Author Topic: Feral Cats  (Read 5159 times)

Offline TaraLS

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Feral Cats
« on: June 17, 2009, 10:22:21 AM »
I am looking for someone or some organization that can help me trap a mama cat & four kittens in our backyard. I have called all the big animal shelters/organizations (ASPCA, Humane Society, NYC Animal Control, Neighborhood Cats etc.) but no one has been able to help me. If anyone has any suggestions, has a humane trap they would lend me, knows of smaller no-kill shelters or organizations where I could bring them, I would greatly appreciate it.



Offline hunnybear

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2009, 07:23:39 PM »
why do you want to trap the cats? are they destroying your yard? I love animals but would leave them alone they would only be put to sleep unless you will adopt them out

Offline TaraLS

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2009, 07:40:25 PM »
I would like to get the two older cats spayed/neutered & then return them & to find homes for the kitten either by myself or through perhaps a smaller organization that would help me find homes for them. I have no problem with the cats being in the backyard in principle but do not want them to continue reproducing which leads to more cats & a worse quality of life for the cats already there. But there's no reason why the friendly kittens couldn't find homes where they would have a nice, indoor life.

Offline divanatrix

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2009, 11:59:22 PM »

It's great you want to trap, fix and return the adult cats to their normal environment and adopt the kittens out.  Unaltered cats can breed like... rabbits. hehe There are groups that trap, neuter and release (TNR) for large packs of feral kitties.  On a smaller scale, if I recall correctly, you can rent a trap through this site:  which also lists adoptable pets, and discounted spay/neuter services.  (Also, The Humane Society or ASPCA has a spay/neuter bus that stops on 82nd St - there's a schedule in the pet store - or you can call them direct to make an appointment at The Humane Society's office on 59th St. in Manhattan)

Good luck!!!! :)

Edited to add an additional link:

Offline hunnybear

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2009, 06:44:00 AM »
sorry to jump down your throat that is a nice thing you're doing. I think that bus on 82 st (last time i checked) is for low income medicaid receivers. I might be mistaken like diva said there are organizations  perhaps check craigslist

Offline divanatrix

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2009, 09:16:21 AM »
Craigslist isn't the best place to find pet rescue organizations. would be a good start.

Offline TaraLS

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2009, 09:32:59 AM »
I have put in an e-mail to, I hadn't run across them so thank you for the information. I am going to do a TNR class this weekend so hopefully I will be fully prepared to put my plan in action. I will also be calling the ASPCA about their mobile clinic but I've gotten the impression that it's just for people on public assistance & while I am not on public assistance, I can't necessarily afford the cost to spay/neuter up to 6 animals (provided the kittens are ready once I've trapped them)

Thanks for the help! If anyone has any more information or advice, I'd be glad to have it :)

Offline NYCGori

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2009, 03:29:55 PM »
Regarding the ASPCA mobile clinics:
While its true that these do target low-income populations, you DO NOT need to be low income in order to participate--they charge $75 if you don't have proof of public assistance, otherwise its free.  It's first come, first serve, and each clinic has a capacity of about 20 animals.  Here's a link to their schedule:

ALSO, the ASPCA is holding Sunday spay days up at their hospital on East 92nd street for rescuers of feral cats/members of the TNR community. I believe they do have a trap bank available, and I think the spay days are basically open to any feral cat rescuers who are willing to trap, drop off, and then pick up/return the animals from the Manhattan shelter.  The spay day is only one Sunday a month, don't know which one, but you could call their dedicated spay/neuter number to ask for more information: 877-SPAY-NYC.

Good luck!

Offline TaraLS

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2009, 03:32:25 PM »
Great, thanks for the information on the Sunday spay day. Hopefully I will know what I am doing after Saturday & hopefully after that I can take advantage of what the ASPCA has to offer.

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2009, 03:42:18 PM »
I should add that the mobile clinics program is not ideal for feral cats.  They actually have some days on the clinics that are especially for rescuers, but most of the days are for the general public and if the cat is obviously feral they may reject it based on the danger of infecting the owned animals on the clinic with communicable diseases.  So if you have any interest in the mobile clinics you'll want to find a date/location that is rescuer dedicated, not public.

Offline madalyn

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2009, 03:32:43 PM »
Most cats that you see in the neighborhood - and there are now many of them - are not really feral cats.  They are former pets that got put outside for various reasons by irresponsible people.  If they are difficult to approach , it's probably because they're afraid.  With a little patience and kindness, not to mention a food incentive, you will be able to catch them and have them neutered.  That is a noble thing that you are doing.  If I can help, let me know.

Offline Arlinda

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2009, 09:13:43 PM »
sorry to jump down your throat that is a nice thing you're doing. I think that bus on 82 st (last time i checked) is for low income medicaid receivers. I might be mistaken like diva said there are organizations  perhaps check craigslist

The ASPCA has a mobile medical unit for neutering animals.  Income is not an issue.  Last year when they were there I spoke to the people waiting for the doors to open and they all had feral cats for neutering. 

Offline JHhomeowner

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My husband and I moved into a house on 73rd St, near Northern Blvd, this winter.  We have rescued one cat so far- a wonderful healthy male cat, who we found a good home for.

We took the ASPCA's trap/neuter/return class and are now working on trapping/helping a new cat.

It is tricky to tell which outdoor cats are pets and which are ferals/strays in this neighborhood, BUT the ones we see in our yard have been males, about 10 months old, very obviously unneutered- of course most people wouldn't have an unneutered male cat that old as a pet because of spraying, smell, etc.  When we did catch the last cat our vet confirmed he had been on the street for a long time- undernourished, calloused paws, sparse coat, etc.

I am new to this thread but I would love to hear from anyone else in the area trying to help these strays. 

I think it's better to act on the side of caution- I would rather mistakenly "catch" a pet, and then release it promptly, than let the strays keep breeding- the un neutered ones are often hated by people, attacked by dogs, etc.

Is it obnoxious to say I think this isn't a great place to let your cats go outdoors anyway?  On my block the yards are tiny and Northern Blvd is so close by- + of course there are the ferals looking to mate and fight- we have 2 pet cats and I would never let them be outdoor cats here!

Offline Arlinda

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Re: Feral Cats
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2009, 08:48:12 PM »
It's amazing and stunning and simply wonderful that there are so many concerned animal people in Jackson Heights.  JHhomeowner and Madalyn thank you.  You more than make up for the irresponsible clowns that allow their unneutered or even neutered animals out of the house. 

I have a foundling that someone just threw out of a car according to the people in my building.  He was seen running here and there but no one could catch him.  I went out that very very cold winter night and there he was in  a driveway.  There are no strays in Jackson Heights.  I thought he was lost.  I finally coaxed him out of his hiding place with a slice of baloney.  Having just lost my beloved puppy to diabetes, he was going to go to the Humane Society or ASPCA. 

But he was just too miserable and sad and lonely and hungry to bring to a shelter.  That was a year and half ago.  Ruffian is still with me ... noisey, hyperactive, always getting into this or that and extraordinarily loving and surprisingly patient with children who are drawn to this ball of fur.  He's been known to run through the building with children after him.  He loves the run and they love the chase ... the noise is not so good but the hugs and kisses he gets and they get make Ruffian the best find ever.

He's really quite wonderful.