Author Topic: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!  (Read 4453 times)

Offline PaulG

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Re: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2017, 02:35:23 PM »
Actually, when the targets are people who aren't white, it's completely racist. It's just scapegoating non-whites to scare white people by preying upon their racial biases. There's nothing new about this. Racism is a lot more complicated than donning white robes and burning crosses.

Tell that to the family of Jamiel Shaw

Offline Chingwa

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Re: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2017, 02:42:17 PM »
The targets are specific muslim-dominant countries, not brown people.  A white person from that country would face the same restrictions as his brown neighbor.  It's not racist by design, it just situationally happens to target a majority non-white population.

Trump is not the one who's been scaring white people, you can blame that on the sensationalist media in this country who make millions and millions by framing news reports in a way that will generate more ad revenue for them.  Scared people watch/read/click the news.  Trump is simply taking advantage of that existing situation.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2017, 02:50:22 PM »
The targets are specific muslim-dominant countries, not brown people.  A white person from that country would face the same restrictions as his brown neighbor.  It's not racist by design, it just situationally happens to target a majority non-white population.

That's what racism looks like. Just like interment camps for Japanese Americans was super racist.

Once again, racism isn't donning white robes and being a member of the Aryan Brotherhood.

Trump deliberately fueled racist sentiment throughout his campaign. He falsely claims undocumented immigrants are criminals, when in fact they are *less* likely to commit crimes. He suggested a Muslim registry in this country during the campaign. The media didn't make that up. They reported what he did.

Offline PaulG

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Re: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2017, 03:02:45 PM »
The targets are specific muslim-dominant countries, not brown people.  A white person from that country would face the same restrictions as his brown neighbor.  It's not racist by design, it just situationally happens to target a majority non-white population.

That's what racism looks like. Just like interment camps for Japanese Americans was super racist.

Once again, racism isn't donning white robes and being a member of the Aryan Brotherhood.

Trump deliberately fueled racist sentiment throughout his campaign. He falsely claims undocumented immigrants are criminals, when in fact they are *less* likely to commit crimes. He suggested a Muslim registry in this country during the campaign. The media didn't make that up. They reported what he did.

When then, can we start removing the statues of FDR since you have confirmed he's a racist?

Remember Kate Steinle and always remember an "injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere"

Offline Chingwa

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Re: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2017, 03:17:13 PM »
That's a bit extreme CaptainFlannel, don't you think?  This policy is not about rounding up American muslims and putting them in internment camps.  This is about temporarily restricting immigration from specific countries.  Something, by the way, that we already do.  And there are some heavily muslim-dominant countries on that map that aren't part of this policy at all.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2017, 04:26:23 PM »
We can confirm that FDR enacted a racist policy - the internment of Japanese Americans.

I don't know if FDR was a racist. Do you think a white man born in 1880's held explicit racial biases? I think the chances are quite good. Do I think he held some pretty significant implicit biases? Absolutely. Do I think a white man born in the 1940s has implicit racial biases? No doubt he does. We all do. He preyed upon those racial biases to run a racist campaign.

Candidate Trump called for a database of Muslims in the country. Even if you're being generous and think he didn't fully hear the MSNBC reporter's question, Fox News  asked him "would President Donald Trump support a full Muslim database?" His response was :"Basically the suggestion was made and (it’s) certainly something we should start thinking about."

These are the candidates words. The media did not make this up.

Offline frances

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Re: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2017, 04:39:46 PM »
And there are some heavily muslim-dominant countries on that map that aren't part of this policy at all.

There sure are. Those are the Muslim-dominant countries where trump has business interests.

Offline PaulG

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Re: Emergency Rally for Muslim and Immigrant Rights--Today!
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2017, 04:40:15 PM »
Hey Capt,

I stand against him and much of what he stands for. I was a Bernie supporter long before the corruption of the DNC boxed him out. So while I take pride to live in a very diverse community the simple fact is the American people were lied to by both the GOP and the DNC in 1986 when the illegal issue was 3mm deep. We trusted their word and the issue literally grew by a factor of 3 or 6 (depending on what #'s your think are accurate) with 25-30 years. So why on earth would any clear minded citizen trust so called Comprehensive reform when it already failed once.

You seem educated so remind me of what Einstein said about insanity?

My take, is much like one unarmed person being shot by the cops is one too many so is a citizen dying by someone who never should have been able to enter the country, whether they came from Canada or Cambodia.

Dems want votes- Gop wants cheap labor and the rest of us are pitted against each other.

As a sovereign nation we had an absolute right to define our own policies.

To me a fence (hoping they using more technology than bricks) is nothing more than a national dead bolt on the door.

all the best to you