Author Topic: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says  (Read 2126 times)

Offline ShinjukuBaby

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2021, 06:17:13 AM »
If you ever read The Daily Mail, you would know it's one of the low-rent tabloids that seem to thrive in Britain. Big on celebrity gossip and trashing Megan and Harry. Absolutely not a reliable source of information on American politicians.

This.  The Daily Mail is trash. 

Offline ChickenringNYC

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2021, 11:06:25 AM »
I think the "ineffective" moniker is just spin. The cited study from the Center for Effective Lawmaking simply lists effective politicians based on a set of criteria that they very clearly lay out. The report never mentions AOC nor calls her ineffective. It simply shows that according to their criteria she comes at near the bottom of their list of effective lawmakers, i.e. those who author and pass legislation. I vote for her because I used to live in Sunnyside and she is a "real person" but that doesn't mean she isn't "really annoying" when she gets her taste of celebrity.

Offline Chingwa

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2021, 08:49:28 PM »
She has the entire GOP quaking in their boots
The only quaking going on is from laughter.  She isn't even taken seriously by most of her own party.  She's a narcissistic grifter, playing to the cameras and attention.  I don't understand how anyone can be blind to such pod-person-like shallowness of character, yet some people just lap it up.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 08:59:58 PM by Chingwa »

Offline lalochezia

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2021, 06:24:11 AM »
Hey chingwa: this you?

The tragedy is that if the Democrats could actually have some backbone...
This is exactly the problem.  But when have democrats ever had backbone?  Not in the last 25 years... anyone with backbone gets marginalized or run out of the party.  How long are people willing to wait for Democrats to come around?  If they aren't going to turn around after this latest loss, they aren't ever going to and I don't see any moves in that direction.

I see a lot of noise being made by democrats and progressives, but not anything from the Democratic party "leadership"... all these people are going to have to look/go elsewhere if they want to enact change.  This party was bought and sold a long time ago.

What happened to  the person who was for "backbone" "non-bought politicians" who want "change". Oh right, its her tone and pod personality.

PS; Where's the grift?

Offline Chingwa

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2021, 10:10:15 PM »
The only difference between 2017 and now is that this country is now worse off.  I don't see any backbone anywhere.  You're not going to convince me that a narcissistic communist has good ideas or intentions for the future of this country.

Offline lalochezia

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2021, 08:44:47 AM »
So she's a "communist". So, She's for "socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state". can you provide evidence of this? no?

Oh right it's just a dumb insult  not grounded in facts, but thrown out by LYING people who don't like politicians left of their selfish, selfish selves.

Offline jh35

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2021, 10:41:09 AM »
So she's a "communist". So, She's for "socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state". can you provide evidence of this? no?

Oh right it's just a dumb insult  not grounded in facts, but thrown out by LYING people who don't like politicians left of their selfish, selfish selves.

Now that someone mentioned it, I see how AOC can be looked upon as a communist. She is against affordable housing because everyone can not afford it. She is against American corporate stores because it affects (the common man) immigrant shop owners. (No free enterprise here if it affects the proletariat.) She wants “open borders” which would totally alter everyones way of life in this country economically ( except the billionaires). (Doesn’t she have a degree in economics?). (And would be the communist chinese wet dream) She wants to “defund the police”. which is not the way to fix the problems that we have. It’s just a way to incite more problems. She needs a lesson in making slogans. But saying defund the police is an easy way to pander to the proletariat.  (I am not saying we do not have problems with the police.  I am saying that making broad nonsense slogans incites the problems and plays into her opponents hands.)  None of this seems woke, just 1920’s commie.

Online dssjh

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2021, 11:28:03 AM »
just about everything on AOC's "agenda" is more Eisenhower socialist than "1920s commie."

Offline jh35

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2021, 12:29:42 PM »
just about everything on AOC's "agenda" is more Eisenhower socialist than "1920s commie."

I disagree. 

Eisenhower never said that everyone should move here from every country. Eisenhower was not against large stores. Didn’t malls start around that time?

Eisenhower built infrastructure that gave people jobs, like a mini FDR. Eisenhower was a general; he did not say defund the police. He was not someone who helped “minorities”. ( In quotes because that is what people used to say. ) He kept the status quo.  Jim crow, redlining....   

He did not make wild claims, no rabble rousing slogans. He kept social things the way they were, but made infrastructure improvements.  He provided for the soldiers of World War II, while “keeping people in their place.”

After World War II, we did not have an exemplary record allowing war affected immigrants to come here. I don’t know if that was more Truman than Eisenhower. I see Eisenhower more as a tepid (after ww2) peacemaker or placater. 

AOC states things in an exaggerated way. She could learn from her opponents who cloak things in patriotic terms which appeal to their base. Freedom this, opportunity that... not no police so we have murders on every street corner, or let everyone move here so you lose your job. Eisenhower had a dad or grandfather vibe, not the annoying sister who you want to avoid at Thanksgiving.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: AOC 'one of the least effective members of Congress,' study says
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2021, 12:36:07 PM »
The irony, of course, is that one and all flock to (and those born here stay in) the USA with the dream of "making it".


In other words, becoming wealthy.

It's the dream that the poor and the middle class, the immigrant and the non immigrant, share.

The American Dream.

A dream that unites Americans.

The American Dream is fundamentally pretty much at odds with other agendas.