Author Topic: Horse poop?  (Read 16812 times)

Offline v70cat

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2008, 02:01:46 AM »
We just need the department of Sanitation to clean 82nd Street every day, after the cops leave for the day.

Or maybe  some local residence would like to pitch in. :2funny:

Offline snickers

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2008, 12:55:38 PM »
It is insane to have cops on horses patrolling. It was a good idea perhaps during the 1700-1800's but we are in 2008. For crowd control it is ok. I saw a cop on a horse going the wrong way on 78th St once....I know these officers are trained but if I was a cop I rather fall off a 10 speed mountain bike rather than falling off a horse. Horses belong on farms,race tracks,open spaces,in rural areas,not in heavily populated areas.

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2008, 10:49:10 PM »
I see you are getting laughs at my expense. However this is a neighborhood chat discussion board and so be it if this bothers me.  I've had dogs and god forbid I run out of paper to pick up after them and had people curse at me. Why is it because they are police horses that they do not have to clean up after them? I would get a ticket- that was my point. anyhow I am no longer responding to you

this is a neighborhood chat board and it has always had a lot of warmth and good humor.   you're being annoyed at someone playing with you is a bit much.  especially since the writer said what they found humorous nicely. 

and I'm no longer responding to you (since I can surmise you're going to  say something back.
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Offline Marlene

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2008, 12:42:12 AM »
i ride my bike everyday and most of the time i have to watch out for the horse shit. i dont understand why cops are still riding around on horses. why are my tax dollars going to these pigs on horses, horses are really expensive animals to take care of. whats the point, they dont even clean anything up and i'm sure they dont run after criminals while they're on horses. get rid of the horse shit!

You could have left the "pigs" portion of your post out.  The men and women in uniform put their lives at risk every day and night and they are the ones that respond to a 911 call emanating from your home or your families home when needed.  These men and women leave their families at home praying that they will come home alive and let us not forget that they do make others sleep better.  Therefore, if you can refrain from addressing the officers as "pigs" on this site, it would truly be appreciated.  It is unfortunate that you have to maneaver your way through the poop and that you are not happy, but name calling is unnecessary.  Please note that it is intimidating for the perps to see officers on horses and it is a deterant.  In addition, the officers can communicate with a dispatcher in case of an emergency.  As far as the clean up, that's not my expertise.

Offline hunnybear

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2008, 06:13:06 PM »
Marlene you are absolutely right!! Men and women (police,firefighters,military) risk their lives everyday for US. My post was not meant to bash all cops. I just stated what I saw and I feel what I saw  was wrong!! I still don't think horses belong in the streets nor does their droppings. I know your husband is a PO and thank you for your sacrifices.

Offline hunnybear

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2008, 06:15:11 PM »
this is a neighborhood chat board and it has always had a lot of warmth and good humor.   you're being annoyed at someone playing with you is a bit much.  especially since the writer said what they found humorous nicely. 

and I'm no longer responding to you (since I can surmise you're going to  say something back.

Whom were you presuming I was going to say something to???? I can be annoyed  all I want. Ever hear of the saying MYOB???? Oh I am saying it nicely buddy... no hard feelings right?

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2008, 06:24:20 PM »
Colonel Potter on M*A*S*H used to call it "horse hockey."

Just a little trivia to keep the thread on topic  ;)

Offline liam0925

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2008, 10:56:39 PM »
Was Col. Potter nicknamed Col. Potty?  This could lead us into a new page of Last Word!

Offline Aronan

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2008, 12:44:57 AM »
Was Col. Potter nicknamed Col. Potty?  This could lead us into a new page of Last Word!

No, but does any one remember his cameo character on M*A*S*H a few seasons before he took the role of Col. Potter ?

And to keep this zany little thread on ( or at least close to) the topic... 2 points to any one who remembers the name of his horse (without Googling).
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Offline Marlene

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2008, 09:19:49 AM »
Marlene you are absolutely right!! Men and women (police,firefighters,military) risk their lives everyday for US. My post was not meant to bash all cops. I just stated what I saw and I feel what I saw  was wrong!! I still don't think horses belong in the streets nor does their droppings. I know your husband is a PO and thank you for your sacrifices.

