Author Topic: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd  (Read 12843 times)

Offline toddg

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New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« on: February 10, 2017, 07:56:36 AM »
According to NY YIMBY, plans are under development for a new medical/office building on the northeast corner of 74th Street and Northern Blvd on the south side of the block between 74th and 75th Streets on Northern Blvd.  It looks like they will be pursuing a zoning change, which can be a long process.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 11:39:01 AM by toddg »

Offline hum@njukebox1

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2017, 11:48:58 AM »
Will they be knocking down all other buildings in the surrounding area?  From the picture, it looks as though there won't be another structure for as far as the eye can see.

Offline dssjh

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2017, 03:57:38 PM »
wow, that rendering is even uglier than the two monstrosities that have gone up on Northern in that area in the past decade. nice to see them raising the bar.

Offline lmaniace

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2017, 04:11:38 PM »
Looks like about eight stories. Cute trick having a night-time rendering to make the building appear more dramatic and hide whether it is brick, or cheap stucco over foam panels like the medical office building on south side of street.

The bigger story here is all around the JH landmark district, large buildings that are without precedent here are going up. The landmark district is only 35 blocks in size and much of "old"Jackson Heights is not protected. Without the long-planned expansion of the landmark district we could see out of scale and ugly buildings popping up all in much of  JH.

JHBG is planning a campaign to get the landmark expansion moving this year. If you are interested (it will probalby go public in the spring) email me now at with LANDMARK! in subject line.

All the best,

Offline queenskid2

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2017, 04:17:23 PM »
Great idea: let's put an eight story building right in the path of landing planes.

Offline Di_11372

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2017, 08:55:27 PM »
hahaha, good point queenskid2!!

Offline Palermo

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2017, 08:37:05 AM »
What landmark expansion is JHBG proposing? I can't imagine it even coming close to the property in question, perhaps the Fairway would be closest in a best scenario.

I'm not saying it's pretty, but we can't poo-poo all development lest we ossify ourselves.  Given its girth, Northern Blvd is a fine place for bulkier buildings.  I would think that given the changes in the area, mixed use would be preferable to heavy commercial.

Offline toddg

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2017, 11:37:49 AM »
I think a landmark expansion would be great.   But I think mixed-use development replacing the dealerships and other auto-oriented uses along Northern Blvd. would be a great thing for the community.

FYI, the original article by YIMBY was incorrect.   According to Jackson Heights Post, the site is 74-04 Northern Blvd, which is the location of the car wash on the south side of the block.   The zoning documents agree with the address cited in the JH Post story.

Personally, the aspect I object to the most is the 219-space, above-ground parking garage.  We should demand that any parking be located below grade.  I also think we should push for a residential building with no more than one space per unit, instead of an office building designed to draw traffic from outside the community, which would really be out of place here.

If there is to be a rezoning, I think we should think about it carefully and strategically.  Other communities that have been upzoned have won concessions like a promise from the city to purchase more land for park space.  I have long thought that rezoning the area between 37th Avenue and Northern Blvd., west of the highway, could generate needed housing and community amenities along an under-utilized transit line.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 11:57:15 AM by toddg »

Offline queenskid2

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2017, 01:03:19 PM »
Although the article has two different addresses, the proposed site is where the car wash is currently located. There will be around 220 parking spots in the garage and 18,000 square feet of "community space" whatever that is. It's a big change for that part of the neighborhood, and the design of the building is out of character when compared to the rest of the area. On the other hand, the car wash and the oil change facility are not exactly cherished landmarks (actually, they are pretty big polluters especially for the homes that border the property). I just wish it was smaller.

Offline dssjh

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2017, 04:15:15 PM »
ossification has worked quite well for the neighborhoods that have clung to the concept -- from the west village to brooklyn heights. exactly what do we have to gain by adding ugly buildings with minimal use for the community?

a senior center? sure. a rec center? you bet. some random space for back office rentals? NIMBY.

What landmark expansion is JHBG proposing? I can't imagine it even coming close to the property in question, perhaps the Fairway would be closest in a best scenario.

I'm not saying it's pretty, but we can't poo-poo all development lest we ossify ourselves.  Given its girth, Northern Blvd is a fine place for bulkier buildings.  I would think that given the changes in the area, mixed use would be preferable to heavy commercial.

Offline Palermo

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2017, 10:39:09 AM »
ossification has worked quite well for the neighborhoods that have clung to the concept -- from the west village to brooklyn heights. exactly what do we have to gain by adding ugly buildings with minimal use for the community?

