Author Topic: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses  (Read 4098 times)

Offline PizzaRat

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #30 on: July 25, 2019, 10:22:27 PM »
Well I live in Jackson Heights and I think Illegal Aliens should be called just that.  I think language should be accurate and not a mealy mouth mixture of terms to suit fragile sentimentality.  I don't tell people to drive into the ocean just because I might disagree with them.  People need to take their rhetoric down a notch.

You're not using accurate language, though. You're very pointedly calling them "illegals," not even "illegal aliens" as you just mentioned. Calling them "illegals" minimizes their entire identity to the fact that they came here illegally. If you ran a stoplight and hit someone, people wouldn't be calling you an "illegal driver" or shortening that to "an illegal" simply because you drove through a light and hit someone. And hitting someone with your car is way more harmful than entering a country illegally to escape poverty, gangs, and crime. When you refer to someone as "an illegal," you're being willfully obtuse. "Illegal alien" sounds harsh but yes, it's factual. It means someone is here illegally. But referring to someone simply as "an illegal" is where you're in the wrong.

Offline PizzaRat

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2019, 10:26:33 PM »
There's a lot of angry people out there that can't control themselves enough to refrain from degrading and hurling insults at people.  And yes they are in this country illegally in defiance of actual immigration laws.  They have immigrated illegally and therefore it is not unreasonable to call them illegal immigrants.

If you're not okay with immigrants who have moved to this country in search of a better life for themselves and their families (as your ancestors surely did unless you're Native, which I doubt you are since you're so obtuse), then leave Jackson Heights. Or let me guess, you've already left and moved to Florida or something 20 years ago but love to troll this page for kicks. Enjoy your miserable existence.

We can’t just let anyone come and stay in this country, what’s wrong with you?

I didn't say that I wanted "anyone" to come and stay. But if you were friends or family with anyone who has been undocumented and just wanted to live their life, pay taxes, get an education, work, etc., you'd know how it's truly impossible for most undocumented people (from certain, non-European countries) to take a legal path to citizenship. It was hard before and it's even harder now, with the current administration. There's nothing easy about it and it's something that needs to be reformed.

Offline sl

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #32 on: July 25, 2019, 10:30:25 PM »
There's a lot of angry people out there that can't control themselves enough to refrain from degrading and hurling insults at people.  And yes they are in this country illegally in defiance of actual immigration laws.  They have immigrated illegally and therefore it is not unreasonable to call them illegal immigrants.

If you're not okay with immigrants who have moved to this country in search of a better life for themselves and their families (as your ancestors surely did unless you're Native, which I doubt you are since you're so obtuse), then leave Jackson Heights. Or let me guess, you've already left and moved to Florida or something 20 years ago but love to troll this page for kicks. Enjoy your miserable existence.

We can’t just let anyone come and stay in this country, what’s wrong with you?

I didn't say that I wanted "anyone" to come and stay. But if you were friends or family with anyone who has been undocumented and just wanted to live their life, pay taxes, get an education, work, etc., you'd know how it's truly impossible for most undocumented people (from certain, non-European countries) to take a legal path to citizenship. It was hard before and it's even harder now, with the current administration. There's nothing easy about it and it's something that needs to be reformed.

So just because they are your friends/family they can come here illegally and stay?

Offline PizzaRat

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #33 on: July 25, 2019, 10:35:45 PM »
The undocumented (illegals) would need to become legalized by the passage of laws that  allow those unlawfully present in the United States without criminal records to adjust their status. Why are they undocumented?, because they crossed the border illegally or overstayed their visa. This is a far cry from throwing a piece of paper on the ground.

Why is it a far cry from committing a crime like running a red light? If you run a red light or a stop sign, which most people probably have, you could hit someone who's crossing the intersection. I see you went well out of your way to include the parenthetical notation "illegals" in your comment. You should know that the process for most undocumented people to become residents is now nearly impossible thanks to the ridiculous immigration laws being put in place by the racist president who also loves the term "illegals." Go drive into the ocean.

You break a law and get caught, you pay the penalty.  Pass a red light, you get a ticket.  Litter, you get a ticket.  Hit someone in an intersection and it's due to negligence get ready to pay out lawsuits and potentially lose your license and/or go to jail.  In the country illegally, you get deported.  It's that simple. 

Illegal aliens can  become residents as easily as anyone else wishing to immigrate to the United States.  They need to go back to their own countries, start the application process, provide the required information and complete the requirements to get a visa.  That includes inoculations and medical screening that are intended to protect current residents.   Jumping the line ahead of those who are trying to come here legitimately should never be rewarded.

Oh, really? You live in JH, right? Every day of my life here I see people littering all over the street, triple-parking, running red lights, almost hitting people (including me, many times) as they drive. None of those people get penalized. Have you ever seen someone in this neighborhood get a ticket for littering? How many times have you almost been hit by a negligent driver?

