Author Topic: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights  (Read 6804 times)

Offline pgoat

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Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« on: June 14, 2017, 12:21:47 PM »
There is a new carshare program about to undergo a test run in Jackson Heights starting this summer.  NYCDOT is looking for input from the community regarding car placement, etc.

You may access the forum here (select "Jackson Heights" from list at right):

Offline wlirfan

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2017, 01:53:59 PM »
So now we're giving up our parking spaces to private companies to run a car-share business?  Really? 

Offline jmcinty

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2017, 02:19:29 PM »
Sorry to inform you, but it isn't your parking space; residents don't actually own the 12 feet under their vehicles.  Street parking is a privilege, not a right.

When studies show that cars have a 95% non-usage rate, car sharing seems like a better way to leverage the resources of our community for the benefit of more residents.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 02:30:37 PM by jmcinty »

Offline Junior Minty

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2017, 07:14:50 PM »
I understand that car owners do not own the space beneath them, but I have problems when that space is used to provide profit for private industry. Yes, some people will benefit, people who pay costs and fees to the private car rental service because they choose to use their service instead of public buses or trains. Car sharing rentals are already available at the public garages on 37th Ave and on 88th and Northern at that new garage. I fail to see how displacing current car owners to give space to a private industry that provides a negligible, duplicative, benefit will decrease cars circling for spots. Perhaps it would make sense if the neighborhood was transient enough to have enough new people constantly moving in that might choose to not move with a car on a regular basis. I'm not sure that JH is at that spot. Of the 14 spots on the pilot survey, 10 are areas that are rapidly gentrifying. This seems to encourage that process and churn.

I don't see this service as serving the same public good as Citibike, which I feel is a justifiable yield of space. It feels like a giveaway of a public good. While drivers do not own the street they park on, their taxes pay for it. Why should they be excluded from the use of that space for the benefit of a private company?  I had a similar complaint when my street was blocked off for filming in Astoria 25 weeks out of the year to benefit a school that rented out its space to every TV show and movie that needed school interiors (St John's Prep). It was infuriating and of no benefit to the people who had to put up with the lights, people, and trucks belching exhaust in our windows all day. Someone got paid, though, and that was all that mattered.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2017, 10:28:25 PM »
Junior Minty.
I don't see this service as serving the same public good as Citibike, which I feel is a justifiable yield of space. It feels like a giveaway of a public good.

1) Citibike is sponsored by a private company, and is in fact privately owned

So, you're for some giveaways, but not others.

I think we should have publically owned and  run bikeshares and carshares, but "public goods" in the 21st century are routinely contracted out to private companies.

Why is carsharing an exception this time? The whole point of carsharing is to maximize use of limited public space - private cars are space hogs and remain parked and unused an average of 95% of the time.

Car sharing rentals are already available at the public garages on 37th Ave and on 88th and Northern at that new garage.

So, if there are, say, approximately 100 shared cars in  Jackson Heights - a neighborhood of 100,000 people, but more than 3,000 street parking spots, then this is somehow "duplication" on the side of car sharing? C'mon! Make arguments with better justification please.


" Perhaps it would make sense if the neighborhood was transient enough to have enough new people constantly moving in that might choose to not move with a car on a regular basis."

We aren't transient. We moved here and bought a place without a car. I know at least 10 other families who have moved here, bought places - without cars - in the last 2 years . There are plenty more coming from Manhattan and Brooklyn without cars. 

Offline itsit

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2017, 06:23:45 AM »
 Absolutely love this! Have used the car shares in the neighborhood (zipcar) and loved it for a contract job with the city.
We still need and use our family car but can forecast the day when that is no longer necessary. If this program was
more available, we would accelerate the elimination of our vehicle as the neighborhood parking has gotten tougher.
The carshare could be serviced a bit better and cleaned more often but generally they were great. Riding a jeep one
day and mini the next, keeps you energized and alert as a driver. Had only one issue when the street was blocked
on 71st St because of prayer services for EID and I missed a half day of work finding an alternative.
  Many of our neighbors barely use their vehicles as far as I can tell but we also don't want to free up parking for all
of Long Island to use our spots while they take our subway too - solution, resident parking stickers please!!

Offline MrPlaza

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2017, 04:11:06 PM »
" Perhaps it would make sense if the neighborhood was transient enough to have enough new people constantly moving in that might choose to not move with a car on a regular basis."

We aren't transient. We moved here and bought a place without a car. I know at least 10 other families who have moved here, bought places - without cars - in the last 2 years . There are plenty more coming from Manhattan and Brooklyn without cars.
I'm going to go ahead and second this. We haven't moved yet, but when we do, we're not bringing a car with us. We have memberships with both Zipcar and Car2Go. We don't always use them, but it's definitely nice to have the option. We should be moving towards a transportation model that is equitable for the most amount of people in a urban setting such as ours. Space is only going to get tighter. That's not to say we need to remove all parking. But we should be looking at what the future of transportation will be, and planning around that. Not exclusively gripping to a model that simply isn't sustainable in the long arc of history. It should be "yes, and." Yes, private parking AND space for car sharing — which in aggregate benefits more people over the course of a day than a single parking spot with one person's car.

