Author Topic: What does this mean for New York City?  (Read 892 times)

Offline ECG

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What does this mean for New York City?
« on: February 02, 2017, 04:47:15 PM »
When the president said he would cease to fund any Sanctuary City. What are the implications of that to us, Queens, Jackson Heights?

Also, OT, how can the government build a wall without following the rules: environmental impact statements, etc.?

Thanks for reading this. I am very confused.

Offline Ed

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Re: What does this mean for New York City?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2017, 06:02:49 PM »
Here, let me Google that for you.... excerpts from a recent article

Federal aid accounts for "less than 9 percent — of the city’s $83.4 billion budget. But certain agencies rely on bigger chunks of federal funds than others....all 39,000 New Yorkers who receive Section 8 vouchers (subsidized rent for low-income people who live in private housing) depend fully on federal funds; if, say, that’s on the chopping block, the city and state would need to come up with more than $480 million, or those families, if unable to afford the unsubsidized rent, could end up in the already overwhelmed shelter system. Other funding the city could possibly lose: about $445 million for free or reduced school lunches; $247 million for Child Protective Services; and $183 million — almost all — of the Department of Health’s money for its HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment program. Again, if federal monies are nixed, the city or state would have to make up those shortfalls, and/or reduce, perhaps significantly, the size and scope of these initiatives....And let’s not forget the NYPD. Federal funds make up less than 4 percent of its total budget, but more than 60 percent of the department’s $386 million Intelligence and Counter terrorism funding..."

Check out the comptroller's report for breakdown by all city agencies.

As to your second question, you have either the Bush way or the Trump way. The Bush way was to not change any regulations or legislation, but cut the budget of the department so that they don't have the personnel to do inspections or process applications etc. So you can do whatever you want and no one has the resources to either find out about it or do anything about it if they do find out.That's called "making government small".
The Trump way is to just put somebody in charge of the agency who doesn't really care about anything the agency is supposed to protect and generally stands in opposition to its purpose.

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Re: What does this mean for New York City?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2017, 07:55:31 PM »
Thanks, I guess. We'll see how this all plays out.