My husband has changed careers.  He is now working with The Department of Sanitation.  Thank you.

Offline Griswold Girl

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2008, 10:34:50 PM »
When I lived in Baltimore they had a lot of cops on horse back.  The cops would chase wrong doers down alleys and off road and the horses were trained to pin the perpetrators up against a wall until back-up arrived.  It was highly effective means of chasing people down who say were dealing drugs or breaking into cars and would easily escape by hoping a fence or running through a yard. 

I have to say I have noticed a rash of car break-ins in the last few months.  If this helps, great!

I am of the opinion that a little "horse pucky" never hurt anyone.  Maybe we can post where and when there is "horse pucky" and the various garden committees can come to pick up their free fertilizer.  It is the best kind you know!

Offline GregNYC

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #26 on: December 25, 2008, 04:51:04 PM »
The men and women in uniform

It's mostly female officers riding the horses. I guess that women have tighter bonds with horses.

Offline Dawnie

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2008, 09:56:49 PM »
i ride my bike everyday and most of the time i have to watch out for the horse shit. i dont understand why cops are still riding around on horses. why are my tax dollars going to these pigs on horses, horses are really expensive animals to take care of. whats the point, they dont even clean anything up and i'm sure they dont run after criminals while they're on horses. get rid of the horse shit!

I understand your annoyed about the poop on the street which I think is gross to but, as far as calling Cops "Pigs", I doubt very much you would refer to them as a "Pig" when you need them.  Or maybe you will, hey next time you need "help" from the man in blue....just yell out the window and see who will come to rescue you? Good Luck! 

Offline Brian C

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2009, 11:58:08 AM »
...why are my tax dollars going to these pigs on horses...i'm sure they dont run after criminals while they're on horses...

Pigs on horses, eh? Nice.   >:(

FWIW, my wife witnessed 2 mounted officers pursue, corner & arrest purse snatchers on 82nd St a couple of years back.
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Offline Marlene

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Re: Horse poop?
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2009, 07:45:25 PM »
Happy New Year to All!

Had a conversation with an officer who works in Westchester County who spent his New Year's Eve at an event in White Plains, and not with his family.  He was mounted on his horse, Mohawk, to protect the crowd from themselves and any danger that could arise.  Thank god it was a wonderful time had by all with no incident. 

I told him a little bit about the thread and he did want to inform everyone who is interested that the men in uniform that patrol our communities in horses serve as public relations for the force as well as serving and protecting the community.  This was something I had never heard before, but it made some sense. 

It seems that many who see our men in uniform want to approach the officers to talk, try and pet the horse, share and very much enjoy the experience of knowing that there is some security.  Therefore, as shared by the officer, many in the community receive a sense of comfort, security and assurance.  The officer indicated that the children always light up and in many instances so do the adults.  Therefore these mounted officers do bring some joy to the community.

His horse, Mohawk, must rest every couple of hours and is very well cared for.  During the summer there are guidelines that must be followed to protect the horse, especially as it relates to the heat.  During the winter there are guidelines as well, as it relates to the snow, etc.  Mohawk does use a winter blanket, especially during a New Year's Eve outing.

As far as the poop, which is what the thread is about, the officer indicated that the poop smells awful when it first comes out but then it quickly changes in smell and texture (not my expertise and didn't want to know more).  And yes it is a great fertilizer for the gardens.  If Mohawk does poop on the sidewalk he will get off and pick up after his horse.

If there is a crime being committed he will respond if close to it.  He as well indicated that it is not a joke to be on a horse in the city.  One example given was that it can be dangerous as there are many pot holes, which a horse can step on, and if the horse steps on one side that is not leveled this can throw an officer to the ground, which could potentially cause a severe injury.  Thus the reason why the mounted officers may not rush to the scene of a crime if it is not close to their post, but there will be communication with the dispatcher.  And if there is a call close to the post the officer will respond.

Can't say anything else.  But it was interesting speaking to someone in uniform that spoke about the topic.

I hope this has been informative.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!