenarios can be fleshed out depending on the number of volunteers interested.
Hours of operation are of course an area to discuss. While it would be nice to provide extremely late service, the realistic factor of available volunteers suggests a nightly availability of 7 pm or 8 pm to 11 pm or midnight, perhaps even varied on weekends/weekdays (for example, 7 – 11 pm weekdays, and 7 – 12 midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
The overall procedure would have residents calling the dispatch number, and being connected to their walker. A password or similar exchange of descriptions (“I’m wearing a red coat,” “My name is Fred. Ask me to confirm that when I arrive.”) could be used to provide verification security, as suggested in the listserv discussion. Until the walker arrives, the resident calling would be encouraged to stay where they are (a safe location, for example, the restaurant they are leaving room, the subway station main booth, etc.).
The escorted team would follow the safety in numbers idea, keeping cell phones on and being aware of their surroundings, using well lit streets, etc. A member of the listserv has offered self defense tips to anyone interested as well.
If sufficient volunteer manpower exists, it would be beneficial to log these calls/walks, both as a back up, and providing if necessary an outline of areas most trafficked. This could beneficial for the local precinct as well regarding their manpower concerns, as they would be able to demonstrate a need.
With regards to the precinct, they should be involved with this plan. (On campus, the campus police were involved in tandem to the RSP as well.) It has been suggested that any finalized plan developed here be shared at the next monthly 115th precinct meeting, and that a contingent of people involved in this project attend.

* As an addendum, the police said they could provide neighbood watch style training for us as civilians on patrol as well.

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