Offline petegart

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2017, 05:33:31 PM »
I also think that there is a chance that some current auto owners may 'give up' their cars when it's time to get rid of them.  I read recently that people with two cars are downsizing to one, and that others with one car with opting to rely on Uber or car sharing services instead.  If that is true we may see some relief on parking overall. 
This is the future.

Offline wlirfan

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2017, 05:34:03 PM »
Sorry to inform you, but it isn't your parking space; residents don't actually own the 12 feet under their vehicles.  Street parking is a privilege, not a right.

I am aware that I don't personally "own" the streets, but thank you for your comment.  And BTW, I used the word "our" - as in the community's spaces.  As a taxpayer and resident of this State for the past 45 years, I know that the streets are public property.  I have issues with giveaways of public property to private companies - as do the Courts (see the most recent ruling declaring as void the plan to give away public property near Citifield to private developers). 

If a public parking space -- something that I support with my tax dollars -- is given to Citibike, then I absolutely see the benefit even though I personally never use the service since I never learned how to ride a bike.  A bike is used instead of a car, reducing emissions and traffic in the area and having a positive impact on the health and well being of those using the program, who will be exercising while commuting.  Good stuff all around.

If public space is taken and given away to Zipcars, Hertz, Avis, Alamo and similar companies, then I find fault as these companies have enough resources to purchase space in garages, leaving the parking spaces available not only to community residents, but to visitors who would come and shop in our district.  The sole "benefit" is that someone will avoid walking to a garage to grab a car.  Emissions will still be spewed, no health or traffic benefits will be had, and some nice, big corporations will get to increase their bottom line all at taxpayer expense.

You may want a Zipcar, and you should have a Zipcar.  Then walk to the neighborhood Zipcar garage, where Zipcar pays to house its cars, and get a Zipcar. 

Offline Jec_in_JH

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2017, 12:05:24 PM »
I'm not completely against the carshare plan, but a better use of this space, especially in a dense neighborhood like JH, would be to expand Citibike stations here. Does anyone know if this is ever going to happen? It does seems like in order to expand further out in the boroughs that they might need to extend the 45 minute ride time that's included in the base price. Still, it is infinitely frustrating that the bike share program only goes to LIC.

Current Jackson Heights Zipcar users: do you find it difficult to rent cars in the neighborhood right now on the weekends?  (I used to have this problem while living elsewhere in NYC.) Would additional rideshare services like this one be useful to address the demand?

Offline dssjh

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2017, 12:57:38 PM »
interesting point, but the notion that they'd have to extend the time frame presumes that you need to make a trip into manhattan to make a checkout worthwhile. i know people who'd use the bike for other reasons - even just getting to a restaurant or something in LIC/Astoria/Greenpoint (or to flushing meadow, if they put stations there, eventually).

Offline Jec_in_JH

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2017, 02:00:01 PM »
Fair enough point - the more I think about it, I would use Citibike at least a few times a month to get to Astoria. So why are they taking so long? Too bad we can't swap out this rideshare test run with a Citibike kiosk...   

Offline toddg

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2017, 08:47:36 PM »
Our entire transportation system is heavily subsidized. 

Car owners who park and drive on the streets for free are subsidized.  Public transit passengers are subsidized.  Even "subscribers" of private services like ZipCar and Citibike are subsidized because they are not paying for the use of the streets as part of their cost of travel.

This proposal would take a space that one neighborhood resident uses to store their vehicle for days at a time, and lease it to a mobility service open to anyone in the neighborhood.  That one parking space will benefit many more people over the course of a day than one space typically does.

Leasing of a few on-street parking spaces for car share companies has been tried in Washington, DC, Northern Virginia, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston and other cities, and has proven to be a popular and successful strategy.  I'm definitely for it.

Offline AmazingJason

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2017, 12:58:37 AM »
Our entire transportation system is heavily subsidized. 

Car owners who park and drive on the streets for free are subsidized.  Public transit passengers are subsidized.  Even "subscribers" of private services like ZipCar and Citibike are subsidized because they are not paying for the use of the streets as part of their cost of travel.

This proposal would take a space that one neighborhood resident uses to store their vehicle for days at a time, and lease it to a mobility service open to anyone in the neighborhood.  That one parking space will benefit many more people over the course of a day than one space typically does.

Leasing of a few on-street parking spaces for car share companies has been tried in Washington, DC, Northern Virginia, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston and other cities, and has proven to be a popular and successful strategy.  I'm definitely for it.

That's what I was thinking as well. I don't understand those complaining about losing parking spaces because a successful carsharing program would mean substantially less car ownership and therefore, more parking spaces available overall.

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Feedback for Carshare pilot program in Jackson Heights
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2017, 08:15:34 AM »
These cars will be used much more often than personal cars, so it'll be much more efficient use of spaces.

Regarding citibike - I don't think it will ever come here. They are pretty much done expanding and are getting no assistance from the government. However... dockless bicycle sharing is going to be in NYC very soon. It's messy but more democratic. Not sure the specifics but it's frankly the only way we will get any.