Exactly what do we have to gain?  Well let me enlighten you.  Platinum scenario:

1st floor: an enormous combination pharmacy/99 cent store, a store so enormous that not even light could escape,
2nd & 3rd floor parking:  SUV only, and none of those sissy crossovers.  I'm talking Pilot or bigger for all the serious off-roaders who live around here,
4th floor community facilities: Western Queens STD clinic (required for extra 1.4 FAR)
5th floor: Breitbart News regional office,
6th floor: Mormon Missionary Training Center/Capital One Cold Calling Credit Card Call Center,
7th floor: The Mark David Chapman Museum of Music Appreciation,
8th floor: Residential penthouse for Melania where she can live when Trump comes to NYC.

I think it's pretty reasonable to have bulk development on Northern, especially if that helps make the HD expansion more viable.  Small pockets of neighborhoods can ossify and look pretty.  Having large swaths do it is a long term disaster.

Personally, the aspect I object to the most is the 219-space, above-ground parking garage.  We should demand that any parking be located below grade.  I also think we should push for a residential building with no more than one space per unit, instead of an office building designed to draw traffic from outside the community, which would really be out of place here.

That parking is required as per the zoning resolution for scenario 1.  I'd prefer scenario 2, which sounds like the one the council member is advocating.  If it goes c4-3, then it is as of right, so is there a mechanism to require the developer to build out scenario 2?  Like a quid pro quo for the zoning change?  While I can appreciate the planning leverage of rezoning in this manner, I'm not a fan of spot zoning.  I'd like to see the C-8 rezoned to something more appropriate for the area. 

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2017, 11:36:47 AM »
ossification has worked quite well for the neighborhoods that have clung to the concept -- from the west village to brooklyn heights. exactly what do we have to gain by adding ugly buildings with minimal use for the community?

Exactly what do we have to gain?  Well let me enlighten you.  Platinum scenario:

1st floor: an enormous combination pharmacy/99 cent store, a store so enormous that not even light could escape,
2nd & 3rd floor parking:  SUV only, and none of those sissy crossovers.  I'm talking Pilot or bigger for all the serious off-roaders who live around here,
4th floor community facilities: Western Queens STD clinic (required for extra 1.4 FAR)
5th floor: Breitbart News regional office,
6th floor: Mormon Missionary Training Center/Capital One Cold Calling Credit Card Call Center,
7th floor: The Mark David Chapman Museum of Music Appreciation,
8th floor: Residential penthouse for Melania where she can live when Trump comes to NYC.

I think it's pretty reasonable to have bulk development on Northern, especially if that helps make the HD expansion more viable.  Small pockets of neighborhoods can ossify and look pretty.  Having large swaths do it is a long term disaster.

Personally, the aspect I object to the most is the 219-space, above-ground parking garage.  We should demand that any parking be located below grade.  I also think we should push for a residential building with no more than one space per unit, instead of an office building designed to draw traffic from outside the community, which would really be out of place here.

That parking is required as per the zoning resolution for scenario 1.  I'd prefer scenario 2, which sounds like the one the council member is advocating.  If it goes c4-3, then it is as of right, so is there a mechanism to require the developer to build out scenario 2?  Like a quid pro quo for the zoning change?  While I can appreciate the planning leverage of rezoning in this manner, I'm not a fan of spot zoning.  I'd like to see the C-8 rezoned to something more appropriate for the area.

Awesome.  The 7th floor. A museum in the neighborhood.  Plus a much needed STD Clinic on the 4th.
If only it could be true.

Offline lmaniace

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2017, 01:31:50 PM »
I didn't suggest that expansion of landmarking would stop this development from occurring. Rather I'm saying that the development around the periphery of "old" JH is a sign of things to come for other parts of the area south of Northern, hence the need to move forward on the landmark district expansion.
And I'm certainly not against new development, just not sure about the zone change for larger size.
I'm a little skeptical about the developers pledge to have all these nonprofits in the building. Have the nonprofits already signed long-term leases at rents acceptable to them? What happens if the developer finds that his/her costs are higher than anticipated and that he/she needs higher rents than the nonprofits can afford. Doubt the city would require the removal of the extra bulk.
Just suggesting we need to be a little skeptical (not cynical) when dealing with developers.

Offline toddg

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2017, 06:49:25 PM »
Agreed, Len.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: New Building at 74-04 Northern Blvd
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2017, 07:03:53 PM »
There will be around 220 parking spots in the garage and 18,000 square feet of "community space" whatever that is.

The website often has a phrase in their ads that says: "It is perfect for any community space approved business including, but not limited to Medical Offices, Non Profit,Youth Recreation Center, Senior Center, Museum, Social Center, Religious/Church, etc." so I'm assuming businesses that fall into those categories are considered "community space."