Author Topic: Honking  (Read 6917 times)

Offline hum@njukebox1

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« on: September 13, 2019, 05:24:47 PM »
Is it my imagination, or is the honking in the neighborhood just getting worse and worse and worse?  Fridays after work it is almost unbearable.  What gives?  Why is everyone honking their horns?  There used to be "No honking" signs in the neighborhood.  Bring them back!

Offline dssjh

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Re: Honking
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2019, 05:56:09 PM »
they were up for 20-plus years. they promised fines. no one was ever fined. drivers saw them and thought they were pretty funny. if they went up again, no fines would be levied. the circle of life.

Offline itsit

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Re: Honking
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2019, 06:14:19 PM »
Major pet peeve of mine! Random honking here is prevalent. Sometimes I engage the driver in
conversation and ask with genuine curiosity why they think honking will help. They often say
they are in a hurry, need to get home, something like this but it's seems to be that they honk
because they can - no one tells them not to and it lets off a bit of their frustration as drivers
and wakes up any napping babies along with irritating the sh#% out of the rest of us.
I do think it contributes to accidents as it makes drivers nervous and wish the insurance companies
would somehow calculate it into the rates, like they do with that device that registers how much
you are braking.

Offline JHHD

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Re: Honking
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2019, 08:26:41 PM »
It should be a requirement that there also be a horn INSIDE the car as well. Maybe then people would only use their horns  for the intended purpose of alerting in a dangerous situation.

Offline 80JHer

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Re: Honking
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2019, 09:49:38 PM »
Vision zero is blame.
Politicians making a stink, then haphazardly delaying red lights to allow pedestrians to cross.

It was all done very poorly. There is no rhyme or reason to which streets have a delay and which do not. So two problems happen.

1) pedestrians take advantage and always walk into int the street because they now think they have an extra 10 seconds to cross.

2) the lights are no longer timed properly for drivers.  So the drivers are rewarded by gunning it down the street in order to make the next light. 

Offline StevenGrey

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Re: Honking
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2019, 10:11:37 PM »
The problem is alway horrible on Friday evenings around 5PM in this neighborhood because that's when the idiotic Dept of Sanitation decides their trucks should come around to pick up the recyclables. Why the recyclables need to sit on the sidewalk for a full day before getting picked up is anyone's guess. They are put out Thursday evening and could be picked up in the mornings along with the regular trash, but no... they sit there all day until the Friday evening rush hour, so I don't really blame drivers for losing their patience.

Fridays after work it is almost unbearable.  What gives?  Why is everyone honking their horns?

Offline JHHD

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Re: Honking
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2019, 11:34:44 PM »
The problem is just as horrible in the 7-8 am and 3-4 pm hours when those damned school buses pick up and drop off those trouble making kids. Let's find a way to blame this on anyone other than the inconsiderate idiots that are the problem.

Offline JHHD

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Re: Honking
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2019, 11:41:35 PM »
"1) pedestrians take advantage and always walk into int the street because they now think they have an extra 10 seconds to cross."

Pedestrians with the walk signal have the right of way. The fact that you think they are "taking advantage" shows how out of touch you are with reality and how disrespectful you are of your neighbors trying to cross the street.

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Honking
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2019, 04:46:15 AM »
I made some stickers that I sometimes put on cars here. For honking, I have " I need to chillllll" and for people that throw crap out the window, I have " I little because I am TRASH" ---- gotta do something....

Offline 80JHer

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Re: Honking
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2019, 06:32:25 AM »
I’m talking about the haphazardly delayed lights. The ones where the pedestrian walking signal stops, But people still go.  because they think the green light for the driver won’t go for another 10 seconds.

Problem is all the lights in JH have not been vison zeroed. So it’s random and several lights still turn green the instant that walk sign stops.   

So you have a lot of honking drivers.

You can choose not to believe me.  But it’s my opinion.  I think in today’s world I’m still allowed an opinion

Offline JHHD

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Re: Honking
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2019, 10:40:26 AM »
80JHer, my mistake, I thought you were talking about some intersections having LPI's (leading pedestrian interval) where the pedestrian signal changes to walk about 10-15 seconds before the light turns green for vehicles, and referencing the ones that do not have this as the problem.

You are most certainly entitled to express your opinion as we all are.

Offline Eastway

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Re: Honking
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2019, 10:48:31 AM »
Honking on 80th St approaching 37th Ave is unbearable at times.

Here’s an idea: walk along the line of cars holding a large sign
“HONK if you are
an inconsiderate,
clueless MORON”

Offline petegart

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Re: Honking
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2019, 12:46:16 PM »
So I am a pedestrian as well as a sometimes driver.  I do use my horn when the person ahead of me clearly has their head down and looking at their phone! 
Last winter I as lucky enough to spend the winter in California, and I NEVER ONCE saw a driver playing with a phone in the car.  As a result I never used my horn to ‘wake people’ as is necessary here.
Also here in NY if there is a long line of cars, it is useless to feel frustrated and hit the horn. 

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Honking
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2019, 02:14:26 PM »
People honk for the dumbest and most idiotic reasons.

I've been honked at as a driver by the driver behind me for not plowing through pedestrians in the cross walk. Yep, their lives are far less important than that guy's need to get through the intersection without any delay.

I've been honked at by other drivers who 1.) didn't understand that signaling and pulling over in front of an empty space on the street meant I was going to park, and 2.) are such bad drivers that they couldn't steer the more than adequate amount of space between my economy sized car and the cars on the other side of the street.

I've been honked at for double parking on a side street, putting my hazards on, and helping an elderly person get in to my car.

I've been honked at for doing the speed limit. One delightful driver also also flashed his lights at me, and then after we had passed the BQE overpass, passed me on 34th Avenue. The kicker - there was a VisionZero bumper sticker on the car that said "Your Choices Matter. VisionZero."

Offline Chingwa

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Re: Honking
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2019, 05:36:16 PM »
As much as I might fantasize about throwing bricks through car windows (all just fancies in my head of course), I think printing physical stickers and encouraging the vandalization of other people's property is morally wrong.