Coming to this country illegally isn't putting other people in harm's way like running a red light is. And you clearly know no one from a Latin American country who has tried to become a resident, because it's nearly impossible. The current administration has caused people to live in fear of ever getting a visa or gaining legal status. For people from certain countries, there is no "jumping the line," because they're not being allowed in in the first place. Think of how many people apply to the visa lottery.

This country was founded by immigrants, and surely your ancestors are among them. Ever look at an old census from the times when immigration to the US was booming in the 20th century? You can see clearly how many white immigrants came here illegally—look at an old NYC census and you'd be surprised at how many people have "Alien" written next to their name. Many of those people never naturalized, even though it was WAY easier to do it back then. If it was that easy now, we'd surely have close to no undocumented people.

Maybe you should consider having empathy for those whose struggles are different than yours. If you live here, you know many of your neighbors—people who make your food, pour your drinks, sell you what you need—are undocumented. Are they bad people simply because they wanted a better life? If you actually took the time to talk to them, you'd know that many put their own lives at risk to come here. No one WANTS to live a life of hiding and fear. If it was easy to become a resident, everyone would do it.

Offline PizzaRat

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2019, 10:38:10 PM »
There's a lot of angry people out there that can't control themselves enough to refrain from degrading and hurling insults at people.  And yes they are in this country illegally in defiance of actual immigration laws.  They have immigrated illegally and therefore it is not unreasonable to call them illegal immigrants.

If you're not okay with immigrants who have moved to this country in search of a better life for themselves and their families (as your ancestors surely did unless you're Native, which I doubt you are since you're so obtuse), then leave Jackson Heights. Or let me guess, you've already left and moved to Florida or something 20 years ago but love to troll this page for kicks. Enjoy your miserable existence.

We can’t just let anyone come and stay in this country, what’s wrong with you?

I didn't say that I wanted "anyone" to come and stay. But if you were friends or family with anyone who has been undocumented and just wanted to live their life, pay taxes, get an education, work, etc., you'd know how it's truly impossible for most undocumented people (from certain, non-European countries) to take a legal path to citizenship. It was hard before and it's even harder now, with the current administration. There's nothing easy about it and it's something that needs to be reformed.

So just because they are your friends/family they can come here illegally and stay?

K, keep trolling. I was just trying to humanize people who you clearly consider to be inferior to you. I'm sure you're a real prize.

Offline sl

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #35 on: July 25, 2019, 10:48:39 PM »
There's a lot of angry people out there that can't control themselves enough to refrain from degrading and hurling insults at people.  And yes they are in this country illegally in defiance of actual immigration laws.  They have immigrated illegally and therefore it is not unreasonable to call them illegal immigrants.

If you're not okay with immigrants who have moved to this country in search of a better life for themselves and their families (as your ancestors surely did unless you're Native, which I doubt you are since you're so obtuse), then leave Jackson Heights. Or let me guess, you've already left and moved to Florida or something 20 years ago but love to troll this page for kicks. Enjoy your miserable existence.

We can’t just let anyone come and stay in this country, what’s wrong with you?

I didn't say that I wanted "anyone" to come and stay. But if you were friends or family with anyone who has been undocumented and just wanted to live their life, pay taxes, get an education, work, etc., you'd know how it's truly impossible for most undocumented people (from certain, non-European countries) to take a legal path to citizenship. It was hard before and it's even harder now, with the current administration. There's nothing easy about it and it's something that needs to be reformed.

So just because they are your friends/family they can come here illegally and stay?

K, keep trolling. I was just trying to humanize people who you clearly consider to be inferior to you. I'm sure you're a real prize.

Just because people don’t agree with you, they are trolling and should leave Jackson Heights.

Offline Jhx

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #36 on: July 26, 2019, 12:00:02 AM »
Apparently, nobody is above the law, except if you are a illegal alien. Wink, Wink.

Offline Chingwa

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #37 on: July 26, 2019, 12:04:56 AM »
"Illegals" is obviously referring to "Illegal Aliens" which is a term of status.  Don't get bent out of shape because people want to use contractions.... it's generally understood by most people (if they are honest and not just driving an ideological point) what you are referring to when using the word "illegals".

This isn't a slur against their race or cultural background, and it isn't trying to encompass their whole being and define people by this one word, it's just simply a normal categorization that refers to a large group of people who, by their actions, share a similar disregard for the immigration laws of this country.

I don't normally argue semantics but I find this whole argument of changing language to protect fragile feelings to be asinine.  Are we all adults here or what?

Offline Chingwa

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Re: Undocumented immigrants granted drivers licenses
« Reply #38 on: July 26, 2019, 12:18:46 AM »
And by the way, I have never used the isolated term "illegals" that you claim is derogatory.  Feel free to look through all my posts.  But I don't fault others for using that term as it is common parlance.